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How a Global Team Works in SmartNews Yanan Cheng (a.k.a. Nick)

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YANAN CHENG a.k.a. Nick @nickcheng

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Our Team

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Mobile Team from Tokyo Working for US features

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Tokyo California PM Mobile Team Data Scientists Designers QA Team Backend Team

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Day-to-day basis - One week sprint - One week release cycle in mobile team - So we def have a lot of meetings - Sprint Review Meeting - Sprint Planning Meeting - Demo Meeting - Retrospective Meeting - Company/Pillar/Squad Meetings, etc...

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Wait… Looks we missed something...

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Let’s do a simple calculation - Timezone - 9am == 5pm - 2 hrs overlap (3 hrs if not DST) - What can we do in TWO HOURS? -

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Other Issues - Full of meetings - PM decision maker, aka blocker

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Solutions - Respect the schedule - Be in one place - Travel both way - Refine the process - Combine some meetings - Decentralisation - Don’t fear of failure - We can fix quickly

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Before the pandemic - Tokyo team could get together - Travel - Cross team work - Meet everyday

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During the pandemic - Not change too much for a global team compare to other team - Some aspects just got enhanced

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More virtual meetups - 1v1 - Team Online Gathering - Online escape games - Online party games

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Work Asynchronously - Kinda missing all things carried by emails. - Respect / Empathy - Presence visibility - Focus/Flexible

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Over-document - More questions from different stakeholders - A lot of similar questions - Better for Async - Organized, easy to reach

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Thank you!!