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© 2024 amptalk Corp. Recruiting Deck amptalk Inc.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 2 Table of Contents 1. OVERVIEW 2. VISION 3. BUSINESS 4. TEAM & CULTURE 5. FOR DEVELOPERS 6. PROCESS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. OVERVIEW

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 4 Maximize the time people spend interacting with each other, to create opportunities that didn't exist until yesterday.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 5 HISTORY OVERVIEW amptalk Founded           Seed: 100 M JPY Launched amptalk analysis Series A: 300 M JPY Held Next Enablers’ 1st event Launched amptalk assist (beta) Launched Next Enablers Online 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2020.05 2021.05 2021.09 2022.12 2023.11 2024.02 2024.02

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 6 COMPANY OVERVIEW Entity Founded Date CEO Address amptalk Inc. Ryoma Inose May 2020 1-6-3 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Raised 400 M JPY to date. Investors:

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. VISION

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 8 VISION Maximize the time people spend interacting with each other. For individuals in customer-facing roles, such as sales, their responsibility is to determine how effectively and in what high-quality manner they can engage with customers. Various peripheral tasks and communication barriers hinder the maximization of the value of that time. Therefore, we strive to unlock sales operations, enabling the maximization of the value of time spent talking with customers by addressing and removing obstacles. MISSION

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 9 VISION VISION Creating opportunities that didn't exist until yesterday. The conversation and actions of people are causing numerous opportunities to be lost from the world. By streamlining various sales-related peripheral tasks such as education and administrative work, we aim to generate opportunities that were previously unimaginable in the world.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 10 WHY WE DO IT VISION Unable to secure enough time for preparation... Unable to make proposals that grasp the core of the problem... All products and ideas spread by people interacting and reaching agreements, thereby making the society better. However, there are numerous opportunities lost in the field of business negotiations and discussions. Opportunities lost in sales... Unable to effectively convey what you really want to say...

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. Can focus on time with customers! Can communicate effectively! Can make a proposal that hits the core! 11 amptalk uses the power of technology to realize sales enablement, creating opportunities that did not exist in the world until yesterday. Enablement Sales Good ideas and products will spread more, making the world a better place. WHY WE DO IT VISION

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. BUSINESS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. MARKET 13 BUSINESS Sales Enablement Market is Experiencing Unprecedented Growth. Sales enablement software and services market is rapidly expanding globally. 出典: Grand View Research

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 14 Especially in Japan, that is seeing the megatrends such as the shrinking labor force and increasing workforce fluidity, improving sales productivity, talent development and reskilling are becoming the top priorities for management. Source: 独立行政法人 労働政策研究・研修機構 「データブック国際労働比較 2022」 With the declining labor force, management's focus is shifting from expansion to productivity. Source: Nikkei BUSINESS With increasing workforce fluidity, talent development and reskilling become critical challenges. India Australia United States China South Korea Germany Japan Japan's workforce is declining the fastest in the world Percentage of Mid-Career Hires Planned Number of Mid-Career Hires (in tens of thousands) MARKET

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 15 PROBLEM BUSINESS Information and know-how are accumulated as tacit knowledge in individuals. Although the adoption of SFA/CRM in Japanese companies has progressed, data accumulation remains insufficient. Customer information and sales know-how remains in individuals as tacit knowledge, and team productivity is neglected. Needs to shift from OJT to structured training systems. Traditionally, Japanese enterprises have focused on new grads recruitment and OJT for talent development. As workforce fluidity increases, it becomes essential to establish structured training systems to install the knowledge and skills. Product portfolio gets complex and diversified, making catch-up difficult. With technological advancements and the diversification of customer demands, the number of products managed increases and the required expertise grows. Although the need for improving individual productivity rises, the lack of sales skills becomes a bottleneck. Improving sales productivity and enhancing sales capabilities have become "burning needs"... Overwhelmed by misc tasks Can’t focus on time with customers. While the time spent on data entry to SFA/CRM and internal administrative tasks increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure sufficient time for the essentials such as time with customers, for training subordinates, etc. Improving operational efficiency and productivity is an urgent issue. Blackbox of data and operations Immature sales skills Lack of training systems

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 16 SOLUTION amptalk helps collect and analyze sales data to provide insights for improving sales productivity and effectiveness. BUSINESS Sales meetings are filled with numerous insights for better understanding customers, improving conversion rates, and training team members, all of which contribute to sales enablement. amptalk realizes sales enablement through conversation intelligence and AI sales assistance. Buyer acumen CVR improvement Sales efficiency Onboarding and training Churn prevention Sales meetings

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. Transcribe and analyze sales calls and meetings through conversation intelligence. Help input and output sales meeting data into SFA/CRM with AI sales assistance. 17 BUSINESS PRODUCT

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 18 Conversation Intelligence for Sales Effectiveness Transcribe, summarize, and analyze sales calls and meetings. Help understand buyers and enhance sales capabilities through amptalk’s conversation intelligence.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 19 amptalk analysis amptalk analysis integrates with video conferencing tools and IP phones to transcribe sales calls and meetings and automatically outputs information to SFA/CRM systems. BUSINESS Audio Data (mp3/mp4) can be manually uploaded. Speaker diarization/Transcription/ Participant Information/ Question detection& counts/Topics, etc. INPUT OUTPUT Video Conferencing Systems IP Phones SFA∕CRM Chat Tools

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 20 Leave meeting records to AI assistant. Done in 10 seconds. A next-gen AI sales assistant helps you easily input and output data to SFA/CRM anytime and anywhere you need. It automates tedious data entry tasks and facilitates the accumulation and utilization of sales data.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 21 amptalk assist Leave input/output to AI assistant… …It automatically handles SFA/CRM systems. No need to log into SFA/CRM systems. Your AI assistant handles it. Easily accumulate, manage, and review customer information, minus the routine stress. BUSINESS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 22 CUSTOMERS BUSINESS and more…

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. Sales Enablement 23 BUSINESS amptalk will continue to expand its product portfolio to support the customers in addressing the most important management issue: revenue growth. Sales Calls & Meetings Revenue Growth Contents Training Coaching Digitalization Buyer Acumen ROADMAP

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. TEAM & CULTURE

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 25 OUR VALUE TEAM & CULTURE EMPATHY There's a reason for everything. Let's empathize with everything happening within the company and externally. ISSUE DRIVEN Let's focus on solving the challenges people face rather than just what we can do. Approach problem-solving with creativity, aiming to create surprises and inspiration for both customers and ourselves. BE THE ROLE MODEL By learning, absorbing, and taking on challenges, let's conduct sales, development, and operations within the company in a way everyone would want to emulate, doing so with pride. BLAMELESS Don’t be cautious. If a mistake occurs, it's not someone's fault but a system issue. Let's resolve issues systematically to avoid inconvenience to customers.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 26 We believe that by sharing and embodying the vision of amptalk, we can create a great team regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, education, nationality, place of origin, religion, or disability. DIVERSITY & INCLUSION POLICY TEAM & CULTURE

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 27 FOUNDING MEMBERS CTO∕Keita Suzuki Keita graduated with a master's degree of Information Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo and, after that, he engaged in various system development projects at a Japanese major telecom company. While he studied methodologies such as Scrum and LeanXP, and practiced team building and scratch development, he was also involved in selecting cloud technologies and agile development training within the company. CEO∕Ryoma Inose Ryoma graduated from Waseda University and gained experience in sales and marketing at a Japanese major chemical company. He worked for two years as a Product Marketing Manager at a medical device manufacturer in Pennsylvania, where he led a digital transformation project using sales enablement tools for 500 salespeople. He obtained an MBA from IE Business School in 2018 and founded amptalk in 2020. VPoDS∕Shinji Takanobu Takanobu graduated from Dept. of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering at the University of Electro-Communications and began working as a security engineer at ITEC in 2010. Later, driven by an interest in machine learning, He joined SkyDisc as a machine learning engineer, significantly contributing to the company's growth. After that, he became independent, gaining experience in entrepreneurship and freelancing, while acquiring engineering skills focused on speech recognition. TEAM & CULTURE

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 28 ORGANIZATION TEAM & CULTURE By Function Find All Member Profiles Here! Employee Interviews Now Available! 96ac828cf15?pvs=4 By Nationality Our team consists of members from seven different countries: Singapore, UK, US, Tunisia, France, China, and Japan. 33 Number of Employees 28 By Age 20’s 30’s 40’s 33 Sales Customer Success Marketing Corporate HR Software Engineer ML Engineer

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. FOR DEVELOPERS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 30 OUR CREDO We are dedicated to delivering exceptional value to our customers with unparalleled speed, all while maintaining a steadfast commitment to quality. At amptalk, quality enhances speed, and speed, in turn, elevates quality. FOR DEVELOPERS Virtuous Cycle of Quality and Speed Productivity & Speed Quality

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 31 DEVELOPMENT CULTURE & PHILOSOPHY FOR DEVELOPERS Our principles are grounded in a robust TDD culture, a clean design philosophy, and top-notch operational excellence. Test-Driven Development(TDD) Clean Architecture / Domain-Driven Design (DDD) From the outset, TDD has been our guiding principle, with thousands of unit tests and hundreds of integration tests run daily whenever a pull request is created. This ensures quality assurance for our customers and psychological safety for our developers. By layering our system and embedding business specifications and rules into domain models, we ensure our code is readable and easy to modify. This also enables us to communicate effectively with the business team, promoting a more issue-driven development approach.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 32 DOCUMENTATION FOR DEVELOPERS Documentation on Test Strategy Documentation on Architecture At amptalk, we've cultivated a comprehensive documentation culture that embeds TDD and Clean Architecture/DDD principles, fostering an environment where people from diverse backgrounds can work flexibly and productively.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 33 WORKING STYLE FOR DEVELOPERS We offer an optimal development environment that allows diverse talents to grow and perform at their best. A hybrid work environment combining remote and in-office work Every Wednesday and Friday are in-office days dedicated to team building and intensive discussions, while the other days are spent working remotely to maintain high productivity in development. A global team with English as the primary language Our development team comprises diverse and talented members from seven different countries. Daily development is conducted primarily in English, fostering an environment where team members can grow with a global perspective both as developers and individuals.

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. IaC Cloud 34 TECH STACK & DEV ENVIRONMENT FOR DEVELOPERS Database CI/CD Software Development Backend Frontend AWS CodePipeline Dev Support Project Management Design Code Management

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 35 Infrastructure Code Management ML Development Libraries Programming Languages TECH STACK & DEV ENVIRONMENT FOR DEVELOPERS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. PROCESS

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 37 RECRUITING PROCESS PROCESS You'll have the opportunity to confirm your fit with amptalk in terms of both ability and culture. Sample Selection Process Step 02. Interviews (Multiple Rounds) Conduct multiple online interviews with hiring managers and team members. Step 03. Work Sample Test / Coding Test / Reference Check Conduct a test to brainstorm solutions to real challenges our company faces. Step 01. Document Screening Step 04.Final Interview

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© 2024 amptalk Corp. 38 Apply Here!