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@ryancanhelpyou @WordCampLanc #WCLanc Oops!.. I Did It Again. How documentation and journaling can save you and your team from making repeat mistakes Ryan King

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@ryancanhelpyou @WordCampLanc #WCLanc TOC Overview Why Document? Examples Tips Tools WP Plugins Resources

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README 1 Sell your projects in the README 2 Include screenshot(s) - Animated GIFs! 3 Emojis - adds a personal touch & fun, gives it a bit of personality and grabs attention 4 Link to your documentation, demos, and examples on your website and in your listing

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Articles & Sites: Writing Effective Documentation: [Writing Effective Documentation For WordPress End Users — Smashing ( ) Cheatsheets: [Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation]( Read the Docs: [Home | Read the Docs]( - “We host the world's documentation. Podcasts: Request for Commits - Changelog Media - “Ep. 5: Documentation and the Value of Non-Code Contributions” The Changelog - Ep. 283: Devhints - TL;DR for Developer Documentation Hello Tech Pros - Chad Bostick - Ep 268: “The UX of Technical Documentation” - George Mocharko JS Party - Changelog Media - Ep. 8: Good Documentation

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Thank you. @ryancanhelpyou