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Bindings in Ruby behind the music magic of blocks

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About me Piotr Szmielew @essepl on twitter In Rails since 2009

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a = 2 10.times do a += 1 end puts a

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a = 2 10.times do a += 1 end puts a # => 12

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Now harder:

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class BlockTest def self.add_method local = 2 define_method : do local end end end b = BlockTest.add_method b.

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Will it work?

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class BlockTest def self.add_method local = 2 define_method : do local end end end b = BlockTest.add_method b. # => 2

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Code (lambda) environment Then - what is a closure?

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p = proc do a = 2 10.times do a += 1 end end puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(p)

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== disasm: ===== 0004 putobject 2 0006 setlocal a, 3 0011 putobject 10 0013 send 0017 leave == disasm: 0004 getlocal a, 4 0007 putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ 0008 opt_plus 0010 dup 0011 setlocal a, 4

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== disasm: ===== 0004 putobject 2 0006 setlocal a, 3 0011 putobject 10 0013 send 0017 leave == disasm: 0004 getlocal a, 4 0007 putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ 0008 opt_plus 0010 dup 0011 setlocal a, 4

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Code (lambda) environment What is a closure?

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YARV Virtual machine with stack and heap

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YARV Current execution state – contained in stackframe Therefore local variables are on stack

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YARV Current execution state – contained in stackframe Therefore local variables are on stack

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Using lambda / proc changes block in normal variable (first class citizen)

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2.2.4 :048 > binding => # 2.2.4 :049 > binding.class => Binding 2.2.4 :050 > binding.class.superclass => Object

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Binding Object binding Instance

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Binding is created simultaneously with lambda

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How exactly is binding created?

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MRI // proc.c static VALUE rb_f_binding(VALUE self) { return rb_binding_new(); } (responsible for Kernel.binding method)

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MRI // proc.c VALUE rb_binding_new(void) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); return rb_vm_make_binding(th, th->cfp); }

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Next examples are from vm.c

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VALUE rb_vm_make_binding(rb_thread_t *th, const rb_control_frame_t *src_cfp) { (...) rb_binding_t *bind; (...) envval = vm_make_env_object(th, cfp); (...) vm_bind_update_env(bind, envval); }

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static VALUE vm_make_env_object(rb_thread_t *th, rb_control_frame_t *cfp) { VALUE envval = vm_make_env_each(th, cfp); (...) } MRI

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vm_make_env_each(rb_thread_t *const th, rb_control_frame_t *const cfp) { (...)

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/* * # local variables on a stack frame (N == local_size) * [lvar1, lvar2, ..., lvarN, SPECVAL] * ^ * ep[0] * * # moved local variables * [lvar1, lvar2, ..., lvarN, SPECVAL, Envval, BlockProcval (if needed)] * ^ ^ * env->env[0] ep[0] */

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env_size = local_size + 1 /* envval */ + (blockprocval ? 1 : 0) /* blockprocval */; env_body = ALLOC_N(VALUE, env_size); MEMCPY(env_body, ep - (local_size - 1 /* specval */), VALUE, local_size); (...) env_ep = &env_body[local_size - 1 /* specval */]; (...) env = vm_env_new(env_ep, env_body, env_size, env_iseq); (...) return (VALUE)env; }

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Rubinius def binding return Binding.setup( Rubinius::VariableScope.of_sender, Rubinius::CompiledCode.of_sender, Rubinius::LexicalScope.of_sender, Rubinius::VariableScope.of_sender.self, Rubinius::Location.of_closest_ruby_method ) end

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# core / binding.rb def self.setup(variables, code, lexical_scope, recv=nil, location=nil) bind = allocate() bind.receiver = self_context(recv, variables) bind.variables = variables bind.compiled_code = code bind.lexical_scope = lexical_scope bind.location = location return bind end

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# core / variable_scope.rb module Rubinius class VariableScope (...) def self.of_sender Rubinius.primitive :variable_scope_of_sender (...) end (...) end end Rubinius

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Rubinius // machine/class/variable_scope.cpp VariableScope* VariableScope::of_sender(STATE) { if(CallFrame* frame = state->vm()->get_ruby_frame(1)) { return frame->promote_scope(state); } return nil(); }

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Rubinius // machine/call_frame.hpp VariableScope* promote_scope(STATE) { if(VariableScope* vs = scope->on_heap()) return vs; return promote_scope_full(state); }

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Rubinius // machine/call_frame.cpp VariableScope* CallFrame::promote_scope_full(STATE) { return scope->create_heap_alias(state, this, !has_closed_scope_p()); }

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// machine/stack_variable.cpp VariableScope* StackVariables::create_heap_alias(STATE, CallFrame* call_frame, bool full) { if(on_heap_) return on_heap_; (...)

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VariableScope* scope = state->memory()->new_object(state, G(variable_scope)); scope->self(state, self_); scope->block(state, block_); scope->module(state, module_); scope->method(state, call_frame->compiled_code); scope->heap_locals(state, nil()); scope->last_match(state, last_match_); scope->fiber(state, state->vm()->thread()- >current_fiber());

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(...) if(!full) { scope->isolated(1); scope->heap_locals(state, Tuple::create(state, mcode->number_of_locals)); for(int i = 0; i < scope- >number_of_locals(); i++) { scope->set_local(state, i, locals_[i]); } }

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scope->locals(locals_); scope->dynamic_locals(state, nil()); on_heap_ = scope; return scope; }

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Calling binding method results in copying variables from stackframe to heap

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Local variables became persistent!

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How about jRuby?

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Binding vs RubyBinding

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Binding /** * Internal live representation of a block ({...} or do ... end). */ public class Binding { ...

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RubyBinding @JRubyClass(name="Binding") public class RubyBinding extends RubyObject { private Binding binding; ... }

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jRuby // @JRubyMethod(name = "binding", ...) public static RubyBinding binding19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, Block block) { return RubyBinding.newBinding(context.runtime, context.currentBinding()); }

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// public static RubyBinding newBinding(Ruby runtime, Binding binding) { return new RubyBinding(runtime, runtime.getBinding(), binding); } public RubyBinding(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, Binding binding) { super(runtime, rubyClass); this.binding = binding; }

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// public static void createGlobals(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime) { GlobalVariables globals = runtime.getGlobalVariables(); runtime.defineGlobalConstant("TOPLEVEL_BINDING", runtime.newBinding()); (...) }

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// public Block(BlockBody body, Binding binding) { assert binding != null; this.body = body; this.binding = binding; }

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// public static IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, BlockBody body) { Block block = new Block(body, context.currentBinding(self, Visibility.PUBLIC)); (...) }

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Let's go back to MRI world…

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def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end get_binding.local_variables # => [:a, :b] get_binding.local_variable_get(:a) # => 2

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But be careful!

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def test_lambda a = 10 l = lambda { a } a = "OH HAI" l end #=> "OH HAI"

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YARV internally copies all variables from stackframe to heap, then use them as new stackframe

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a = 0 add = lambda { a += 1 } sub = lambda { a -= 1 } a # => ?

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a = 0 add = lambda { a += 1 } sub = lambda { a -= 1 } a # => 1

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All lamdbas are actually operating on same copy of stackframe

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So – can we change binding we're actually working in?

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def test_metody set = lambda { new_var = 10 } new_var end test_metody # => NameError: undefined local variable or method `new_var' for main:Object

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We can't do this because in original stackframe this variable wasn't present. Therefore it isn't present in current lexical scope. It is created in other lexical scope – scope of lambda.

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And what if we call it from inside an object?

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class BindingTest def initialize @a = 1 end def get_binding binding end end b = b.receiver # => #

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What else can we do with binding?

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def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end eval('a + b', get_binding) # => 5

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We can also change binding

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def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end b = get_binding eval('c = a + b', b) b.local_variable_get(:c) # => 5

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And since binding is an object and it gives access to all local variables…

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# lib/pry/core_extensions.rb class Object # Start a Pry REPL on self. (...) def pry(object=nil, hash={}) if object.nil? || Hash === object Pry.start(self, object || {}) else Pry.start(object, hash) end end (...) end

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Local variables are also quite convenient in templates

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require 'erb' template =< <%= variable %>

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# erb.rb:856 def result(b=new_toplevel) if @safe_level proc { $SAFE = @safe_level eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) }.call else eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) end end Source:

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class Cat def to_s a = 1 b = 2 puts "CAT" end end

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bindings = [] trace = do |tp| puts tp.path puts tp.lineno bindings << tp.binding end trace.enable c = c.to_s trace.disable c = nil

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p bindings.first.local_variables # [:a, :b] p bindings.first.local_variable_get(:a) # 1 p bindings.first.local_variable_get(:b) # 2 p bindings.first.receiver # #

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require 'pry' class Cat def traced_m a = 1 b = 2 puts "CAT" end end

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trace = do |tp| tp.binding.pry if tp.method_id == :traced_m end trace.enable c = c.traced_m

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We're going to write microcontainer for variables – OpenStruct style (because we can)

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Common for all examples class Binder def initialize(b) @binding = b end end

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def method_missing(name, *args) if @binding.local_variables.include?(name) @binding.local_variable_get(name) elsif name.to_s[-1] == '=' @binding.local_variable_set(name.to_s.del ete('=').to_sym, args[0]) else super end end

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How we're going to benchmark it?

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class GetBinding def self.get_binding a = 10 str = 'a1b2' binding end end

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b = GetBinding.get_binding hash = { a: 10, str: 'a1b2' } puts 'creation' Benchmark.ips do |x| { } { }! end

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binder = struct = puts 'get' Benchmark.ips do |x| { binder.a; binder.str } { struct.a; struct.str }! end

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puts 'set' Benchmark.ips do |x| { binder.a = 2; binder.string_2 = 'abc' } { struct.a = 2; struct.string_2 = 'abc' }! end puts 'set different' Benchmark.ips do |x| { binder.send("var_#{n}=".to_sym, 1) } { struct.send("var_#{n}=".to_sym, 1) }! end

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Version V1 creation V1 binder: 2849210.5 i/s OpenStruct: 719580.0 i/s - 3.96x slower get OpenStruct: 3243263.4 i/s V1 binder: 502957.6 i/s - 6.45x slower set OpenStruct: 1390626.0 i/s V1 binder: 172057.9 i/s - 8.08x slower set different OpenStruct: 1023580.8 i/s V1 binder: 265165.3 i/s - 3.86x slower

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def initialize(b) @binding = b @binding.local_variables.each do |var| l = -> { @binding.local_variable_get(var) } define_singleton_method(var, l) end end

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Version V2 creation OpenStruct: 691431.3 i/s V2 binder: 135494.8 i/s - 5.10x slower get OpenStruct: 3242890.9 i/s V2 binder: 2768257.5 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set OpenStruct: 1708887.9 i/s V2 binder: 204508.0 i/s - 8.36x slower set different OpenStruct: 1173427.4 i/s V2 binder: 298250.5 i/s - 3.93x slower

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def initialize(b) @binding = b @binding.local_variables.each do |name| get = -> { @binding.local_variable_get(name) } set = ->(new_var) { @binding.local_variable_set(name, new_var) } define_singleton_method(name, get) define_singleton_method("#{name}=".to_sym, set) end end

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Version V3 creation OpenStruct: 724209.0 i/s V3 binder: 96906.5 i/s - 7.47x slower get OpenStruct: 3298616.7 i/s V3 binder: 2970314.4 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set OpenStruct: 1609587.6 i/s V3 binder: 398771.9 i/s - 4.04x slower set different OpenStruct: 985401.4 i/s V3 binder: 273593.3 i/s - 3.60x slower

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def method_missing(name, *args) if @binding.local_variables.include?(name) @binding.local_variable_get(name) elsif name.to_s[-1] == '=' pure_name = name.to_s.delete('=').to_sym @binding.local_variable_set(pure_name, args[0]) unless methods.include?(pure_name) set = ->(new_var) { @binding.local_variable_set(pure_name, new_var) } get = -> { @binding.local_variable_get(pure_name) } define_singleton_method(name, set) define_singleton_method(pure_name, get) end else super end end

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Version V4 creation OpenStruct: 733813.6 i/s V4 binder: 82442.4 i/s - 8.90x slower get OpenStruct: 3615367.7 i/s V4 binder: 2928936.0 i/s - same-ish difference falls within error set V4 binder: 2637039.0 i/s OpenStruct: 1779210.5 i/s - 1.48x slower set different V4 binder: 1295138.7 i/s OpenStruct: 1172012.4 i/s - same-ish difference falls within error

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creation Openstruct: 719494.0 i/s BBOpenstruct: 54072.0 i/s - 13.31x slower get Openstruct: 3548217.5 i/s BBOpenstruct: 3170859.8 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set BBOpenstruct: 2470835.7 i/s Openstruct: 1730367.3 i/s - 1.43x slower set different Openstruct: 1163716.8 i/s BBOpenstruct: 1145259.5 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error

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… and (almost) full openstruct compatibility!

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Fun fact

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Proc and lambda are actually same struct in C (only difference is one flag)

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Thanks! Proudly illustrated by Emilia Mucha [email protected]