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Bindings in Ruby - behind the magic of blocks

Bindings in Ruby - behind the magic of blocks

> Why block can see local variables defined before him? Why can it change them? What kind of sorcery is this?

This is some kind of question that I will try to answer in my talk. We will see examples of block and hidden secret hero behind the magic - `binding` object.

In our magical journey we will look into some Ruby code and some MRI/Rubinius/jRuby internals to help us better understand the magic. We will later use the new knowledge in practice to:

* understand erb
* understand binding.pry
* write our own openstruct-like implementation that stores data internally using local variables inside binding. In benchmark it's faster than openstruct, so yay us! ;)

Great magicians never reveal their secrets - but thankfully Ruby is open source, so we can lift the veil and see the real truth behind it. And believe me, it's quite beautiful!

Piotr Szmielew

March 18, 2017

Other Decks in Programming


  1. class BlockTest def self.add_method local = 2 define_method : do

    local end end end b = BlockTest.new BlockTest.add_method b.
  2. class BlockTest def self.add_method local = 2 define_method : do

    local end end end b = BlockTest.new BlockTest.add_method b. # => 2
  3. p = proc do a = 2 10.times do a

    += 1 end end puts RubyVM::InstructionSequence.disasm(p)
  4. == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block in irb_binding@(irb)>===== 0004 putobject 2 0006 setlocal

    a, 3 0011 putobject 10 0013 send <callinfo!mid:times, argc:0, block:block (2 levels) in irb_binding> 0017 leave == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block (2 levels) in irb_binding@(irb)> 0004 getlocal a, 4 0007 putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ 0008 opt_plus <callinfo!mid:+, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE> 0010 dup 0011 setlocal a, 4
  5. == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block in irb_binding@(irb)>===== 0004 putobject 2 0006 setlocal

    a, 3 0011 putobject 10 0013 send <callinfo!mid:times, argc:0, block:block (2 levels) in irb_binding> 0017 leave == disasm: <RubyVM::InstructionSequence:block (2 levels) in irb_binding@(irb)> 0004 getlocal a, 4 0007 putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ 0008 opt_plus <callinfo!mid:+, argc:1, ARGS_SIMPLE> 0010 dup 0011 setlocal a, 4
  6. BUT

  7. 2.2.4 :048 > binding => #<Binding:0x007ff5f9930fe8> 2.2.4 :049 > binding.class

    => Binding 2.2.4 :050 > binding.class.superclass => Object
  8. VALUE rb_vm_make_binding(rb_thread_t *th, const rb_control_frame_t *src_cfp) { (...) rb_binding_t *bind;

    (...) envval = vm_make_env_object(th, cfp); (...) vm_bind_update_env(bind, envval); }
  9. /* * # local variables on a stack frame (N

    == local_size) * [lvar1, lvar2, ..., lvarN, SPECVAL] * ^ * ep[0] * * # moved local variables * [lvar1, lvar2, ..., lvarN, SPECVAL, Envval, BlockProcval (if needed)] * ^ ^ * env->env[0] ep[0] */
  10. env_size = local_size + 1 /* envval */ + (blockprocval

    ? 1 : 0) /* blockprocval */; env_body = ALLOC_N(VALUE, env_size); MEMCPY(env_body, ep - (local_size - 1 /* specval */), VALUE, local_size); (...) env_ep = &env_body[local_size - 1 /* specval */]; (...) env = vm_env_new(env_ep, env_body, env_size, env_iseq); (...) return (VALUE)env; }
  11. # core / binding.rb def self.setup(variables, code, lexical_scope, recv=nil, location=nil)

    bind = allocate() bind.receiver = self_context(recv, variables) bind.variables = variables bind.compiled_code = code bind.lexical_scope = lexical_scope bind.location = location return bind end
  12. # core / variable_scope.rb module Rubinius class VariableScope (...) def

    self.of_sender Rubinius.primitive :variable_scope_of_sender (...) end (...) end end Rubinius
  13. VariableScope* scope = state->memory()->new_object<VariableScope>(state, G(variable_scope)); scope->self(state, self_); scope->block(state, block_); scope->module(state,

    module_); scope->method(state, call_frame->compiled_code); scope->heap_locals(state, nil<Tuple>()); scope->last_match(state, last_match_); scope->fiber(state, state->vm()->thread()- >current_fiber());
  14. (...) if(!full) { scope->isolated(1); scope->heap_locals(state, Tuple::create(state, mcode->number_of_locals)); for(int i =

    0; i < scope- >number_of_locals(); i++) { scope->set_local(state, i, locals_[i]); } }
  15. Binding /** * Internal live representation of a block ({...}

    or do ... end). */ public class Binding { ...
  16. jRuby // RubyKernel.java @JRubyMethod(name = "binding", ...) public static RubyBinding

    binding19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, Block block) { return RubyBinding.newBinding(context.runtime, context.currentBinding()); }
  17. // RubyBinding.java public static RubyBinding newBinding(Ruby runtime, Binding binding) {

    return new RubyBinding(runtime, runtime.getBinding(), binding); } public RubyBinding(Ruby runtime, RubyClass rubyClass, Binding binding) { super(runtime, rubyClass); this.binding = binding; }
  18. //RubyGlobal.java public static void createGlobals(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime) { GlobalVariables

    globals = runtime.getGlobalVariables(); runtime.defineGlobalConstant("TOPLEVEL_BINDING", runtime.newBinding()); (...) }
  19. //Block.java public Block(BlockBody body, Binding binding) { assert binding !=

    null; this.body = body; this.binding = binding; }
  20. //RubyEnumerable.java public static IRubyObject each(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, BlockBody body)

    { Block block = new Block(body, context.currentBinding(self, Visibility.PUBLIC)); (...) }
  21. def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end

    get_binding.local_variables # => [:a, :b] get_binding.local_variable_get(:a) # => 2
  22. def test_lambda a = 10 l = lambda { a

    } a = "OH HAI" l end test_lambda.call #=> "OH HAI"
  23. a = 0 add = lambda { a += 1

    } sub = lambda { a -= 1 } add.call sub.call add.call sub.call add.call a # => ?
  24. a = 0 add = lambda { a += 1

    } sub = lambda { a -= 1 } add.call sub.call add.call sub.call add.call a # => 1
  25. def test_metody set = lambda { new_var = 10 }

    set.call new_var end test_metody # => NameError: undefined local variable or method `new_var' for main:Object
  26. We can't do this because in original stackframe this variable

    wasn't present. Therefore it isn't present in current lexical scope. It is created in other lexical scope – scope of lambda.
  27. class BindingTest def initialize @a = 1 end def get_binding

    binding end end b = BindingTest.new.get_binding b.receiver # => #<BindingTest:0x007ff5fa285c10 @a=1>
  28. def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end

    eval('a + b', get_binding) # => 5
  29. def get_binding a = 2 b = 3 binding end

    b = get_binding eval('c = a + b', b) b.local_variable_get(:c) # => 5
  30. # lib/pry/core_extensions.rb class Object # Start a Pry REPL on

    self. (...) def pry(object=nil, hash={}) if object.nil? || Hash === object Pry.start(self, object || {}) else Pry.start(object, hash) end end (...) end
  31. require 'erb' template =<<EOF <html> <%= variable %> </html> EOF

    variable = 10 erb = ERB.new(template) erb.result NameError: undefined local variable or method 'variable' for main:Object (...) b = binding erb.result(b)
  32. # erb.rb:856 def result(b=new_toplevel) if @safe_level proc { $SAFE =

    @safe_level eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) }.call else eval(@src, b, (@filename || '(erb)'), @lineno) end end Source:
  33. class Cat def to_s a = 1 b = 2

    puts "CAT" end end
  34. bindings = [] trace = TracePoint.new(:return) do |tp| puts tp.path

    puts tp.lineno bindings << tp.binding end trace.enable c = Cat.new c.to_s trace.disable c = nil
  35. p bindings.first.local_variables # [:a, :b] p bindings.first.local_variable_get(:a) # 1 p

    bindings.first.local_variable_get(:b) # 2 p bindings.first.receiver # #<Cat:0x007fdd53854868>
  36. V1

  37. b = GetBinding.get_binding hash = { a: 10, str: 'a1b2'

    } puts 'creation' Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report { namespace::Binder.new(b) } x.report { OpenStruct.new(hash) } x.compare! end
  38. binder = namespace::Binder.new(b) struct = OpenStruct.new(hash) puts 'get' Benchmark.ips do

    |x| x.report { binder.a; binder.str } x.report { struct.a; struct.str } x.compare! end
  39. puts 'set' Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report { binder.a = 2;

    binder.string_2 = 'abc' } x.report { struct.a = 2; struct.string_2 = 'abc' } x.compare! end puts 'set different' Benchmark.ips do |x| x.report { binder.send("var_#{n}=".to_sym, 1) } x.report { struct.send("var_#{n}=".to_sym, 1) } x.compare! end
  40. Version V1 creation V1 binder: 2849210.5 i/s OpenStruct: 719580.0 i/s

    - 3.96x slower get OpenStruct: 3243263.4 i/s V1 binder: 502957.6 i/s - 6.45x slower set OpenStruct: 1390626.0 i/s V1 binder: 172057.9 i/s - 8.08x slower set different OpenStruct: 1023580.8 i/s V1 binder: 265165.3 i/s - 3.86x slower
  41. V2

  42. def initialize(b) @binding = b @binding.local_variables.each do |var| l =

    -> { @binding.local_variable_get(var) } define_singleton_method(var, l) end end
  43. Version V2 creation OpenStruct: 691431.3 i/s V2 binder: 135494.8 i/s

    - 5.10x slower get OpenStruct: 3242890.9 i/s V2 binder: 2768257.5 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set OpenStruct: 1708887.9 i/s V2 binder: 204508.0 i/s - 8.36x slower set different OpenStruct: 1173427.4 i/s V2 binder: 298250.5 i/s - 3.93x slower
  44. V3

  45. def initialize(b) @binding = b @binding.local_variables.each do |name| get =

    -> { @binding.local_variable_get(name) } set = ->(new_var) { @binding.local_variable_set(name, new_var) } define_singleton_method(name, get) define_singleton_method("#{name}=".to_sym, set) end end
  46. Version V3 creation OpenStruct: 724209.0 i/s V3 binder: 96906.5 i/s

    - 7.47x slower get OpenStruct: 3298616.7 i/s V3 binder: 2970314.4 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set OpenStruct: 1609587.6 i/s V3 binder: 398771.9 i/s - 4.04x slower set different OpenStruct: 985401.4 i/s V3 binder: 273593.3 i/s - 3.60x slower
  47. V4

  48. def method_missing(name, *args) if @binding.local_variables.include?(name) @binding.local_variable_get(name) elsif name.to_s[-1] == '='

    pure_name = name.to_s.delete('=').to_sym @binding.local_variable_set(pure_name, args[0]) unless methods.include?(pure_name) set = ->(new_var) { @binding.local_variable_set(pure_name, new_var) } get = -> { @binding.local_variable_get(pure_name) } define_singleton_method(name, set) define_singleton_method(pure_name, get) end else super end end
  49. Version V4 creation OpenStruct: 733813.6 i/s V4 binder: 82442.4 i/s

    - 8.90x slower get OpenStruct: 3615367.7 i/s V4 binder: 2928936.0 i/s - same-ish difference falls within error set V4 binder: 2637039.0 i/s OpenStruct: 1779210.5 i/s - 1.48x slower set different V4 binder: 1295138.7 i/s OpenStruct: 1172012.4 i/s - same-ish difference falls within error
  50. creation Openstruct: 719494.0 i/s BBOpenstruct: 54072.0 i/s - 13.31x slower

    get Openstruct: 3548217.5 i/s BBOpenstruct: 3170859.8 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error set BBOpenstruct: 2470835.7 i/s Openstruct: 1730367.3 i/s - 1.43x slower set different Openstruct: 1163716.8 i/s BBOpenstruct: 1145259.5 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error