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Culture Book Welcome to Sales Marker

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Culture Book Culture Book 01. COMPANY 02. PURPOSE / VALUE 03. PRODUCT 04. WORKSTYLE 05. RECRUIT

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Culture Book 01. COMPANY PROFILE Company Name Sales Marker Co., Ltd. CEO Ukyo Ogasawara Founded July 29, 2021 Capital 100 million yen Business Development and operation of Intent Sales SaaS “Sales Marker” Address Level 32, Yebisu Garden Place Tower 4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-6032 Members 234 (including 4 executives and contractors) ※ As of September 1st, 2024

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01. COMPANY -CEO- Culture Book Ukyo Ogasawara CEO 小笠原 羽恭 ・System development for major financial institutions ・New business development leader / R&D ・Winner of Asia Hackathon ・Development of blockchain platform ・Launch of new company BOOSTRY with Nomura HD and NRI ・Strategic planning for new business (enterprise client with 2 trillion yen revenue ) ・Sales strategy planning (Enterprise client with 1 trillion yen revenue) ・DX strategy using AI (Enterprise client with 1.5 trillion yen revenue) ・Launch of Sales Marker ・Seed Funding, Series A Funding (600 million yen in total) ・Selected as a semi-finalist in B dash Camp ・Wall Street Journal publication ・Nominated for Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia List ・Spoke at Monosugoi(ものすごい) Venture Exhibition ・Spoke on PIVOT / TBS Radio / Nikkei Newspaper / Saleszine / Markezine 2018 2019 2020 2021

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01. COMPANY -Management Team- Culture Book Ukyo Ogasawara CEO 小笠原 羽恭 l Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Lis„ l Intent Sales Pioneep l Spoke on PIVOT / TBS Radio / Nikkei Newspaper / Forbes / WSJ / Saleszine / Markezin‘ l SaaS sales strategy planning for a client with sales revenue of 1 trillion ye˜ l New business strategy planning for a client with sales revenue of 2 trillion ye˜ l Winner of the Asia Hackathon (3 timesu l The book titled "Intent Sales - A Cutting- Edge Model for Leveraging Interest [Intent] Data to Continuously Increase Sales, Practiced by 60% of U.S. Companies" Shintaro Ogiwara COO 荻原 慎太郎 l Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Lis„ l Consulted over 500 companies in new business development sales as the Intent Sales Consultant Pioneep l Ranked #1 in sales revenue ranking for a business unit at Keyence (achieved 400% growth over previous yearu l Launched sales team at a voice startup, in charge of Sales Strategy & Product Desig˜ l Spoken at multiple domestic and international conferences, including IVS and Collision. Shin Chen CTO 陳 晨 l Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Listè l Master’s degree from Washington University in St.Louisè l Integration, Design, Development and data analysis of Big Data Infrastructur‘ l Product management and system design as the development manager of real-time monitoring syste× l Azure Big Data Specialis„ l Winner of Asia Hackathon (3 times) Shunya Watanabe Co-Founder/Executive 渡邉 駿也 l Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Lis„ l Bachelor’s of Computer Science from New York University Abu Dha8 l Customer Center Channel Developmen„ l Digitalization of public services and online platform developmen„ l Worked on front-end development of a web app for online medication instructuction3 l Winner of Asia Hackathon (3 times)

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01. COMPANY -Management Team- Culture Book Yoshikata Uehara CFO 上原 良賢 f Master’s from the University of Toky” f Worked at Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT“ f Was in charged of mid-term strategy assessment support for financial institutions at Boston Consulting Group.— f 10 years in PE investment in Ant Capital and Innovation Network Corporation of Japan— f Was the CFO of several startup companies including LocoPartners, where he raised several billions of yen funding and led exits through M&A. Naoya Oka CDO 岡 直哉 f Was in charge of creative direction of brand design for the entire company at Yahoo Japan† f Was appointed as the Head of the Creative Center directly under the CEO and the representative of the company's visual designers at Yahoo, where he received the title of “Black Belt”† f Served as the general manager of the Brand Design division at LINE Yahoo Japan and then he joined Sales Marker as Chief Design Officer mainly engaged in the brand design strategy

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¥2.35B Series A
 Total Funding 01. COMPANY - M a n a g e m e n t Te a m - Culture Book

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01. COMPANY -Business Grow th- Culture Book Achieved Growth at Twice the Speed "T2D3" of Unicorn Companies Following the Model Continuity rate 99% Number of Clients 500+ ¥2.30B Mar 2023 Release 2 Years ago Aug Nov Jan May Jul Sep ¥100M ¥300M ¥900M Mar Nov May Sep YoY Growth Rate 270% Proven Track Record with Over 500 Companies Two-Year Growth Rate 2000%

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01. COMPANY -Business Grow th- Culture Book Growing faster than 「 」, an indicator of 
 unicorn companies T2D3 What is T2D3? T2D3 is an acronym for (Triple, Triple, Double, Double, Double / Triple twice, Double three times) and was proposed by Neeraj Agrawal, a prominent figure in the cloud domain. In simple terms, it means that the amount of sales after the start of the service increases by 3 times, 3 times, 2 times, 2 times, and 2 times every year based on the previous year, aiming for “72 times” sales growth in 5 years.It is considered an indicator to measure the growth speed of SaaS startup companies.

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01. COMPANY -Company Histor y- Culture Book Expanding the Organization in Line with Business Growth
 The organization has grown from 4 to 234 members in just three years since its founding. 2021/07 2022/02 2022/03 2022/12 2023/02 2023/03 2023/12 2024/03 2024/07 2024/09 234FTE 155FTE 204FTE 113FTE 50FTE 40FTE 32FTE 5FTE 4FTE 4FTE Founded - Funding - Service Release 100+ clients within 9 months Series A - Organization Expansion 500+ Clients - Organization: 210+ Founded Seed Funding
 ¥50M Sales Marker Release Number of Clients 100+ Series A Funding ¥550M Number of Clients 300+ Number of Clients

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01. COMPANY -Media Track Record- Appeared in business video media “PIVOT” 【新規顧客開拓の3つのムダ】 営業プロセスを効率化せよ/顧客ニーズをリアルタイムに把握/AIで自動営業/日本初のインテントセールス支援 PIVOT:第1弾 Culture Book PIVOT:第2弾 PIVOT:第3弾

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01. COMPANY -Media Track Record- Numerous Media Appearances Culture Book

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01. COMPANY -Awards Received- Numerous awards received (Japan and Worldwidel) Culture Book

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- A I I n i t i a t i v e s - Culture Book Utilization of AI Technology 01. COMPANY Sales Marker is committed to developing intent sales solutions leveraging AI technology, including features such as AI Sales and AI Manager, along with 5 billion records of daily intent data and proprietary AI techniques. We have a team of experienced data and AI engineers. 相手に合わせた 最適な文面を AIが自動生成 日本最大規模のデータベースから 部署・人物を自動でインサートし パーソナライズ 部署 データ 人物 データ 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 名前 名前 名前 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 アクション 商談 商談MTG 設定 戻る Sales Marker株式会社との2回目商談 2024/12/07(水) 12:00 - 13:00 商談詳細を確認 企業の詳細を確認 ネクストアクション 弊社のアクション 本日の資料を送付する ROIを 算定して、04/10までにお送 り 次回日 程の 調整 御社のアクション 会議で上司に上申する 弊社に状況を ご連絡いただく クラウドサインに署名 いただく 本日お伝えしたこと 決定 事項 質疑応答 商談 メモ 商談 属性情報 予算 100万円 金額 ROI 懸念していない 決裁権 人事部長の 高橋様 決裁者の 合意 合意していない 意思決定 者の 合意 合意済み 稟議フロー 不明 ニーズ 積極的に検討中 課題合意 合意済み 価値合意 合意済み 導入時期 競合 セールスツールA 導入後の 担当者 佐藤 ネクストアクション 受注予定 日 2024/10/31 決裁予定 日時 2024/9/13 14:30 次回MTG 予定 日時 2024/9/9 13:00 商談 属性情報 予算 100万円 金額 ROI 懸念していない 決裁権 人事部長の 高橋様 決裁者の 合意 合意していない 意思決定 者の 合意 合意済み 稟議フロー 不明 ニーズ 積極的に検討中 課題合意 合意済み 価値合意 合意済み 導入時期 競合 セールスツールA 導入後の 担当者 佐藤 ネクストアクション 受注予定 日 2024/10/31 決裁予定 日時 2024/9/13 14:30 次回MTG 予定 日時 2024/9/9 13:00 商談 属性情報 予算 100万円 金額 ROI 懸念していない 決裁権 人事部長の 高橋様 決裁者の 合意 合意していない 意思決定 者の 合意 合意済み 稟議フロー 不明 ニーズ 積極的に検討中 課題合意 合意済み 価値合意 合意済み 導入時期 競合 セールスツールA お礼メールを 送信 Sales Marker株式会社との Sales Bolt商談 株式会社Pipeline 送信先 [email protected] 送信元 [email protected] 送信日時 2024/12/12(月) 12:34 メールタイト ル メールタイト ル 株式会社Sales Marker 取締役COO  荻原様 お世話になっております 。株式会社Pipelineの 小笠原です 。 先程は、お打ち合わせの お時間を いただきありがとうございました。 御社の 事業の 魅力が伝わり、ぜひ弊社でセールスの ご支援を させていただき たいと考えています 。 本日の サマリーを お送 りします 。 本日 お伝えしたこと ・ ・ ・ 弊社の アクション ・本日の資料 は以下の URLを 参照してください   【エンゲージの URL:https://~~~~】 ・ROIを 算定して、04/04までにお送 り 御社の アクション ・04/05 の 会議で上司に上申す る ・04/05 に弊社に状況を ご連絡いただく メールを 送信 01 02 03 04 0 5 0 6 07 0 8 失注 無効 競合 ホゲホゲ 梅 梅 梅 梅 自社 山 山 山 山 佐 佐 佐 佐 取引先 会議URL 商談 属性情報 受注予定日 2024/05/05 決裁予定日 時 次回商談日 時 2024/04/25 14:30 予算 100万円 決裁権 人事部長の 高橋さん ニーズ 積極的に検討中 商談 属性情報 受注予定日 2024/05/05 決裁予定日 時 次回商談日 時 2024/04/25 14:30 予算 100万円 決裁権 人事部長の 高橋さん ニーズ 積極的に検討中 鈴 鈴木 次 郎 00:00:0 6 そ うですね 、 現在 の とこ ろ 、おお よそ100万円 以 内 の 範囲 で考えています 。 鈴 鈴 鈴 鈴 鈴木 次 郎 00:00:0 6 そ うですね 、 現在 の とこ ろ 、おお よそ 以 内 の 範囲 で考えています 。 100万円 商談内容 を自動解析、 BANTC情報など商談に必要な情報を 自動で登録 当社独 自開発 の商談に特化した 「AIマネ ージャ ー」がNEXTアクショ ンを もれなく実行 名前 ユーザー名ほげ 管理者 名前 名前 名前 名前 ユーザー名ほげ 管理者 アクション 商談 商談MTG 設定 自動実行され たアクション 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 最優 先アクション 商談タ イ ト ル商談タ イ ト ル 株式会社セールスマー カ ー 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク メールを自動 生成 商談 進捗(20 件) アクションがある もの だけを 表示 キーワードで検索 リスク解消アクション リスク 詳細 案 件 名 / 企業 メールを自動 生成 競合リスク あり 商談 フェーズ 03 担当者の 検討開始 商談 タイト ル商談 タイト ル 株式会社セールスマー カ ー 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 清 清 清 清 若 若 若 若 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 商談MTGの 事前連絡 その 他のアクションを 表示 お礼メールの 送信A 商談 タイト ル商談 タイト ル 株式会社セールスマー カ ー 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 清 清 清 清 若 若 若 若 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD お礼メールの 送信B 商談 タイト ル商談 タイト ル 株式会社セールスマー カ ー 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 清 清 清 清 若 若 若 若 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD お礼メールの 送信C 商談 タイト ル商談 タイト ル 株式会社セールスマー カ ー 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 清 清 清 清 若 若 若 若 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD お礼メールの 送信 商談 フェーズ 03 担当者の 検討開始 商談 タイト ル商談 タイト ル 株式会社 タ イミー 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 清 清 清 清 若 若 若 若 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 名前 名前 名前 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック メールを自動 生成 商談 進捗(20 件) アクションがある もの だけを 表示 キーワードで検索 案 件 サマリー フ ェ ーズと詳細 商談 インテン ト シグナル アクション Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) ネクス ト アクションが ありません アクションを 追加 マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 アクション 商談 商談MTG 設定 名前 ユーザー名ほげ 管理者 名前 名前 名前 名前 ユーザー名ほげ 管理者 アクション 商談 商談MTG 設定 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 最優 先アクション Sales Marker株式会社との Sales Bolt商談 Sales Marker株式会社 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション Sales Marker株式会社との Sales Bolt商談 Sales Marker株式会社 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション Sales Marker株式会社との Sales Bolt商談 Sales Marker株式会社 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック メールを自動 生成 商談 進捗(20 件) アクションがある もの だけを 表示 キーワードで検索 案 件 サマリー フ ェ ーズと詳細 商談 インテン ト シグナル アクション Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 若林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/12/30 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 若林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/12/30 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 若林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/12/30 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 若林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/12/30 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/01 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/01 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/01 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 林 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/01 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 ユニオ 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/11 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 ユニオ 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/11 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 ユニオ 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/11 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 ユニオ 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/09/11 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) ネクス ト アクションが ありません アクションを 追加 イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Marker 導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 山 高 商談 完了予定日 2024/10/13 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Marker 導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 山 高 商談 完了予定日 2024/10/13 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Marker 導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 山 高 商談 完了予定日 2024/10/13 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Marker 導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 山 山 山 山 高 高 高 高 商談 完了予定日 2024/10/13 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Bol t導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Bol t導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Bol t導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) イン テントセールス株式会社 へのSales Bol t導入提案 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 名前 名前 名前 名前 ユーザー名 管理者 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 自動実行され たアクション :12件 自 動 で フェ ーズが 進 んだ商談 2 件 内容 を確認 リスクを 検 知 した商談 4 件 内容 を確認 自 動メ ール送信件数 12 件 内容 を確認 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック 最優 先アクション 株式会社セールスDXとの商談 株式会社セールスDX 前 回の商談 で検 知 されたリスク 金額ネ ック メールを自動 生成 商談 進捗(20 件) アクションがある もの だけを 表示 キーワードで検索 案 件 サマリー フ ェ ーズと詳細 商談 インテン ト シグナル アクション Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 Sales Marker株式会社とのSales Bol t商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) その 他のアクションを 表示 セールスバーガー株式会社 営業戦略本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 150,000円 0 5 意思決定 者と 合意済み 自社担当者 - 先方担当者 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 その 他のアクションを 表示 Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) Gr owth Community社 グロース 本部様との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 1,000,000円 03 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) ネクス ト アクションが ありません アクションを 追加 マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーカーセールス株式会社 マーケティン グ部との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ04 上申完了 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) マーケティン グセールス株式会社との商談 競合 金額ネ ック +5 92 200,000円 フェーズ01 担当者の 検討開始 自社担当者 担当者名 先方担当者 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 名 商談 完了予定日 2024/MM/DD 9/30(月)~10/13(日 ) メールを自動 生成 アクション 商談 商談MTG 設定 商談を カレン ダーに追加 フォローア ップメールの 自動 生成や資料送付 滞留商談を お知らせ

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02. PURPOSE / VALUE - P U R P O S E - Culture Book Do you feel constrained by existing boundaries in your daily work? When people challenge themselves beyond the existing boundaries, they open up new avenues and innovation is born. With the power of AI and Intent Data, we are expanding business possibilities and creating a world where all people and companies can grow sustainably.  Join us in pushing the world forward by challenging the boundaries of what is possible. Creating a world where all people and businesses can challenge themselves beyond existing boundaries. PURPOSE

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02. PURPOSE / VALUE - V A L U E - Culture Book VALUE Excellent Accomplish work everyday as a member of an excellent company Excellent Accomplish work everyday as a member of an excellent company Disruptor Do not fear change and continuously innovate Disruptor Do not fear change and continuously innovate Client Growth Act as a professional that generates client growth Client Growth Act as a professional that generates client growth Respect Bring smiles through gratitude Respect Bring smiles through gratitude Speed Amaze with unrivaled speed Speed Amaze with unrivaled speed

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03. PRODUCT -Service- Culture Book INTENT SALES where you can meet customers who want your services

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03. PRODUCT -Problem- Culture Book Challenges in BtoB Sales Many companies face the following 3 challenges in developing new BtoB business. 
 Which challenge(s) applies to your companies mostly? N E E D S N E E D S Difficult to identify companies with needs Unable to approach companies/decision makers or it’s costly Difficult to obtain business meetings if the timing is not right Don't know which potential customers are interested in your products/services Creating a list is costly and difficult to achieve results without knowing the name of the person in charge Not able to know when potential customers want it, resulting in withholding of consideration and extended lead times ⁨ Problem 01 ⁨ Problem 02 ⁨ Problem 03 N O T H A N KS

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03. PRODUCT -Reasons for launching the service- Culture Book Why launch Sales Marker? Conventional sales methods based on “attribute data” could only be achieved by random hits, like a treasure hunt. In a rapidly changing market environment, we launched Sales Marker in the belief that we should realize targeted sales based on “behavioral data”. Filtering based on target hypothesis Industry Revenue Location Size Marketing Initiatives Criteria A Criteria B Criteria C Criteria D Criteria E random hits Filtering based on search behavior Industry Tool Optimization Competition needs-oriented Conventional Approach Intent Sales Treasure hunt approach A needs-oriented approach

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03. PRODUCT - Service Background - Culture Book Background: 60% of the purchasing process takes place on the Web The BtoB buyer journey is becoming more complex, and a quick sales approach before the lead is generated is critical. It is necessary to analyze not only visits to the company's website, but also all web behavior. The buyer journey is becoming more complex. In many cases, the decision to buy has already been made before a potential customer becomes a lead Customer Journey theory up until now The actual B2B Buyer Journey It is assumed that the process of recognition to comparison is done on their own company’s media such as “Owned Media” and SNS Awareness Owned Media SNS Ads Interests Own Media SNS Ads White Paper Comparasion White Paper Email Seminars Purchase LP Business Meetings Retention Email Seminars Coupons Advocate Email Seminars Coupons 50% of the time in the recognition - comparison process is spent on third-party content It is important to approach prospects at an early stage before they are registered with MA/CRM tools. Source:

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03. PRODUCT -About Intent Sales- Culture Book What is Intent Sales? Sustainable business growth is possible by practicing “Intent Sales,” a new customer-driven sales method based on the needs (intent) identified from a company's search behavior. 4 Steps of Intent Sales Sustainable business growth model “Intent Wheel” By turning the intent wheel, sustainable business growth can be achieved. Targeting with “Customer- driven” approach based on the buyer journey Selecting departments and people who will consider adopting your services Create appealing content that matches the client's business and intent Multi-channel approach to customer needs Target companies based on intent Select targeted department and person Create an appeal tailored to their intent M ulti - channel approach 1 2 3 4 Building a Value Proposition Multi-Channel Approach Buyer Journey Analysis Intent Generation In t e n t A p p r o a c h In t e n t S ig n a l C ustomer Intent

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Marketing 03. PRODUCT - A b o u t t h e “ I n t e n t W h e e l ” - Culture Book “Intent Wheel”, a mechanism for generating sustainable sales Sales Marker enables the “intent wheel,” a mechanism for generating sustainable sales. Intent signals detect search behavior generated by intent generation through marketing activities, and sales are generated through the execution of intent approaches. Intent Wheel Sales Intent Ads Intent Form Intent Email Intent DM Intent SNS Intent Calls TV CM Taxi Ads Elevator Ads Intend Ads Outdoor Ads Video Ads Intent Generation Intent Approach Intent Signal Customer Intent

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03. PRODUCT -4 features of the service.- Culture Book The 4 features of “Sales Marker” that realizes the intent wheel It is the next generation of Intent Sales SaaS that makes it possible to “identify and approach companies who are interested now”. Sales Marker's 2 major unique features that enable “Intent Sales” ②Sales Signals Multiple approaches without hassle External tool integration Company Data 5.2M Recruiting Data Technology Data People Data 5.7M Department Data 1.6M ①One of the largest database in Japan ③Multi-channel approach Signal Score Company A Company B 9 0⁨ score 85⁨ score Intent Data 5B U nique A lgorithms ④ A I Sales x W orkfl ow│ A utomatically approach companies which has needs now    ④ A I Sales x W orkfl ow│ A utomatically approach companies which has needs now    Identify companies that hav e interests “right now” + + A d s D i st r i b u t i o n Feat u r e Intent Ads A utomatic Intent SNS S N S m e s s a ge Feat u r e ※In Development Po stc a r d M a i l i n g Feat u r e Intent DM C a l l i n g Feat u r e Intent Call Fo r m S e n d i n g Feat u r e Intent Form A utomatic M a i l S e n d i n g Feat u r e Intent Mail A utomatic

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03. PRODUCT -Service Features- Culture Book ①Identify potential customers for your products in real time from a database of million customers AIセールス セールスシグナル ターゲティング リスト アプローチ 分析 企業 部署 人物 保存した条件 現在の検索条件 条件保存 開始日 2023/07/03 端末数 1~20+ セグメント セールステックニーズ 企業 部署 人物 セールスシグナル 企業名 自社サイト訪問 企業保存リスト 案件 資金調達 情報の有無 規模・財務 業界 事業内容 活動 By combining the million corporate databases with interest data based on web behavior history, it is possible to identify potential customers who are willing to purchase your company's products. Analyze customers' willingness to purchase based on interest data Sales Marker DB Company Database Web Behavioral History Data Intent Data 5B Record To make it easier to connect, departmental phone number and people database are also available. 5.2 5.2 5.2M

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03. PRODUCT -Service Features- Culture Book ②Identify potential customers for your products in real time|Keywords Setting Set keywords that are likely to be researched by potential customers who need your company's products. We recommend a combination of the names of your competitors' services and the problems your company's services can solve. -Marketing Support -Professional Talent comparison -Cross-functional Talent Detect and analyze interest growth by date and time through setting keywords -Service Name  -Competitive Service Cancellation -Company Name + To make it easier to connect, departmental phone number and people database are also available.

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03. PRODUCT -Service Features- Culture Book ③Getting business meetings from Multi-Channel Approaches If you are too busy to use the system, you can take advantage of the multi- channel approach feature! Intent 
 Ads Intent
 Email Intent
 Form Intent 
 Calls Deliver programmatic ads to targeted companies Automatically send emails to target company email addresses Approach inquiry forms with AI Direct calls to the key decision maker made by specialized outbound team Providing appointments through any SNS matching service A letter handwritten by the robot on paper sent to the person in charge. Intent DM Intent SNS

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03. PRODUCT -4 Key Points about Intent Sales- Culture Book The “4 Key Points” to Achieve Results in Intent Sales In order to achieve results with “Intent Sales,” a new customer-driven sales method based on the needs identified by a company's search behavior, it is extremely important to keep the following 4 points in mind: Targeting companies based on needs Targeting with “Customer-driven” approach based on intent Sales Signals ICP Analysis ICP Analysis Department Data People Data Sales Signals Value Proposition Analysis AI Sales (Generative AI) Sales Singals Intent Approach Automatic Workflow Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Step 04 Select targeted department and people Selecting departments and persons who will consider adopting your services Create appeals tailored to their needs Create appealing content that matches the client's business and intent Multi-channel approaches Multi-channel approach tailored to customer needs

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03. PRODUCT -Intent Sales Roadmap - Culture Book Intent Sales Winning Roadmap We help our clients in creating effective business opportunities through intent sales and business growth through intent wheel. Further Business Expansion with Intent Wheel Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Preparation for start Start of operation Maximize results & improve structure through intent sales Intent Sales Strategic planning and preparation for launch Started collecting intent data and approaching intent Establish a winning pattern for generating effective business opportunities based on the results generated by the approach taken in Step 2. Step 04 Growth of the entire business from multiple angles through marketing, FS, HR, and business development by the intent wheel Preparation Period Structure Building Beginning of Outcome 1~3 years 6 month s 1 month 1 year 5 month s Stab le Outcome G eneration + Intent wheel fi rmly in place for b usiness growth Stab le Outcome G eneration

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03. PRODUCT - P r o d u c t A d o p t i o n T ra c k R e c o r d - Culture Book More than 500 companies adopted our product in just 2 years A wide range of companies, from large corporations to fast-growing start-ups, have achieved results with Sales Marker.

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03. PRODUCT -Market Environment- Culture Book Vision of Target Expansion Vision of Business Expansion Type of information required for each type of job Entering from the sales market, where the need for competitive research is highest and the type of information needed is lowest. Sales Marketing Management Consulting New Business Development Basic information about the client company, press information, press releases of competitors, etc. Basic information on target companies, press information, competitor press releases, SNS information, HP access information, email open rates, etc. Market trends by industry, general overview of target industries, detailed information on target companies, financial information, information on mid-term management plan materials, etc. Market trends by industry, general overview of target industries, detailed information on target companies, financial information, mid-term business plans, business plans for their own operations, etc. Step1 Sales Step2 Marketing Step4 New Business Development Step3 Management Consulting T ypes of information needed L ess More High cost of 
 info ex pansion T ypes of information needed

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Business Strategy Roadmap Pursuing Business Automation by Achieving Challenges Beyond Existing Boundaries 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Large IPO (¥100 billion) Realization of the Intent Business Model Compound Product PMF Global expansion Phase.1 ARR 3B〜 Phase.2 ARR 7B〜 Phase.3 ARR 12B〜 Phase.4 ARR 16B〜 Phase.5 ARR 250B〜 Phase.6 ARR 40B〜 Automation of New Business Development AI Business Automation Expansion of M&A and Finance Business Realization of the SimCity-Style Entrepreneurship Global Standardization of the Intent Business Model Realization of the Business O rchestration Concept Grow th Support U tilizing N ext-Generation AI Expansion of the Intent Ecosystem O rg anizational and Business Intent W heels P romoting the Adoption of AI BP aaS

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Compound Vision A Massive Market Worth 24.5 Trillion Yen Target Market *Considering a CAGR through 2028 Compound Sales Marketing Recruitment BizDev Product Development Finance M&A Realization of Intent Sales in the Sales Domain
 Automation of Pipeline Management and Closing Realization of Intent Marketing in the Marketing Domain
 Execution of Lead Generation and Intent Generation Finance Estimated Market Size 4.3 Trillion Yen Utilizing Accumulated Intent Data in the Finance/M&A Domain, Executing Sourcing and Other Initial Targeting in the Early Phases of M&A Product Utilizing Accumulated Intent Data in Product Development. Executing Segmentation, Targeting, and Designing Sellable Products and Defining Business Requirements Estimated Market Size 7.0848 Trillion Yen Estimated Market Size 1.8 Trillion Yen In the Recruitment Domain, Utilizing Accumulated Intent Data
 Executing Initial Segmentation and Targeting BizDev Utilizing Accumulated Intent Data in New Business Development. Executing Segmentation of Trends and Business Buyers/Sellers Estimated Market Size 351 billion yen Estimated Market Size 3.0912 Trillion Yen Estimated Market Size 1.0373 Trillion Yen

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04. MEMBER -Engineering Team- Culture Book Our engineering team is made up of engineers from top tech companies in Japan and around the world. Engineer Examples of companies our engineering members are from

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04. MEMBER -Business Team- Culture Book Our Business team is made up of experienced Sales and Marketing professionals from large and growing companies with a strong sales workforce. Business Examples of the companies our Business team members are from

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04. MEMBER - Org Char t- Culture Book Auditor External Director CEO・COO Office Management Team Corporate Planning Department † Corporate Plannin… † Growth Strategx † Alliance Promotion Product Department † Product Managemen † Sales Marker Developmen † Sales Bolt Developmen † Recruit Marker Developmen † Marketing Marker Developmen † Integratiok † Core Platforu † Data & Ae † Product Improvemen † Information Security Branding・Design Department † Branding Desigk † Product Desigk † Public Relations» † Branding Strategy Product Marketing Department † Product Marketing» † Sales Bolt Biz-Deà † Customer Marketing Marketing Department † Content Marketin… † Intent Generatiok † Mop † Awareness Brandin… † Marketing Strategy Sales Marker Department † Sales Marker Biz-Deà † Marketing Marker Biz- Deà † Inside Sale † Sale † Enterprise Sale † Intent Sales Consulting Recruit Marker Department † Recruit Marker Biz-Deà † Inside Sale † Sale † Intent Recruiting Consulting Growth Department † Sales Strategx † Event Plannin… † Assistant Support HR Department † Mid-career Recruitmen † New-grad Recruitmen † Human Resource † HRBt † Organizational Developmen † HR Development Corporate Department † Managemen † General Affair † IR Strategy Consulting Department † SAMURAI SALES

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Sales Marker Department Head Kai Hanada 花田 海 Kai joined Fivefox as a new graduate and achieved the highest national sales four times as a Comme des Garçons salesperson. He then moved to Innovation, where he served as both advertising sales and new business manager, earning the annual MVP award. Later, at Colorkrew, he led the HR Tech business, and at HiTTO (a Money Forward Group company), he worked as an AI chatbot business manager. Sales Marker Department Head Kai Hanada 花田 海 Kai joined Fivefox as a new graduate and achieved the highest national sales four times as a Comme des Garçons salesperson. He then moved to Innovation, where he served as both advertising sales and new business manager, earning the annual MVP award. Later, at Colorkrew, he led the HR Tech business, and at HiTTO (a Money Forward Group company), he worked as an AI chatbot business manager. Recruit Marker Department Head Kazuki Umemura 梅村 和希 After graduating from the University of Washington, he worked in corporate sales at Recruit Co., Ltd., achieving top sales. Later, he joined Sales Marker, leading the Sales Division and shaping the company's culture, winning MVP in 2023 and Best Growth Award in 2024. His experience, including running a martial arts dojo, led him to his current role as Head of Business at Recruit Marker, promoting "Intent Recruiting." Recruit Marker Department Head Kazuki Umemura 梅村 和希 After graduating from the University of Washington, he worked in corporate sales at Recruit Co., Ltd., achieving top sales. Later, he joined Sales Marker, leading the Sales Division and shaping the company's culture, winning MVP in 2023 and Best Growth Award in 2024. His experience, including running a martial arts dojo, led him to his current role as Head of Business at Recruit Marker, promoting "Intent Recruiting." Sales Marker Department Sales Marker Team A team of Sales, Intent Sales consultants, and Biz-Dev representatives focused on driving company growth by developing new and existing markets through Sales Marker and other new products. Recruit Marker Department Recruit Marker Team The Recruit Marker Department is dedicated to developing the market for the new recruitment service "Recruit Marker," following Sales Marker. Our goal is to help everyone reach their ambitions and live their ideal life. We are working quickly to make Intent Recruiting the standard. -Members Introduction-

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Sales Manager Hideki Kato 加藤 秀紀 As a new graduate, he worked at Dome United Co., Ltd., the Japanese agent for Under Armour, where he handled event planning, store launches, and managed the flagship store. Umemura then traveled to Australia for a year and a half. After returning to Japan, he became a sales manager at DORIRU Co., Ltd., a sales agent for SaaS companies. In April 2011, he joined Sales Marker as their second salesperson and now leads IS and FS initiatives, aiming to raise awareness of Intent Sales and increase the number or company success stories. Sales Manager Hideki Kato 加藤 秀紀 As a new graduate, he worked at Dome United Co., Ltd., the Japanese agent for Under Armour, where he handled event planning, store launches, and managed the flagship store. Umemura then traveled to Australia for a year and a half. After returning to Japan, he became a sales manager at DORIRU Co., Ltd., a sales agent for SaaS companies. In April 2011, he joined Sales Marker as their second salesperson and now leads IS and FS initiatives, aiming to raise awareness of Intent Sales and increase the number or company success stories. Sales Leader Miyuko Ando 安藤 真結子 After graduating from Rikkyo University, Miyuko joined F&M Corporation, where she worked for 3 years as a FS for an accounting service, and then moved to the department handling the HR cloud software “Office Station” as a CS start-up member. Thereafter, she held the positions of PdM, CS Manager, Assistant to FS General Manager, and Sales Planning. Awarded the company-wide MVP award for two consecutive terms, she currently works in the Enterprise Sales Department. Sales Leader Miyuko Ando 安藤 真結子 After graduating from Rikkyo University, Miyuko joined F&M Corporation, where she worked for 3 years as a FS for an accounting service, and then moved to the department handling the HR cloud software “Office Station” as a CS start-up member. Thereafter, she held the positions of PdM, CS Manager, Assistant to FS General Manager, and Sales Planning. Awarded the company-wide MVP award for two consecutive terms, she currently works in the Enterprise Sales Department. Sales Team Our mission is to bring passion to our colleagues and innovation to businesses worldwide through Intent Sales. We focus on boosting sales by creating opportunities with IS and PS, promoting them through FS and enterprise sales, and building a system to maximize results through sales planning. -Members Introduc tion- Shizuya Satou Sales 佐藤 静也 Shizuya joined Persol Career Co., Ltd. as a new graduate and worked in sales for both mid and large sized companies including doda where he launched the company's first online sales division. After, Shizuya worked as an IS manager and enterprise sales manager at LegalOn Technologies Co., Ltd. and Monogusa Co., Ltd respectively. In December 2023, he joined Sales Marker as a field salesman. Shizuya currently works as a sales team leader, and he is also in charge of launching Recruit Marker. His favorite phrase is "Ikki tousen." which embodies a brave and exceptionally strong cavalryman that can face a thousand enemies.

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Intent Sales Consultant Sakura Shima 島 桜 After graduating, Sakura joined a general human resources company and in her first year, achieved the No.1 sales ranking for new services in Japan for three consecutive months. Currently, she is in charge of providing support to clients in their efforts to generate sales results. She specializes in setting up and strengthening organizations that can deliver results, both internally and externally. Intent Sales Consultant Sakura Shima 島 桜 After graduating, Sakura joined a general human resources company and in her first year, achieved the No.1 sales ranking for new services in Japan for three consecutive months. Currently, she is in charge of providing support to clients in their efforts to generate sales results. She specializes in setting up and strengthening organizations that can deliver results, both internally and externally. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kohei Takeuchi 竹内 光平 After graduating from Yokohama National University, he joined Soliton Systems Co., Ltd., where he won the President's Award for securing an information security project with the prefectural government. In 2022, he became an account executive at Salesforce Japan Co., Ltd., helping companies identify and solve business issues. Since joining Sales Marker, he has supported over 30 SMB clients. Now, as a team leader, he focuses on customer support and member management. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kohei Takeuchi 竹内 光平 After graduating from Yokohama National University, he joined Soliton Systems Co., Ltd., where he won the President's Award for securing an information security project with the prefectural government. In 2022, he became an account executive at Salesforce Japan Co., Ltd., helping companies identify and solve business issues. Since joining Sales Marker, he has supported over 30 SMB clients. Now, as a team leader, he focuses on customer support and member management. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kenta Shirakawa 白川 健太 Kenta joined F&M Corporation as a new graduate. He was engaged in launching FS, CS, IS, and seminar/webinar lecturers for HR SaaS and other services for corporations and sole proprietors. After that, he joined Salesforce Japan as an IS and team leader. Currently, as a team leader of ISC at Sales Marker, he is in charge of member management and promotion of company- wide cross-departmental projects. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kenta Shirakawa 白川 健太 Kenta joined F&M Corporation as a new graduate. He was engaged in launching FS, CS, IS, and seminar/webinar lecturers for HR SaaS and other services for corporations and sole proprietors. After that, he joined Salesforce Japan as an IS and team leader. Currently, as a team leader of ISC at Sales Marker, he is in charge of member management and promotion of company- wide cross-departmental projects. Consulting Team T h e IS C H ea dq ua r te r s su pp o r ts c ustome r s wh o h a v e si g ne d c ont r a c ts w it h S ales Ma rk e r in a ch ie v in g t h ei r g oals. W e g o b e y on d j ust b ein g a S aa S tool v en d o r; w e a c ti v el y c onsult on st r ate gy d e v elo p ment , im p lementation , an d e ff e c ti v eness v e r i fic ation to a ddr ess c ustome r s ' sales ch allen g es an d h el p t h em a ch ie v e t h ei r i d eal out c omes. - M e m b e r s I n t r o d u c t i o n -

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Corporate Planning Department Takeru Funyu 舩生 武尊 After starting his career at a securities company, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd. to work in business development in human resources and SaaS. He then expanded partnerships at Google Japan, served as HR manager at an Edge AI startup, and worked as a business development manager at an education startup before joining Sales Marker. He now focuses on corporate planning and cross-organizational initiatives. Corporate Planning Department Takeru Funyu 舩生 武尊 After starting his career at a securities company, he joined Recruit Co., Ltd. to work in business development in human resources and SaaS. He then expanded partnerships at Google Japan, served as HR manager at an Edge AI startup, and worked as a business development manager at an education startup before joining Sales Marker. He now focuses on corporate planning and cross-organizational initiatives. Product Marketing Department Head Naoki Hayashi 林 直樹 After graduating from Kyushu University and working at a publishing house and an advertising agency, Naoki earned a Master's in Innovation Management from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. He returned to Japan in 2017 and managed Shiseido's business strategy department and led product marketing for TikTok for Business in Japan. After working in Hong Kong, he joined Sales Marker as the Product Marketing Department Head. Product Marketing Department Head Naoki Hayashi 林 直樹 After graduating from Kyushu University and working at a publishing house and an advertising agency, Naoki earned a Master's in Innovation Management from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London. He returned to Japan in 2017 and managed Shiseido's business strategy department and led product marketing for TikTok for Business in Japan. After working in Hong Kong, he joined Sales Marker as the Product Marketing Department Head. Business Planning Team We provide accurate information and support policy discussions and decision-making so that management can focus on their core business. We aim to continue solving problems and lead discussions to work on any issues that Sales Marker may face. Product Marketing Team The PMM Department has adopted the mission "Bringing the appeal of Sales Marker's product suite to everyone." It consists of the PMM team, which builds product perception, and the Customer Marketing team, which enhances customer loyalty and retention rates. -M e mbe rs Int roduc t i on-

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Marketing Department Head Minori Nishida Minori Nishida After earning a bachelor's degree in Australia, Minori joined Servcorp, a leading rental office company, and received the International Top Seller award. Continuing to work in sales and marketing, primarily with companies based in Australia and the USA, she led organizational establishment and team building across a wide range of areas including FS, IS, partner sales, and marketing. After moving overseas and staring a family she joined Sales Marker as the Head of the Marketing Department. Marketing Department Head Minori Nishida Minori Nishida After earning a bachelor's degree in Australia, Minori joined Servcorp, a leading rental office company, and received the International Top Seller award. Continuing to work in sales and marketing, primarily with companies based in Australia and the USA, she led organizational establishment and team building across a wide range of areas including FS, IS, partner sales, and marketing. After moving overseas and staring a family she joined Sales Marker as the Head of the Marketing Department. PR Meru Matsumoto 松本 芽瑠 After graduating from Hosei University, she worked as a career counselor at a HR agency, focusing on call center staff and achieving the highest national hires. She then joined Gunosy Inc. in PR and recruitment PR before moving to the HR department. After three and a half years handling new graduate and engineer recruitment, she became an executive secretary. She currently works at Sales Marker in the Marketing Department, managing PR and recruitment events. PR Meru Matsumoto 松本 芽瑠 After graduating from Hosei University, she worked as a career counselor at a HR agency, focusing on call center staff and achieving the highest national hires. She then joined Gunosy Inc. in PR and recruitment PR before moving to the HR department. After three and a half years handling new graduate and engineer recruitment, she became an executive secretary. She currently works at Sales Marker in the Marketing Department, managing PR and recruitment events. Marketing Department Manager Takuya Nagashima 永島 拓弥 Nagashima started his career at Septeni Japan, managing web marketing strategies. He then moved to Nextbeat, where he excelled in advertising sales. Next, he joined Algoage to help establish a B2B marketing organization. At Rakuten Payment, he developed integrated online and offline marketing strategies. He currently manages the marketing division at Sales Marker. Marketing Department Manager Takuya Nagashima 永島 拓弥 Nagashima started his career at Septeni Japan, managing web marketing strategies. He then moved to Nextbeat, where he excelled in advertising sales. Next, he joined Algoage to help establish a B2B marketing organization. At Rakuten Payment, he developed integrated online and offline marketing strategies. He currently manages the marketing division at Sales Marker. Marketing Team The Marketing Headquarters aims to bring about a paradigm shift in Japan's B2B sales and marketing field by creating a new category called "Intent Sales". - M e m b e r s I n t r o d u c t i o n -

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Engineering Manger Pan Gu 顧 攀 Gu joined Indeed Japan as a new graduate and a senior software engineer, and was in charge of new feature development projects. After that, he joined Google Japan and worked on improving the UGC function of Google Maps. Currently he is responsible for managing engineering at Sales Marker. Engineering Manger Pan Gu 顧 攀 Gu joined Indeed Japan as a new graduate and a senior software engineer, and was in charge of new feature development projects. After that, he joined Google Japan and worked on improving the UGC function of Google Maps. Currently he is responsible for managing engineering at Sales Marker. Engineering Manger Utkarsh Saxena ウトカルシュ サクセナ After graduating from IIT Roorkee in India in 2018, Saxena joined Mercari's Identity Platform team as a backend engineer, focusing on authentication infrastructure in Fintech. After being promoted to lead, he gained experience in interviewing and team management. He then joined Sales Marker as a senior backend engineer and now oversees key projects related to search functions and cloud infrastructure. As a backend leader, he is expanding the team and modernizing the backend architecture. Engineering Manger Utkarsh Saxena ウトカルシュ サクセナ After graduating from IIT Roorkee in India in 2018, Saxena joined Mercari's Identity Platform team as a backend engineer, focusing on authentication infrastructure in Fintech. After being promoted to lead, he gained experience in interviewing and team management. He then joined Sales Marker as a senior backend engineer and now oversees key projects related to search functions and cloud infrastructure. As a backend leader, he is expanding the team and modernizing the backend architecture. Engineer Barbie Enokido バービー 榎戸 After graduating university, Barbie worked as a product owner in the gaming development industry in the Philippines. Then she moved to Japan and transitioned her career to a QA engineer. She has handled testing for mobile (Android and iOS) and web applications, ranging from startups specialized in SNS application development to major corporations like Rakuten. Currently, she is contributing to product quality improvement at Sales Marker as a QA engineer. Engineer Barbie Enokido バービー 榎戸 After graduating university, Barbie worked as a product owner in the gaming development industry in the Philippines. Then she moved to Japan and transitioned her career to a QA engineer. She has handled testing for mobile (Android and iOS) and web applications, ranging from startups specialized in SNS application development to major corporations like Rakuten. Currently, she is contributing to product quality improvement at Sales Marker as a QA engineer. Product Team The Product Department mission is to realize our product vision of "growing sales for B2B companies around the world through Intent Sales". We are responsible for the development and operation of Sales Marker and other new services. -Members Introduc tion-

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Design Department Manager Yuki Shimizu 清水 勇貴 After graduating from Keio University, Shimizu joined Yahoo Japan as a designer and front-end engineer, focusing on UI/UX for services like Yahoo Weather. He later led the Yahoo News design team, developing design systems. In 2021, he was seconded to Standby to work on product growth, and in 2023, he became the first designer at Sales Marker, managing various tasks from creative production to product design. Design Department Manager Yuki Shimizu 清水 勇貴 After graduating from Keio University, Shimizu joined Yahoo Japan as a designer and front-end engineer, focusing on UI/UX for services like Yahoo Weather. He later led the Yahoo News design team, developing design systems. In 2021, he was seconded to Standby to work on product growth, and in 2023, he became the first designer at Sales Marker, managing various tasks from creative production to product design. Designer Mayu Kuramochi 倉持 真佑 After graduating, Kuramochi worked as a pharmacy medical office worker, mainly handling insurance claims. After that, she changed careers to become a web designer, and worked at a web production company, where she was responsible for updating maintenance and operations, as well as creating and designing websites using WordPress. She now works at Sales Marker and is in charge of design work related to marketing and branding. Designer Mayu Kuramochi 倉持 真佑 After graduating, Kuramochi worked as a pharmacy medical office worker, mainly handling insurance claims. After that, she changed careers to become a web designer, and worked at a web production company, where she was responsible for updating maintenance and operations, as well as creating and designing websites using WordPress. She now works at Sales Marker and is in charge of design work related to marketing and branding. Designer Satomi Ogawa 小川 聡美 After starting a family, Ogawa transitioned careers from a sommelier to a web designer. Starting in 2018, she worked on a web design for a company supporting BtoB web marketing. Them from 2021, she began operating as a sole proprietor. She specializes in graphic and web design, primarily for BtoB startups and SaaS companies. Currently, she is responsible for design tasks related to marketing and branding at Sales Marker. Designer Satomi Ogawa 小川 聡美 After starting a family, Ogawa transitioned careers from a sommelier to a web designer. Starting in 2018, she worked on a web design for a company supporting BtoB web marketing. Them from 2021, she began operating as a sole proprietor. She specializes in graphic and web design, primarily for BtoB startups and SaaS companies. Currently, she is responsible for design tasks related to marketing and branding at Sales Marker. Design Team In the Design Department, our mission is to "design a world where everyone can understand and implement Intent Sales". The department is comprised of a team responsible for the UI/UX of products, and a Branding Design team that handles the design of service websites, exhibitions, and events. -Members Introduc tion-

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04. MEMBER Culture Book Growth Department Head Kyo Fujii 藤井 恭 After graduating, Fujii joined Keyence, where he thrived in customer engineering and sales roles. During his four year tenure, he won the top award for two consecutive periods. Then he worked as a business development officer leader at Idein. Invited by the COO, he joined Sales Marker in its early stages and contributed to the establishment of the sales and marketing organization. Currently, he is the Head of the Growth Department. Growth Department Head Kyo Fujii 藤井 恭 After graduating, Fujii joined Keyence, where he thrived in customer engineering and sales roles. During his four year tenure, he won the top award for two consecutive periods. Then he worked as a business development officer leader at Idein. Invited by the COO, he joined Sales Marker in its early stages and contributed to the establishment of the sales and marketing organization. Currently, he is the Head of the Growth Department. Community Promotion Leader Kaho Kobayashi 小林 夏帆 After becoming the youngest school director at ECC Foreign Language Institute, Kobayashi oversaw sales and English classes, achieving 150% sales growth. She then worked in the web marketing department of a language school in the Philippines, developing marketing strategies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she became a freelance marketer launching a social media management agency. She is now a community manager in the Sales Marker Growth Department. Community Promotion Leader Kaho Kobayashi 小林 夏帆 After becoming the youngest school director at ECC Foreign Language Institute, Kobayashi oversaw sales and English classes, achieving 150% sales growth. She then worked in the web marketing department of a language school in the Philippines, developing marketing strategies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she became a freelance marketer launching a social media management agency. She is now a community manager in the Sales Marker Growth Department. Event Planning Leader Ryunosuke Minamihara 南原 隆之介 After graduating from Kyoto University, Minamihara joined a consulting firm specialized in environmental and international cooperation projects. He later joined Unifa, a startup in the childcare tech sector, where he worked on establishing BtoB marketing. From 2022, he worked as a freelance marketing consultant, devising marketing strategies and implementing measures for multiple companies. He is currently in charge of planning and executing events at Sales Marker. Event Planning Leader Ryunosuke Minamihara 南原 隆之介 After graduating from Kyoto University, Minamihara joined a consulting firm specialized in environmental and international cooperation projects. He later joined Unifa, a startup in the childcare tech sector, where he worked on establishing BtoB marketing. From 2022, he worked as a freelance marketing consultant, devising marketing strategies and implementing measures for multiple companies. He is currently in charge of planning and executing events at Sales Marker. Growth Team In the Growth Department, our mission is "to achieve and sustain the maximum and fastest growth of the business," and we create added value without being confined to existing organizational frameworks. Specifically, we handle everything from designing KPIs and developing business strategies to planning and organizing events that cultivate corporate culture. - M e m b e rs In t ro d u c t i o n -

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04. MEMBER -Members Introduc tion- Culture Book Akari Takahashi Corproate 髙橋 明里 After graduating, Takahashi started working as a receptionist at a retail company. In January 2024, she joined Sales Marker, where she is currently engaged as a general affairs and secretary assistant, handling office- related clerical tasks and assisting executives. Heji Kobayashi HR 小林 恵智 Kobayashi joined Japan Airlines as a cabin attendant as a new graduate, serving on both domestic and international flights. Later, she worked at USEN Media as a content director for inbound customer services, overseeing planning, SNS operations, and content translation. After leaving USEN, she worked as a freelance translator before joining Sales Marker. Currently, she contributes to the HR team by spearheading the onboarding process for new hires and also handles information systems. Corporate Team The Corporate Division serves as the heart of the company, handling a wide range of tasks including accounting, human resources, general affairs, and legal affairs. It builds the foundation necessary for the smooth operation of the company. HR Team The HR Division is dedicated to the mission of "gathering colleagues who can challenge beyond existing boundaries to create businesses and organizations." The team manages recruitment, onboarding, organizational development, and the planning and operation of people.

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04. WORK STYLE Culture Book Flexible working style based on your lifestyle Remote Work Currently, we are practically conducting our business fully remotely. All members also use Zoom, Meet or Virtual Office app Gather, so even when working remotely, the quality of communication is maintained. Flex Work Work Life Balance Business teams often schedule their work around client meetings, but you are free to customize your working hours per day. Each person is responsible for adjusting their own work schedule to 160 hours per month of full-time work. We believe our employees should have a good work-life balance.
 It is important for us to create an environment that supports both hard work and private time, so that employees can work in way that best their supports productivity and performance.

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04. WORK STYLE - I n t e r n a l Co m m u n i c a t i o n s - Culture Book Diverse culture with various communication channels Gather We have introduced “Gather,” a virtual office software that creates connections and conversations to invigorate remote communication throughout the company. Many employees log in to Gather on a regular basis for communication with each other. Unipos In-person Event We value the culture of sending each other "thanks”. In a fast-growing organization, expressing gratitude is the basis for building trust, so we has introduced Unipos, a system that allows members to send points to colleagues to show their appreciation.  Since we have new colleagues join the company every month, we hold monthly get-togethers to promote internal communications. In addition to the general get-togethers, there is a communication budget that allows each team to get to know each other. In the summer of 2023, we held a company-wide camping events for the first time.

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04. WORK STYLE Culture Book Performance Eva Working Style Social Insurances & Vacations Benefits & Perks We have a well established goal setting and evaluation system called CBGr. Goals are set so that individual goals/interests and company goals are aligned. Through semi-annual evaluations and assessments, the system is linked to salary increases/promotions. Ž Remote/Hybrid OK (*You’re encouraged to come to the office 2 days per week, but it’s not a hard requirement Ž Flextime (no core time Ž Full remote work from all over Japan and the world is possible (Okinawa/Miyakojima/ Fukuoka/Osaka, etc. Ž Second job/Side business is OK Ž Days off (Saturday, Sunday, National Holiday Ž Paid vacation: 10 days granted after 6 months of service, maximum of 20 days to carry ove± Ž Company Holidays: Special Leaves, Summer HolidayÁ Ž Social insurances: Health Insurance, employee pension, unemployment insurance etc› Ž Commuting allowance¹ Ž Overtime allowance Ž Team LuncÙ Ž Book Purchase Allowanc⠎ Wantedly PerÔ Ž Uber Eats Coupon Allowanc⠎ Resort WorÉ Ž Unipos Working Style, Benefits & Perks

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04. WORK STYLE Culture Book Resort Worx Wantedly Perk Special discounts of up to 80% off membership facilities and first-class hotels at 180 facilities nationwide. More than 1,000 different services are offered at special prices to meet a wide range of needs. Benefits & Perks

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05. RECRUIT Culture Book Interview Process Apply Join All interviews are primarily hosted online and the average time taken from apply to offer is about 2~4 weeks. ※We constantly optimize our interview processes so the actual processes might be different Apply Please submit your resume through our career website. We will review your resume and profile. Screen If you pass the CV review, we will reach out to arrange a interview. Interviews(2~3rounds) We’d like to know more about you and also help you understand more about Sales Marker through the interviews. Offer We will organize the offer meeting and share the offer details with you.

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Culture Book Welcome to Sales Marker We are looking for members who can challenge themselves beyond existing boundaries. Job Openings JOIN US!

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