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Multi-table Full Text Search Postgres with

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No content

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I'm going to talk to you about

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A real-life feature.

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Full Text Search

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Multi-table Full Text Search Postgres with

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Materialized Views

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Other Options

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Let's search for Articles

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Article.where("body LIKE %?%", query)

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Exact substrings

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but that's not very useful

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Article.where("body ILIKE %?%", query)

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Search on title

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Article.where( "body ILIKE %?% OR title ILIKE %?%", query, query)

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Search by Author's name

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Scopes def joins(:user) .where(<<-SQL, query, query, query) articles.body ILIKE %?% OR articles.title ILIKE %?% OR ILIKE %?% SQL end

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Query object class Search def self.for(query) [ Article.where("title ILIKE %?%", query), Article.where("body ILIKE %?%", query), Article.joins(:user) .where(" ILIKE %?%", query), ].flatten.uniq end end

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Poor results

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Full Text Search Enter

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natural language searching

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remove stop words and, the, also, they, would

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eliminate casing “Factory” and “factory” should return the same results

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synonyms hunger and hungrily

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stemming “try” and “trying”, “tries”, and “tried” will be recorded in the index under the single concept word "tri."

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SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM ( SELECT id AS id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id ) AS this_doesnt_matter WHERE to_tsvector(the_text) @@ to_tsquery('?');

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SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM ( SELECT id AS id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id

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id AS id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id

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SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM ( SELECT id AS id, title || ' ' || body A FROM articles UNION SELECT AS id, AS the_te

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title || ' ' || body A FROM articles UNION SELECT AS id, AS the_te FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles ) AS this_doesnt_matter WHERE

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SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM ( SELECT id AS id, title || ' ' || body AS t FROM articles UNION SELECT

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That's a lot of SQL.

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We could throw that into our query object class Search def self.for(query) <<-SQL SQL end end

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Scopes def where(<<-SQL, query) SQL end

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Postgres has our answer

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Partial queries

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Stored in the Database

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Can be SELECTed from

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Return set of columns

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Multi- source

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Complete the query

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CREATE VIEW users_with_recent_activity AS SELECT DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at AS active_at FROM users JOIN activities ON activities.user_id = WHERE activities.created_at >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 days';

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CREATE VIEW users_with_recent_activity AS SELECT DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at AS active_at FROM users JOIN activities ON activities.user_id = WHERE activities.created_at >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 days';

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CREATE VIEW users_with_recent_activity SELECT DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at AS active FROM users JOIN activities ON activities.user_id = WHERE activities.created_at >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 days

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CREATE VIEW users_with_recent AS SELECT DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at active_at FROM users JOIN activities ON activities.user_id = u

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VIEW users_with_recent_activity AS DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at AS active_at users activities activities.user_id = activities.created_at >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 days';

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CREATE VIEW users_with_recent_activity AS SELECT DISTINCT ON ( users.*, activities.created_at AS active_at FROM users JOIN activities ON activities.user_id = WHERE activities.created_at >= CURRENT_DATE - interval '7 days';

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Querying a view looks just like querying a table SELECT * FROM users_with_recent_activity WHERE id IN (1,2,3…) ORDER BY active_at DESC

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ActiveRecord can use a view as its backend

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So we can create a fairly vanilla model

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class UserWithRecentActivity \ < ActiveRecord::Base def self.table_name "users_with_recent_activity" end def readonly? true end end

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ass UserWithRecentActivity \ < ActiveRecord::Base ef self.table_name "users_with_recent_activity" nd

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class UserWithRecentActivity \ < ActiveRecord::Base def self.table_name "users_with_recent_activity" end def readonly? true end end

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def self.table_name "users_with_recent_acti end def readonly? true end end

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Will it work with full text search?

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No content

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Takes care of the Full Text Search portions of queries

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Search over every text field on a record

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Variant search options like basic_search, fuzzy search, and advanced search

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Game.basic_search( title: 'Mario', system: 'Nintendo' )

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So let's go back and look at the search we wrote

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SELECT id AS article_id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS article_id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id;

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Now our search result is really simple in the Rails side

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class Search < ActiveRecord::Base include Textacular belongs_to :article end

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class Search < ActiveRecord::Base include Textacular belongs_to :article end

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class SearchResult include Enumerable def initialize(query) @results = Search.basic_search(query) end def each @results.each end end

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CREATE Migration

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class CreateUsersWithRecentActivity < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "--The CREATE VIEW sql from before" ) end def down ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( 'DROP VIEW users_with_recent_activity' ) end end

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How resistant to change is it?

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Let's find out - time for some feature creep!

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Articles whose comments match the query

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Searching on • Article (title, body) • Author (name) • Comments (body)

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SELECT id AS article_id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS article_id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id UNION SELECT article_id, body AS the_text FROM comments

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UPDATE Migration

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class CreateUsersWithRecentActivity < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW searches AS --The sql from the new view" ) end def down ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW searches AS --The sql from the old view" ) end end

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UPDATE Migration

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class CreateUsersWithRecentActivity < ActiveRecord::Migration def up ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "DROP VIEW searches; CREATE VIEW searches AS --The sql from the new view" ) end def down ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "DROP VIEW searches; CREATE VIEW searches AS --The sql from the old view" ) end end

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Can't be dumped to db/schema.rb

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config.database_format = :structure db/structure.sql

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No content

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[show how scenic gets migrations from view.sql definitions]

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[show that it has versions]

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Model generator $ rails generate scenic:model search create app/models/search.rb create db/views/searches_v01.sql create db/migrate/..._create_searches.rb

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$ cat app/views/searches_v01.sql SELECT id AS article_id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS article_id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id

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View generator $ rails generate scenic:view search create db/views/searches_v02.sql create db/migrate/..._update_searches_to_version_2.rb

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$ cat app/views/searches_v02.sql SELECT id AS article_id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS article_id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id

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$ cat app/views/searches_v02.sql SELECT id AS article_id, title || ' ' || body AS the_text FROM articles UNION SELECT AS article_id, AS the_text FROM authors JOIN articles ON = articles.author_id UNION SELECT article_id, body AS the_text FROM comments

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This query is pretty slow

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it has to search across three tables to get us all of the results we need

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Full Text Search ~400 ms ILIKE ~40 ms Full Text Search vs ILIKE

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Views can't be indexed

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Underlying tables can

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Add indices

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There are several types of indices

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GIN index lookups are about three times faster than GiST

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GIN indexes take about three times longer to build than GiST

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GIN indexes are moderately slower to update than GiST indexes

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GIN indexes are two-to-three times larger than GiST indexes

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Use GIN • You don't have hundreds of thousands of rows • You're not concerned about longer writes blocking the db • You're adding the index late in the game • You don't care about disk space • You want fast lookups (read-heavy)

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Use GiST • Very large tables • You have performance concerns • For some reason disk space is important • Your table is write-heavy

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add_index :articles, :body, using: :gin add_index :articles, :title, using: :gin add_index :authors, :name, using: :gin add_index :comments, :body, using: :gin

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Materialized Views

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Pre-populate the results of the view

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Query against result set

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Full Text Search ~400 ms ILIKE ~40 ms Materialized ~ 5.394 ms

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after_commit :refresh def refresh class.connection.execute( "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW #{table_name}" ) end

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What about pre-built solutions?

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ElasticSearch via Tire or elasticsearch-rails or Chewy require 'elasticsearch/model' class Article < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks end

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Solr via Sunspot class Post < ActiveRecord::Base searchable do text :title, :body text :comments do { |comment| comment.body } end boolean :featured integer :blog_id integer :author_id integer :category_ids, :multiple => true double :average_rating time :published_at time :expired_at string :sort_title do title.downcase.gsub(/^(an?|the)/, '') end end end

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text :title, :body text :comments do {|comment| comment.body} end

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boolean :featured integer :blog_id integer :author_id integer :category_ids, :multiple => true double :average_rating time :published_at time :expired_at

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string :sort_title do title.downcase.gsub(/^(an?|the)/, '') end

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sphinx with ThinkingSphinx ThinkingSphinx::Index.define :article, :with => :active_record do indexes subject, :sortable => true indexes content indexes, :as => :author, :sortable => true has author_id, created_at, updated_at end

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These services excel at faceted search

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These services excel at faceted search More difficult with full text search

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Run on your development machine.

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Run on your production machine.

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Needs to be faked in tests

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Some of these have lots of cruft in models.

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Remove a data concern from your database

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Arcane syntax

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By combining

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materialized views

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full text search

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Rails magic ✨

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we have a pretty cool search feature

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that doesn't require any new dependencies

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Thank you

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Bibliography • • enough/ • • • • • •

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No content

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No content

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Come say hi That’s why I do this