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Webinar: NgRx Signals: Entitäten Management und...

Webinar: NgRx Signals: Entitäten Management und Custom Features

In dieser Fortsetzung der NgRx Signals Webinar Serie, sehen wir uns an, was das Signals Paket mitbringt um eine oder mehrere Collections an Entitäten zu verwalten. Wir werden auch ein Signal Store Feature implementieren, welches sich in mehreren Stores wiederverwenden lässt.

Yannick Baron

July 10, 2024

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  2. @ngrx/signals: Whats in it? signalState small scale simple state management

    signalStore elaborate state management including logic patchState method to transition between states rxMethod RxJS based callable methods (ComponentStore effects) store features extend the base store with recurring features
  3. Entity management withEntities: manage collection of entities manipulation of collections

    always similar in implementation add one, add many, update, remove, ...
  4. Custom store features build your own reusable feature loading/error state,

    sorting, logging, ... can be used to keep stores smaller stores can also be split