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Oops!.. I Did It Again. How documentation and ...

Oops!.. I Did It Again. How documentation and journaling can save you and your team from making repeat mistakes

Join me on my journey from random note-taking and scattered doodles to an organized system of documentation. I have been on a personal quest to establish a healthy, productive habit of ritual documentation and journaling. Both for workplace projects and personal growth, I have been experimenting with and assessing different practices of recordkeeping and review with the end goal of reflection, archiving, and establishing workflows and protocols.

Drawing from concepts of software development, time management, and agile flows, I will lead you through what I have discovered and will share various tools and systems that have been beneficial along the way. Part demo, part open forum, this session will help you achieve your path to documentation Nirvana.

Ryan King

March 03, 2018

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  1. @ryancanhelpyou @WordCampLanc #WCLanc Oops!.. I Did It Again. How documentation

    and journaling can save you and your team from making repeat mistakes Ryan King
  2. README 1 Sell your projects in the README 2 Include

    screenshot(s) - Animated GIFs! 3 Emojis - adds a personal touch & fun, gives it a bit of personality and grabs attention 4 Link to your documentation, demos, and examples on your website and in your WordPress.org listing
  3. Articles & Sites: Writing Effective Documentation: [Writing Effective Documentation For

    WordPress End Users — Smashing (https://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2012/07/writing-effective-wordpress-documentation/ ) Cheatsheets: [Devhints — TL;DR for developer documentation](https://devhints.io/) Read the Docs: [Home | Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org/) - “We host the world's documentation. Podcasts: Request for Commits - Changelog Media - “Ep. 5: Documentation and the Value of Non-Code Contributions” The Changelog - Ep. 283: Devhints - TL;DR for Developer Documentation Hello Tech Pros - Chad Bostick - Ep 268: “The UX of Technical Documentation” - George Mocharko JS Party - Changelog Media - Ep. 8: Good Documentation