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Monolithic Problems

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Nikolay Sverchkov @ssnickolay Math Elixir

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My name is potato

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What is a Monolith?

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Monolithic Application is one git repo with 99% code base of project

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What is a Huge Monolith?

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How I can understand my Monolith is Huge or no?

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Let’s Estimate it!

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Monolith Estimation: by commits count

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Monolith Estimation: by commits count

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Cons: Strategy: merge or rebase? Monolith Estimation: by commits count

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Cons: Strategy: merge or rebase? Atomic commits or one commit per feature (Pull request)? Monolith Estimation: by commits count

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Monolith Estimation: by count lines of code

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Monolith Estimation: by count lines of code Pros: Amount of commits does not influence on count of code lines

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Monolith Estimation: by count lines of code Pros: Amount of commits does not influence on count of code lines Cons: There is no connection to REAL production

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What is it in real and what it seems to be

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Monolith Estimation: by DataBase size?

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What does "Large Database” mean?

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The size of the database for a regular web application can be considered as “Web Big Data” when the backup of this database cannot be restored to the developer computer. Funny Law of “Web BigData”

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Huge Monolith: A lot of commits + A lot of code lines + Deep Production

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Your Project Team

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Rails Project Architecture Shark Head

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Rails Project Architecture Shark Head Elephant Body +

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Rails Project Architecture Shark Head Elephant Body + Tiger and Rhino Legs +

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Rails Project Architecture Shark Head Elephant Body + Tiger and Rhino Legs + AND BLASTERS

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cloc —exclude- dir=log,node_modules, public,tmp,vendor,lurker, .idea ./ AlDanial/cloc

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruby 3671 30458 3106 145366 JSX 571 5759 43 52618 YAML 182 90 20 33753 JavaScript 492 3247 144 22763 ERB 617 1569 58 18599 Sass 480 3552 194 18024 CoffeeScript 150 874 92 5227 …… …… ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 6231 52012 7778 306167 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fountain. 30/05/2018 25.5k commits SUM: 306,167 LOC

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Is it big enough?

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Is it big enough?

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Shopify 30/05/2018 ? commits SUM: ? LOC

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ruby 13995 271122 19124 1290867 YAML 1791 8962 1166 559395 JSON 332 77 0 303475 Sass 484 39191 4968 185032 ERB 2584 7208 83 111490 JavaScript 1065 22635 5956 109023 CoffeeScript 667 12130 1003 45734 SQL 4 14 0 28300 TypeScript 455 3794 190 23939 liquid 64 4391 28 21809 …… …… -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 21742 376631 38507 2705978 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shopify 30/05/2018 306k commits SUM: 2.7M LOC

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Teaser for @isleofruby @eljojo

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Monolithic Project Health Level

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Monolith Health Levels Healthy

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Monolith Health Levels Normal Healthy

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Monolith Health Levels Normal Healthy Legacy

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Monolith Health Levels Normal Healthy Legacy

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Normal • Rails 4 Healthy • Rails 5+ • Rails 4 -> Rails 5 in process Legacy • Rails 3 and lower Monolith Healthy Level: by Rails version

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Normal • 2.3+ Healthy • Last stable Legacy • 1.9* - What wrong with you, guys? >_< Monolith Healthy Level: by Ruby version

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Why we should update Ruby?

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Because yield_self is powerful feature?

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Security Vulnerabilities

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Healthy • Use bundler-audit Legacy • Don’t use bundler-audit Monolith Healthy Level: by gems version

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All Evil Martians projects use “bundler-audit”

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All Evil Martians projects use “bundler-audit” and “nsp check”

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Monolith Healthy Level: by Architecture

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Healthy • It is easy to make changes • You have permanent refactor for an old code Legacy • You use Rails way (sorry, DHH) • You have a bunch of different patterns Monolith Healthy Level: by Architecture

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Houston, we have a problem (c)

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Problem = 
 Cause + Solution

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Solution Cause I need to use some framework… e.g. Trailblazer! Rails MVC is sucks

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#TODO My opinion about Trailblaizer

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Saint P NickConf

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Solution Cause Rails MVC is sucks Use MCC! M - Model C - Cells C - Controller

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class UsersController < ApplicationController def show user = User.find(params[:id]) render_app_cell(Users::Cell::Show, user: user) end end MC(ells)C Example

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class UsersController < ApplicationController def show user = User.find(params[:id]) render_app_cell(Users::Cell::Show, user: user) end end class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base def render_app_cell(*args) render html: cell(*args), layout: 'application' end end MC(ells)C Example

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Talk about Elixir at the Ruby Conference

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Solution Cause I can use ROM! ActiveRecord is sucks

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Talk twice about Elixir at the Ruby Conference ROM.rb ~ Ecto

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Solution Cause I can use ROM! If you can work with complex solutions ActiveRecord is sucks

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Solution Cause Microservices! Monolithic architecture It’s all sucks

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Monolithic Microservices vs

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Monolithic Microservices !=

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Monolithic Microservices >

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Monolithic Microservices >

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Solution Cause Microservices! Good choice! Monolithic architecture It’s all sucks

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And Last but not to least

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Opportunity for what?

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https:// palkan/ test-prof

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Blood Contracts

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Next: Blood Contracts @ssnickolay