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Improving developer productivity with Gradle Enterprise in 2023 Nelson Osacky and Julio Zynger

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Julio • Previously Android Engineer • Large projects • SoundCloud, Autodesk • Developer Produc ti vity Enthusiast • Leading Gradle’s (and previously SoundCloud’s) interdisciplinary Pla tf orm teams • Backstage contributor Lead Dev Platform Engineer

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Nelson • Previously Android Engineer • Large projects • SoundCloud • Square • Small startups • Gradle Plugin Maintainer • Fladle - Easily Scale Instrumenta ti on Tests on Firebase fl adle • Gradle Doctor - Ac ti onable Insights for your build Lead Solutions Engineer

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We see a lot of builds from 10 person teams to 1000+ Android, Gradle and Maven

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• Optimize and understand builds • Increase build stability • Preach Developer Productivity

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• Improve Gradle ecosystem • Fix issues in open source plugin affecting customers

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• Meet with Google and Jetbrains to help prioritize issues impacting customers

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Android Development Feature Development Tech Debt (There are other things too)

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Tech Debt Refactoring Improving builds

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Slow builds are Tech Debt And it always pays off

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day not including lost focus h tt ps:/ /

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Fast Builds Matter

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Cost of Builds 60s waste * 50 builds / day * 50 devs 
 = 42 hours lost / day hire 5 new people without paying them! no recruiting h tt ps:/ /

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Slow builds are Tech Debt And it always pays off And is easy to justify working on it

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How many have seen or used a Build Scan?

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How many are Gradle Enterprise customers?

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https:/ / Gradle Enterprise OSS Projects

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What is build caching? https:/ /

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JavaCompile task Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Class files any task can be made cacheable

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies

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Cache key Source Files Compiler Args Dependencies Build cache Class files

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What is a cache miss?

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What is a cache miss? •Expect a cache hit but cache key is di ff erent •Task outcome is the same •Only inputs that a ff ect outcome should be tracked

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Task input comparison

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Common Cache misses

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Build Configuration Differences

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Build Configuration Differences

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=false kotlin.incremental=true CI Local

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=false kotlin.incremental=true CI Local Incremental has no effect on outcome of task

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Build Configuration Differences kotlin.incremental=true kotlin.incremental=true CI Local Incremental has no effect on outcome of task h tt ps:/ / ti onEnabled-should-not-be-marked-as-Input

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•LiveLiterals$AnalyticsEvent.kt contains fully qualified path •Fix is to disable LiveLiterals composeOptions { useLiveLiterals = false } LiveLiterals

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KSP Cache misses

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KSP Cache misses

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { }

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Debugging task inputs tasks.withType().configureEach { } KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { rootProject.buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs tasks.withType().configureEach { doLast { pluginOptions.get().forEach { it.getAsTaskInputArgs().forEach { rootProject.buildScan.value( "${[email protected]}-${it.key}", it.value, ) } } } }

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Debugging task inputs KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") } extensions.configure { arg(RoomSchemaArgProvider(File(projectDir, "schemas"))) } h tt ps:/ / ti ng-db-versions#test

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KSP Cache misses KspTaskJvm.pluginOptions.$0.asTaskInputArgs

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") }

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KSP Cache misses build.gradle.kts class RoomSchemaArgProvider( @get:InputDirectory @get:PathSensitive(PathSensitivity.RELATIVE) val schemaDir: File, ) : CommandLineArgumentProvider { override fun asArguments() = listOf("room.schemaLocation=${schemaDir.path}") }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += SubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += SubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += InternalSubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } }

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KSP Cache misses KspSubplugin.kt commandLineArgumentProviders.get().forEach { it.asArguments().forEach { argument -> options += InternalSubpluginOption("apoption", argument) } } To be released…

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Configuration cache misses Calculating task graph as configuration cache cannot be reused because...

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Configuration cache misses Calculating task graph as configuration cache cannot be reused because an input to plugin '' has changed. • How to debug? • Check con fi gura ti on cache report?

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Configuration cache misses

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Configuration cache misses 1. A tt ach Debugger to Gradle Build Process 1../gradlew help -Dorg.gradle.debug=true 2. Set breakpoint in ConfigurationCacheFingerprintWriter and ConfigurationCacheFingerprintChecker 3. Print fi les which are changing build/generated/source/kapt/debug read at con fi gura ti on ti me

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Con fi gura ti on inputs detec ti on improvements Now detects FileCollec ti ons queried at con fi gura ti on ti me h tt ps:/ / fi gura ti on-inputs-detec ti on-improvements Why only in Gradle 8.1?

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Why only in Gradle 8.1? h tt ps:/ / fi gura ti on-cache-miss Using KAPT Gradle plugin with AGP and Gradle 8.1 or higher causes a con fi gura ti on cache miss h tt ps:/ / Lint inputs and registerExternalAptJavaOutput are incompa ti ble with Gradle Con fi gura ti on cache Will be fi xed in AGP 8.1.1 and AGP 8.2🤞

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So you fixed all cache misses and understood how your build times are distributed…

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But Gradle Enterprise can help you proactively too!

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Gradle Enterprise API h tt ps:/ /

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/api/builds /api/build-cache /api/test-distribution Gradle Enterprise API

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Introducing… Gradle Enterprise Test API 🥳 BETA

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Automate all the things!

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Integrate all the things!

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Retrieve test suites and test case details, filtering by: - test container (e.g test suite, etc) - test outcome (success, failed, flaky etc) - tags - custom values - much more and a combination of all! Gradle Enterprise Test API BETA

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Gradle Enterprise Test API BETA

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Gradle Enterprise Test API BETA

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Gradle Enterprise Test API BETA What is a fl aky test according to Gradle Enterprise? • Non-determinis ti c outcome • Fails and succeeds within the execu ti on of a single Gradle task W

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Prevent flaky tests from creeping in

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Alert on tests that became flaky

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Cross reference with your repository structure…

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… and provide a comprehensive report

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… and provide a comprehensive report Build Scan® aggrega ti on

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… and provide a comprehensive report Knowledge on module structure

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… and provide a comprehensive report Rela ti onship to common code snippets

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… and provide a comprehensive report Direct ownership assignment based on build scan a tt rs

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… identify issues earlier

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Cross reference with your CI infrastructure… Exposed in API De fi ne how fl akiness compares across CI jobs, infrastructure and target matrix

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… and make it smarter

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… and make it smarter

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Reach out to us after the talk for access to Gradle Enterprise Test API 🥳 BETA

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Reach out to us after the talk for Importing Instrumentation Test Results to Gradle Enterprise BETA

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Artifact transforms

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What are artifact transforms?

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What are artifact transforms? • Dependency management concept • Changes dependency from incorrect format to requested format via Ar ti fact Transforms • Example: classes jar to dex fi le • Users do not directly request transforms • Gradle schedules Transforms between units of work • Transforms can depend on tasks or transforms

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scans! 🥳 Must use: Gradle Enterprise 2023.1+, Gradle Enterprise Gradle Plugin 3.13+, Gradle Build Tool 8.1+ 
 Only visualizes project ar ti fact transforma ti ons

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scans!

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Artifact transforms are now visible in Build Scans! Details and dura ti on

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Why are transforms important in Build Scans? • Understand transform dependencies • Understand gaps in ti meline • Understanding ar ti fact transform errors

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Understand transform dependencies

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Transform visibility fills gaps in timeline

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Transform visibility fills gaps in timeline

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View transform failures in Build Scans

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Search for transform failures in dashboard

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Artifact transforms upcoming work • Understand transform cacheability and up-to-date checks • Improved transform fi lter in ti meline • Support more transform types (je ti fi er transforms are not visible)

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More Resources Gradle Training https:/ / https:/ / https:/ / Gradle Community Slack https:/ /

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Thank you! Gradle Enterprise Trial h tt ps:/ / https:/ / Gradle is hiring @nellyspageli @juliozynger