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The future of search marketing Erik Wikander Zupyak

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The rules for SEO and content marketing are being completely rewritten as we speak. It’s an adapt or die situation 😵

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What could a world post generative search look like?

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Search is a much better experience compared to today In a world where…

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Search is a much better experience compared to today In a world where…

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AI will raise the bar for content Content needs to be great in order to get aggregated

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In a world where.. People can find what they’re actually looking for

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In a world where.. People can find what they’re actually looking for

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… the short-mid-long tail may die

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… and a new loooooong-tail of will emerge

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90% of all content is AI- generated* *Europol 2023 In a world where...

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Recycling won’t get you far AI recycled content ● No unique data = Low impact ● Little or no context given

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Recycling won’t get you far AI recycled content vs ● Little or no context given ● No unique data = Low impact ● Rich context given AI amplified perspectives ● Informed with unique data, insights and experience = High impact

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95% of what marketers use strategists, and creative professionals for today can be done by AI *Sam Altman 2024 In a world where…

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AI ideation AI keyword research AI content creation & AI editing AI analytics & dynamic content You will need AI amplified everything

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So what should you be doing? Dare to invest in great content Amplify what you do today with AI, don’t take shortcuts Get AI in to all your processes today Continuously test and learn to gain momentum

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