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State of Play Data Science on Hadoop in 2015 Sean Owen // Director, Data Science @ Cloudera

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2 About … • Engineer • Data Science @ Cloudera • Oryx project founder • Committer, erstwhile VP Apache Mahout • Apache Spark contributor / personality • Co-author, Mahout in Action / Advanced Analytics on Spark • [email protected] / @sean_r_owen

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3 Where Is My Magic Wand?

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4 We Like Hadoop Because … • (Was) Shiny New Toy • Be Like Yahoo, Google, FB • Data as Strategy • Free – Just Add Hardware • Open, Standard • Cost-Savings Projects • Bigger and Faster is Better • Fewer Hacks to Survive Scale • Do The Previously Impossible It’s Aspirational It Costs Less We Get More Computing and-new

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5 Incremental Today vs. Revolutionary Tomorrow • We set up a prototype Hadoop cluster as part of a big data POC • We cut our IT budget by 22% by moving some operations to Hadoop • Our SQL queries are 3 times faster and overnight reports finish in 39 minutes now • We do the same things with data, but do them notably better. • We want to become a real-time product business that reacts to new machine sensor data in seconds, not days • We want to predict which merchants will take out a business loan this month • We want a complete customer profile that “understands” what they want at any time • We think there is a magic wand available?

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6 Phase 1. Collect Data Phase 2. Data Science? Phase 3. Profit!

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7 Demystifying with Data Science • Machine Learning is not new • Big Machine Learning is qualitatively different – More data beats algorithm improvement – Scale trumps noise and sample size effects – Can brute-force manual tasks • Feature selection • Hyperparameter tuning • Engineering “Big” is Difficult – Build new scalable data platforms – Re-engineering parallel algorithms

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8 What is Data Science? What skill sets does it require? What tools are commonly used? How do we architect data products? How do we get started?

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9 Three Camps

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11 Business

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12 Business

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13 Engineering vs. Statistics Programming languages Systems languages Latency, throughput Huge data Online problems Automated Developers, Engineers Statistical environments, BI tools High-level languages Accuracy Medium-sized data Offline work Ad-hoc Statisticians, Analysts vs.

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14 Data Science + Hadoop

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15 Engineering, Statistics & Hadoop: Before Gap.

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16 Engineering, Statistics & Hadoop: 2014 YARN RM

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17 Apache Spark: Something for Everyone • Now Apache TLP – From UC Berkeley AMPLab – … inspired by MS DryadLINQ • Scala-based – Expressive, efficient – JVM-based • Scala-like abstractions – RDD: Resilient Distributed (immutable) Dataset – Distributed works like local – Like Apache Crunch is Collection-like • Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop – Interactive – No compile/deploy cycle needed • Python API too • Natively Distributed • Hadoop-friendly – Integrate with where data already is – ETL no longer separate • Subprojects: MLlib and more

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18 Statisticians: Shell, Concise Syntax (4,"c#") (4,"winforms") ... (4,3104,1.0) (4,2148819,1.0) ... scala> val postIDTags = postsXML.flatMap { line => val idTagRegex = "Id=\"(\\d+)\".+Tags=\"([^\"]+)\"".r val tagRegex = "<([^&]+)>".r idTagRegex.findFirstMatchIn(line) match { case None => None case Some(m) => { val postID = val tagsString = val tags = tagRegex.findAllMatchIn(tagsString) .map(,_)) } } }

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19 Engineers: Distributed, Manageable

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20 2015 is Time to Operationalize

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21 From Exploratory to Operational  Exploratory Analytics Operational Analytics  Explore Data Pick Model Build Model at Scale, Offline Continuously Update Model Score Model in Real-Time

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22 Lambda λ Architecture noun. 1. Name of a design idea you’ve had before but didn’t realize was a thing that needed a name.

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23 Lambda Architecture λ: Streaming • Lambda Architecture – Batch Layer: compute full answer offline, in batch – Speed Layer: compute approximate answer online, in near-real-time – Serving Layer: stitch speed/batch answers together in real-time • Great fit for big, real-time ML • Ecosystem has right components now – Batch: Spark + MLlib – Speed: Spark Streaming – Serving: Tomcat / Jetty – Data Fabric: Kafka, HDFS

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24 Oryx 2: Lambda for ML (alpha)

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Thank You [email protected] @sean_r_owen

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17TH ~ 18th NOV 2014 MADRID (SPAIN)