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@ngrx/signals Entitäten Management und Custom Features Yannick Baron @yannick_baron Software Architecture Consultant

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Why @ngrx/signals? signal based state management on component level conveniently handle multiple signals brings rxjs interop to manage user interaction gracefully brings entity management out of the box extensible API through store features functional principles

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@ngrx/signals: Whats in it? signalState small scale simple state management signalStore elaborate state management including logic patchState method to transition between states rxMethod RxJS based callable methods (ComponentStore effects) store features extend the base store with recurring features

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Entity management withEntities: manage collection of entities manipulation of collections always similar in implementation add one, add many, update, remove, ...

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Custom store features build your own reusable feature loading/error state, sorting, logging, ... can be used to keep stores smaller stores can also be split

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