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Writing Interactive User Interfaces with PHP & React.js Justin Carmony - PHPNW15 @JustinCarmony Feedback -

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Me • Director of Engineering
 @ Deseret Digital Media • Utah PHP Usergroup
 President • I Make (and Break)
 Web Stuff (10+ years) • @JustinCarmony
 [email protected]

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 Presentation • Slides Posted Online • Feel free to ask on-topic question during presentation • Q&A Session At the End • Feel free to ask me any questions afterwards

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• Never used React? • Tried it out once? • Use it regularly? Poll the Audience - React JS

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• Rarely use it • jQuery? • Ember, Angular, Backbone? • Node? • ES6? Poll the Audience - JavaScript

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Two Goals: #1 - Why React #2 - Go back Home / Work & Experiment Not a Deep Dive

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Let’s Start With A Story! Hat-Tip to Shu Uesugi

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We Need a Feedback Form!

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Boss Hrm…

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Disable unless there is at least something in the feedback texture

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“I can do that” dev

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$('#feedback-textarea').on("input", function(){ if($(this).val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false); } else { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } });

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Add a limit, show them how close they are to being over?

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Dev: Ok, that isn’t too bad

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$('#feedback-textarea').on("input", function(){ if($(this).val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false); } else { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } $('#feedback-character-count').html($(this).val().length); });

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Boss: Small Oversite

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Ask for their email?

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–Johnny Appleseed Dev: Shouldn’t be too hard?

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$('#feedback-textarea').on("input", function(){ if($(this).val().length > 0 && $('#feedback-email').val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false); } else { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } $('#feedback-character-count').html($(this).val().length); });

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$('#feedback-email').on("input", function(){ if($('#feedback-textarea').val().length > 0 && $('#feedback- email').val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false); } else { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } $('#feedback-character-count').html($(this).val().length); }); $('#feedback-textarea').on("input", function(){ if($('#feedback-textarea').val().length > 0 && $('#feedback- email').val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false);

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$('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } $('#feedback-character-count').html($(this).val().length); }); $('#feedback-textarea').on("input", function(){ if($('#feedback-textarea').val().length > 0 && $('#feedback- email').val().length > 0) { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", false); } else { $('#feedback-button').prop("disable", true); } $('#feedback-character-count').html($(this).val().length); });

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–Johnny Appleseed Could we get a few more changes?

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Next thing you know…

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How did we get here?!

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Who has had a similar experience?

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Why is this messy?

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Events Change DOM

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Events Changes Textarea Input Submit Button Disable / Enable

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Events Changes Textarea Input Submit Button Disable / Enable Email Text Input Character Counter String Character Counter Color File Upload Success File Upload Error Submit Start Submit Result Feedback Status String Feedback Status Color Uploaded File Details Form Area Style

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So what do we do?

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dramatic drum roll please…

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Treat your App’s UI like an App

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JavaScript UI Frameworks & Libraries

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Just the UI Think the “V” in MVC

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One-way Data Binding

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// Data Object var model = { value: "Hello"; } Older Style “Two-Way Binding” (Angular, Ember, Backbone)

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// Data Object var model = { value: "Hello"; } One-Way Data “Binding”

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// Data Object var model = { value: "Hello"; } One-Way Data “Binding” “change” event

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Result of One-Way Binding: Predictability

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Virtual DOM

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Events Changes Textarea Input Submit Button Disable / Enable Email Text Input Character Counter String Character Counter Color File Upload Success File Upload Error Submit Start Submit Result Feedback Status String Feedback Status Color Uploaded File Details Form Area Style STATE

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Using React Lets see how it actually work

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WARNING! You might see some JavaScript stuff you’ve never seen before. I promise to explain it, don’t get hung up on it. :)

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What React Looks Like var React = require("react"); var HelloWorld = React.createClass({ render: function(){ var conf = "PHPNW15"; return (

Hello {conf}!

); } }); module.exports = HelloWorld;

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What React Looks Like var React = require("react"); var HelloWorld = require("./HelloWorld"); var domElement = document.getElementById('app'); React.render(, domElement);

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• A value you pass to a React Component • Immutable for the component. Properties (aka “Props”)

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Props var React = require("react"); var HelloWorld = require("./HelloWorld"); var domElement = document.getElementById('app'); React.render(, domElement);

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Props var HelloWorld = React.createClass({ getDefaultProps: function(){ return { conf: "Ski PHP 2015" }; }, render: function(){ return (

Hello {this.props.conf}!

); } });

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• Mutable Internal Data Object for a Component • Set new state via this.setState({ key: “val” }); • Component re-renders itself and all children when changed. State

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I’m Insane, Lets Do Some Live Coding

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Implementing in Your Project

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Tools • NPM - Install React & Other Tools • webpack - compile & bundle JS • babel - translate JSX to JavaScript
 as well as ES6 Support • React Developer Tools - Chrome extension for inspecting React components.

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Strategy • Get NPM / webpack / babel setup in your project. • Add webpack to your build process. • Add webpack endpoints for the JS code you write. • Have your PHP View drop data on the page with JSON. • Have your view call “React.render” with the component & data you need.

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Flux Application Architecture for UIs

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Dispatcher Action View Store Action

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• Reflux - My Current Recommendation • Redux - Newer, Supports “Isomorphic” • Roll your own simple flux architecture. Flux Libraries

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Single Page App

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• More complicated than just making portions of your site interactive. • Create RESTful APIs (reuse your logic to fetch data for your views) • Render HTML Head & Body with a single Div • Use Flux framework to fetch data. • Use react-router for handling Routing, URL Changes, etc. Single Page Apps - Strategy

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Final Thoughts

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Props before State

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Level up your JavaScript Knowlege

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React is pretty Stable Everything else: lots of churn

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Start out Small & Simple

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Thank You Twitter: @JustinCarmony Email: [email protected] Web: Please Leave Feedback: