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Justin Carmony - Sr. Director of Engineering - GCP SLC Meetup - Nov 2018 DDM’s Journey into Big Data with BigQuery for KSL and Deseret News

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Justin Carmony Sr. Director of Engineering News & Analytics
 Deseret Digital Media

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About Presentation • Feel free to ask questions on-topic • Q&A at the End • Always feel free to email/tweet me 
 ([email protected], @JustinCarmony) • Will post slides on-line

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Who are you?

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Experience w/ “Big Data” • Lots of Experience? • Used it a little bit? • Tinkered with it? • Totally new?

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Data Size? • 1’s Gigabytes • 100’s Gigabytes • 1’s Terabytes • 100’s Terabytes • 1+ Petabytes

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Data Size? • 1’s Gigabytes • 100’s Gigabytes • 1’s Terabytes • 100’s Terabytes • 1+ Petabytes DDM Nov 2017

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Data Size? • 1’s Gigabytes • 100’s Gigabytes • 1’s Terabytes • 100’s Terabytes • 1+ Petabytes DDM Nov 2017 Nov 2018

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Let’s Start w/ a Story

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Avg. 22 Million Ad Impressions Per Day

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Avg. 29 GB Data Per Day

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How did we view this data?

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Problems w/ Just DFP Reporting • Ran into Limitations • Unable to perform complex filters • Initial report -> csv -> Excel, slow for large datasets • Reporting was very labor intensive, manual • Difficult to join in w/ other Datasets (i.e. Google Analytics data)

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DFP Solution: Data Transfer Files!

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Few first failed attempts • Wrote some PHP Scripts to read CSV, create reports • This was SLOW, and required developer for new reports • Import a single month into MySQL • Hahahahahahahaha… yeah, no, MySQL died trying.
 (note: I’m sure I could have gotten this to work with an advanced, complex setup.)

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Use Big Data! ( Duh… )

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Running it Ourselves • Complex Setup • Large Upfront Investment • Always running (means always $$$)

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I just want my data …

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What is BigQuery • Enterprise Data Warehouse • Fully Managed Service • Incredibly Fast, Scalable, and Cost Effective • Based off of Dremel, Google’s Internal Big Data tool • Uses SQL for querying data

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What does it cost? Storage • $0.02 per GB per Month • $0.01 per GB per Month for LTS, data that hasn’t changed in 90 days • $0.05 per GB per Streaming Inserts • First 10 GB is free each month Analysis • $5 per TB of data processed • First 1 TB of Analysis Free

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What doesn’t cost money? • Running / Maintaining a Cluster • Bulk Importing of data (this is huge!!!) • Copying Data • Exporting Data

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What makes BigQuery Special • Extremely cost effective (extremely cheap) • Incredibly Fast • Full SQL 2011 Compliance • Advanced Data Types: Records, Repeated Fields

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Our Journey, 3 Phases: Crawl - Walk - Run

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Getting Started • Create Google Cloud Platform Project • Enable BigQuery API

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BigQuery Basics • Create a Dataset - Collection of Tables & Views • Create a Table w/ a Defined Schema • Two options for loading in data: Imports & Streaming Inserts

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Import vs Streaming Import Jobs • Free • 1,000 loads per day for single Table • 50,000 loads per day for Project • CSV, New Line Delimited JSON, AVRO Streaming Inserts • $0.05 per GB • Real-time (my experience, within 3 seconds) • Stream through the API

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First Attempt Loading • Used homegrown Node.js Script to ETL files • Generated New-line Delimited JSON files • Initially used repeated records, switched to JSON strings • Now with Standard SQL, and we understand it better, I’d go back and use repeated records again. • Biggest Hangup: Data Types Conflicts

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Lessons Learned Importing • Newline Delimited JSON files are Largest • If you can, use AVRO: • Allows for compression, attaching the schema • Imports are extra fast • You can import a wildcard list of file: • Instead of gs://example-bucket/upload.avro • Use multiple files like gs://example-bucket/upload-*

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Lessons Learned Importing • Use unique names of imports • Bad: gs://example/daily-import-* • Better: gs://example/daily-import-2018-01-01-x8fd62/part-*

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How Query Billing Works • You are billed for the size of columns your query uses. Period. • What doesn’t impact billing: • Time to run • Number of rows returned • Complexity • Anything else….

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id username status fav_icecream 1 justin_carmony active pralines and cream 2 brett_atkinson active birthday cake 3 greg_dolan active chocolate 4 mike_peterson active cookies and cream SELECT id FROM `ddm-example.users` WHERE status = 'active'

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id username status fav_icecream 1 justin_carmony active pralines and cream 2 brett_atkinson active birthday cake 3 greg_dolan active chocolate 4 mike_peterson active cookies and cream SELECT id FROM `ddm-example.users` WHERE status = 'active'

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28.46 TB * $5.00 per TB = $142.46

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0.61 TB * $5.00 per TB = $3.05

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Table Partition Multiple Tables • `tablename_YYYYMMDD` • _TABLE_SUFFIX to select range • `dataset.table_201810*` • Pros: • Defined boundaries Single Table • Treat as a single table • On import define row partition date • Beta: cluster tables • Pros: • Treat as a single table, WHERE statement to limit query scope.

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At This Point … • We had our Advertising Data in BigQuery • Using BigQuery UI to execute ad-hoc queries • Started to get great insights into our data! • It was amazing!

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But Needed to Get Better! • Only analysis could be done through me • For every question answered, 10 more questions! • “How can we expose this to the rest of the organization?”

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Example Dashboard Dummy Data

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Using More BigQuery Features • Scheduled Queries to create Summaries, Subset Tables • Use Views to created fields for other BI Tools • Streaming Inserts + Google Cloud Functions for tracking browser timings on • Built Internal Analytics Tools

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Running with BigQuery • Teach analysts SQL • Started to use RStudio & Python Notebooks to streamline analysis • Create Data Studio Dashboards for every single product • Migrate internal analytics tools to BigQuery • Using User Defined Functions for advanced analysis

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Where we are at today • 106 TB of Data • 69.7 Billion Rows • 21k Tables • 600+ TB of Analysis

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Demo Time

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