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Information and Understanding

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The Understanding Spectrum ཧղͷεϖΫτϧ Nathan ShedroffͷʮInformation Interaction Design: A Unified Field Theory of Design (2000) ʯʹචऀՃචͯ͠࡞੒ɻ Data σʔλ Information ৘ใ Knowledge ஌ࣝ Wisdom ஌ܙ Research Creation Gathering Discovery Presentation Organization Conversation Storytelling Integration Contemplation Evaluation Interpretation Retrospection Common activities: Level of engagement + organizing = + experience = + understanding = Level of explicitness

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Information ≠ Content ৘ใ≠ίϯςϯπ Abby CovertʹΑΔʮHow to Make Sense of Any Mess - CXL LIVE 2017ʯͷεϥΠυʹචऀՃචͯ͠࡞੒ɻ My Info Their Info Content Context

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Figuring out the situation where we say “we don’t have enough information” ʮ৘ใ͕଍Γͳ͍ʯΛଊ͑௚͢ ৘ใΛ ཧղ͍ͯ͠Δ ৘ใΛ ཧղ͍ͯ͠ͳ͍ ৘ใ͕ ଘࡏ͢Δ ৘ใ͕ ଘࡏ͠ͳ͍ ͭ·Γɺ ൑அͰ͖ͯɺ ࣍ͷߦಈ΋Ͱ͖Δ ͭ·Γɺ ൑அ͕Ͱ͖ͳ͍͠ɺ ࣍ͷߦಈ΋Ͱ͖ͳ͍ ͭ·Γɺ ·ͩ൑அ͸Ͱ͖ͳ͍͕ɺ ࣍ͷߦಈ͸Ͱ͖Δ ͭ·Γɺ ·ͣߦಈ͔Β ʢ࠷ॳͷ৘ใऩू͔Βʣ 1 2 3 4

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A Model of Constructive Simulation ߏ੒తγϛϡϨʔγϣϯͷϞσϧ ాӜढ़य़ΒʹΑΔʮσβΠϯʹ͓͚Δ૑଄తࢥߟͷߏ੒తݚڀͷࢼΈ ―֓೦ੜ੒ϓϩηεͷߏ੒తγϛϡϨʔγϣϯ―ʯͷਤ൛ʹචऀՃචͯ͠࡞੒ɻ ஌Γ͍ͨ ݱ৅ ػߏ ݱ৅Λੜ੒͢Δݪཧ ݱ৅ ܭࢉػ ޓ͍ʹࣅ͍ͯΔ ஌Γ͍ͨ ݱ৅ ૑ൃ ࢥߟݪཧΛਪଌ ڞ௨ੑΛ୳Δ ੜ੒

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Steps to Create a Virtual Concept Generation Process Ծ૝తͳ֓೦ੜ੒ϓϩηεΛੜ੒͢Δखॱ ాӜढ़य़ΒʹΑΔʮσβΠϯʹ͓͚Δ૑଄తࢥߟͷߏ੒తݚڀͷࢼΈ ―֓೦ੜ੒ϓϩηεͷߏ੒తγϛϡϨʔγϣϯ―ʯͷਤ൛ʹචऀՃචͯ͠࡞੒ɻ جఈ֓೦ σβΠϯಛ௃ جఈ֓೦ σβΠϯ੒Ռ෺ આ໌͢Δ ୳ࡧܦ࿏্ͷ֓೦ جఈ֓೦ Λද͢ϊʔυ σβΠϯಛ௃ Λද͢ϊʔυ Ծ૝తͳ ֓೦ੜ੒ϓϩηε σβΠϯಛ௃ ࣮ࡍͷ ࢥߟϓϩηε σβΠϯ੒Ռ෺ આ໌͢Δ ࣮ࡍͷ ࢥߟϓϩηε ࢥߟݪཧΛਪଌ ڞ௨ੑΛ୳Δ