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Feb. 1 2020, PWA Night CONFERENCE 2020 Kazunari Hara, CyberAgent Scalable 〜こえのブログ最新事例〜

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is a web app focusing on UX

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meow にゃーん (やーん)

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● Reliable - Load instantly even when offline ● Fast - Respond quickly and no junk scrolling ● Engaging - Feel like a natural app on the device

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No content

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● Reliable - Load instantly even when offline ● Fast - Respond quickly and no junk scrolling ● Engaging - Feel like a natural app on the device ● Scalable - Being improved consistently

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こえのブログ Posting a blog entry just by speaking ● Audio recording ● Speech-to-Text ● Audio player ● Installable ●

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● Posting blog with audio and text ● The editor is a PWA

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Device Microphone with MediaDevices.getUserMedia() navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: autoGainControl: false, channelCount: 1, echoCancellation: true, noiseSuppression: true, }) .then(stream => // use stream);

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Getting Audio from Mic and save/post it later const mediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder(stream, options); mediaRecorder.addEventListener('stop', () => { const audioBlob = new Blob(recordedChunks); const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob); downloadLink.href = audioUrl; = 'audio.wav'; }); mediaRecorder.start();

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Transcoding with WASM reduces audio sizes ● In Web Worker ● Execute periodically ● WAV to MP3 -90% Audio sizes

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Speech-to-Text on Cloud converts audio to text by applying powerful neural network models const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech'); const client = new speech.SpeechClient(); const recognize = () => { const request = { audio: { uri: 'gs://...' }, config: { languageCode: 'ja-JP', enableWordTimeOffsets: true }, }; return client.recognize(request); };

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Saving Draft to IndexedDB and restore it

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Playing Audio with the user’s permission ● Asking permission to play audio after prompt on the first encounter ● If the user says “OK”, start playing audio and save the status to the browser storage ● If the user says “NO”, always ask before playing audio

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Add to Home Screen as an application on OSes Criteria: ● https ● Service Worker with fetch ● Web App Manifest etc...

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Full experiences: Works on Limited experiences:

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Made with

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Challenges for Scalable PWA

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Single Origin with HTTPS helps overcome many challenges in PWAs ● Service worker scopes ● New feature permissions ● Controllable caches ● Reading cookies*/ {api, assets, images, src}

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App Strategy at Ameba こえのブログ shipped as a PWA: ● To create experimental fetures ● To provide app to major OSes ● Not to increase native app sizes ● PWA already works on many browsers

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Including Polyfill to provide modern functionality on older browsers Some polyfill options: Bundle JS files with polyfills like core-js Using polyfill services like Differential script loading is also recommended ECMAScript 2016+ compatibility table is almost all green, but we need to load polyfill for now able/

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Perf is Critical for user experience in PWA ● High priority for better UX ● Users prefer fast apps ● Better for business metrics -44% Client Rendering Time +57% Page Views

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Consistently Fast even during traffic spikes (13x traffic spikes occurred) Caches ensure site stability: ● Server-side caches ● Client-side caches

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CDN for server-side stability ● Long TTL (1 day by default) ● Event-driven cache purging ● Serving stale content 98% Cache Hit Ratio 99% Cache Coverage

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Service Worker for client-side caching ● Pre-caching app assets ○ updated precisely with server file update ● Runtime assets caches (except partial audios) ● HTTP caches if the browser does not support SW 98% Cache Cavarage

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Cache Overview to improve site speed and consistency Origin Server / DB CDN Browser Purge on data update 98% Cache Cavarage 98% Cache Hit Fetch on file change High cache hit/coverage reduces unnecessary network requests

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Perf Budget helps ensure good user experience and business metrics The team need to maintain ● Perf budget ● Performance monitoring ● Improve decision making in development flow

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Lab data vs Field data Assessing app performance using both types of data Lab Controlled/Consistent Real-world/Wild Field Lighthouse DevTools SpeedCurve Chrome User Experience Report Firebase Performance Monitoring SpeedCurve

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Setting Perf Budget 1. Measuring the app in lab 2. Comparing metrics to competitors with 20% rule 3. Setting perf budgets 4. Monitoring budgets on a daily or a deployment basis 5. Updating budgets (e.g. adding Field metrics)

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Perf Budget Now Setting aggressive budgets to find out regressions early FCP on Fast 3G <= 1.5s TTI on Fast 3G <= 3s Entrypoint HTML <= 14KB App shell JS <= 120KB Chunk JS <= 20KB

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Monitoring Perf Budget Daily basis: SpeedCurve, Lighthouse CI... (Lab) Firebase Perf, CrUX… (Field) Deployment basis: SpeedCurve (Lab) Before deployment: Bundle size on CI

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Perf Budget in development flow Some steps before consuming perf budget: ● Reducing size if possible ● Finding reason for size increases ● Issuing it to refactor later Exceeded? Ship it! Can reduce size? Reduce size Issue reason Consume budget Refactor Ship it! No Yes No Yes

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Apps need to be cleaned everyday like cats

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Continuous Deployment for site realiability ● Deployment is fast, easy, safe, and frequent ● Rollbacks are also easy ● Master branch is deployed automatically (on a daily basis, planning) >= 1,000 Releases in 10 Month Push CLI Purge

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Tech Stack better performance, higher security, cheaper, easier scaling, and better DX Similar approach to JAMStack: ● Entire Project on a CDN ● Everything Lives in Git ● Modern Build Tools ● Automated Builds ● Atomic Deploys ● Instant Cache Invalidation Cloud Functions Cloud Storage Cloud Functions Web App Assets Audios API POST/DELETE API GET 93% Endpoints Cacheable

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Writing Tests ensures continuous deployment and app quality ● Logic unit testing ● Visual regression testing (pages) Tests working in progress: ● Logic unit testing on brosers ● Server-side testing

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Traffic reffarals to increase visitors Social media Native Apps Search engines Open PWA from native apps Primary pages are on not

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Differential Rendering for social media crowlers and browsers inc Googlebot Server-side meta rendering ${pageTitle} Client-side app rendering

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Image CDN creates eyecatch images displayed in social media ● Inserting landmark ● Cropping, resizing ● Converting appropriate format /image.jpg? crop=1200:630&width=1200&overlay=share

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Accessibility improves user experience ● Color contrast ● Machine readability ● Keyboard usability ● User preferences etc... Only a subset of accessibility issues can be automatically detected

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Accessibility Tools checks additional accessibility issues Checking screen reader using VoiceOver Inspecting Accessibility Tree using DevTools Collaboration between designers and developers using VisBug

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Keyboard Usability screen reader usability as well Ensuring current position: ● Displaying outlines ● Controlling focuses

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Reduce Motions stops animations if the user prefers-reduced-motion @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { .item-placeholder { animation: none; } }

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Dark Mode respects prefers-color-scheme Applied with CSS custom properties @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --app-background-color: black; --app-text-color: white; } } Planning

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Accessibility Guidelines explains how can we improve user experience ● Based on WCAG 2.1 ● Web Bundle is available

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Progressive Enhancement to provide first-class experiences to the user Not only for visual designs: ● Feature detections ● Polyfill or other solutions

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Permissions API Not available: Always asking the permission Available: Checking the permission before recording const checkMicPermission = async () => { const permissionStatus = await navigator.permissions.query({ name: 'microphone', }); if (permissionStatus.state === 'denied') { // Display dialog... } else { // Start recording... } // You can also use addEventListener // permissionStatus.addEventListener('change'); };

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Native Lazy-loading defers the loading of off-screen elements ”” ””src=”https://...” if ('loading' in HTMLImageElement.prototype) { // copy value from data-src to src } else {} // fallback with Intersection Observer

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Is Native Lazy-loading too eager? If it is true for your app, you can load images with ● Intersection Observer ● Element Lazy-rendering

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Web Share invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device The apps or the person could be suggested based on the user’s engagement

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Web Share invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device if ('share' in navigator) { // Chrome, Safari navigator.share({ title: '', text: '', url: '' }); } else { // Display custom dialog }

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Wake Lock prevents devices from dimming while recording The users can ● check the remaining time ● tap the stop button ● remove noises of when the device starts recording in background O rigin Trial

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Wake Lock prevents devices from dimming while recording if ('wakeLock' in navigator) { // Chrome let wakeLock; const requestWakeLock = async () => { try { wakeLock = await navigator.wakeLock.request('screen'); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', handler); document.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', handler); } else { // you can use NoSleep.js if wake lock is a critical fearture // no fallback also makes sence } O rigin Trial

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Native File System enables developers to control device storage Use cases (planning): ● opening files in the storage ● saving recorded audios ● downloading favorite audios Planning

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Native File System enables developers to control device storage // Chrome if (‘chooseFileSystemEntries’ in window) { const fileHandle = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries(); } else { // fallback with HTML element // use to open file // use to download files } Planning

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Periodic Background Sync refreshes data periodically in backgound Use cases (planning): ● updating rankings ● downloading audios by favorite bloggers Planning

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Periodic Background Sync refreshes data periodically in backgound const registration = await navigator.serviceWorker.ready; if ('periodicSync' in registration) { // Chrome await registration.periodicSync.register( 'content-sync', { minInterval: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } // one day ); } Planning

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UA Client Hints simplify User Agent string HTTP request header , User-Agent, is going to be freezed Tested in Google Chrome Canary 81 if (req.http.Sec-CH-UA ~ "Google Chrome (\d+)$") if (std.atoi( >= 63) { call esm_origin; } }

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Project Fugu for the future web apps

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Passion and Collaborations

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@herablog Related documents: ● アメブロ2019: こえのブログでのPWA ● Web App Checklist 〜高品質のWebアプリケーションをつくる ために〜 ● こえのブログでのPWA ~ PWA編 ~ ● こえのブログでのPWA ~ 開発現場編 ~ ● 最新CDN入門 WEB+DB PRESS Vol.109 ● CDNフル活用でつくる高速 Webアプリ Life Have a nice