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多くの⼈達との出会いと別れ Meeting and parting with many people

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胸が熱くなるような良いことも Good things that make my heart hot

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胸が苦しくなるような ⾟いこともあった There were some painful things that made my chest hard

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だけど But

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俺たちは逃げなかった We didn't run away

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常に前に進み続けた Kept moving forward

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戦い続けることは勝つことより難しい Continuing is harder than winning

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たった⼀⼈で戦っていると 感じた事もあったけど I felt like I was fighting alone

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今はこんなに多くの背中を 預けれる仲間がいる Now, I have a team I can trust

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Goodpatchは本当に強いチームになった Goodpatch has become a really strong team

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ͣͬͱ͜Μͳ஥͕ؒཉ͔ͬͨ͠ I always wanted this kind of team

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ࠓͳΒࣗ৴Λ࣋ͬͯݴ͑Δ Now I can say with confidence

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Goodpatch͸ “ҒେͳνʔϜ” ͩͱ Goodpatch is a “Great team”

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͜Ε͔Β੖Εͷ೔΋·ͨӍͷ೔΋͋ΔͩΖ͏ There will be sunny and rainy days

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྆ํඞཁͳΜͩ We need both

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ͣͬͱ੖ΕͰ΋ ͣͬͱӍͰ΋ ২෺͸ҭͨͳ͍ Even when it's always sunny or rainy, plants won't grow

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੒௕ʹ͸੖Ε΋Ӎ΋ඞཁͳΜͩ Growth needs sunny and rain

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Զͨͪ͸͜Ε͔Β΋ͲΜͳࣄ͕͋ͬͯ΋ ໰୊͔Βಀ͛ͣʹσβΠϯΛ͢Δ We will design without running away from problems no matter what happens

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正直、デザイン会社がIPOを⽬指すなんて 軽々しく⾔えるもんじゃない To be honest, it's not easy to say that a design company aims for an IPO.

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会社によっては社員には⼀切意識させない会社もある もし失敗したときのインパクトが⼤きいからね Some companies do not make employees aware of it. If the failure has a big impact.

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でも、俺はみんなに意識させる⽅を選んだ But I chose to make employees aware

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それはみんなと夢を共有したかったから Because I wanted to share my dreams with everyone

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⼤きな⽬標に向かう事 それを⼀緒に達成し、喜びを分かち合う事 Toward a big goal, Achieve it together and share joy.

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“みんなの夢って呼べるようになったら それはきっと叶うわ” ※宇宙兄弟より シャロン博⼠ If you can call everyone's dreams, It will surely come true

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もちろん、IPOは夢への通過点だけど Of course, IPO is a passing point to the dream

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それでもデザイン会社のIPOという 前例のない夢をみんなで達成したい Still, we want to achieve the unprecedented dream of a design company IPO

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1年前にIPOは会社にとっての成⼈式だと⾔った A year ago IPO said it was coming-of-age ceremony for the company

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⼦供だからと許されていた事が ⼤⼈になると社会的な責任が付いてくる Social responsibility comes with adulthood for being allowed to be a child

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IPOしたら社会がより近くなる IPO makes society closer

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デザイナーは今よりももっと社会的な責任を 追う仕事になるはずだ Designers should be more socially responsible than they are now

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社会の課題に向き合い、 Goodpatchがこの世界をより良くしよう Face social challenges and make Goodpatch better this world

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PixarがToyStoryを世に出すまで9年 MicrosoftがWindowsを世に出すまで10年 Nine years before Pixar launches ToyStory 10 years until Microsoft brings Windows to the world

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Appleが初代Macintoshを⽣み出すまで8年 iPodを⽣み出すまで25年 iPhoneを⽣み出すまで31年 8 years since Apple created the first Macintosh 25 years since the creation of the iPod 31 years since the creation of the iPhone

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Goodpatchの歴史はまだ8年 Goodpatch has only 8 years of history

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これから歴史に名を刻む“偉⼤な会社”になる Become a “great company” that will make a name in history

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みんなで次のステージに⾏こう Let's go to the next stage together

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To Infinity …

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To Infinity and Beyond

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ແݶͷ൴ํ΁ɺ͋͞ߦͧ͘ʂ To Infinity and Go Beyond

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To Infinity and Go Beyond ແݶͷ൴ํ΁ɺ͋͞ߦͧ͘ʂ

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8th Anniversary Start!