桜 Joined a human resources company as a new graduate, achieving the No.1 national sales ranking for three consecutive months. Engaged in staffing sales, recruitment marketing, and new graduate hiring support, while also contributing to the establishment of a Customer Success department. Now an Intent Recruiting Consultant at Sales Marker, providing hands-on support for Recruit Marker clients' growth and helping build high-performing organizations. Intent Recruiting Consultant Sakura Shima 島 桜 Joined a human resources company as a new graduate, achieving the No.1 national sales ranking for three consecutive months. Engaged in staffing sales, recruitment marketing, and new graduate hiring support, while also contributing to the establishment of a Customer Success department. Now an Intent Recruiting Consultant at Sales Marker, providing hands-on support for Recruit Marker clients' growth and helping build high-performing organizations. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kohei Takeuchi 竹内 光平 After graduating from Yokohama National University, he joined Soliton Systems Co., Ltd., where he won the President's Award for securing an information security project with the prefectural government. In 2022, he became an account executive at Salesforce Japan Co., Ltd., helping companies identify and solve business issues. Since joining Sales Marker, he has supported over 30 SMB clients. Now, as a team leader, he focuses on customer support and member management. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kohei Takeuchi 竹内 光平 After graduating from Yokohama National University, he joined Soliton Systems Co., Ltd., where he won the President's Award for securing an information security project with the prefectural government. In 2022, he became an account executive at Salesforce Japan Co., Ltd., helping companies identify and solve business issues. Since joining Sales Marker, he has supported over 30 SMB clients. Now, as a team leader, he focuses on customer support and member management. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kenta Shirakawa 白川 健太 Kenta joined F&M Corporation as a new graduate. He was engaged in launching FS, CS, IS, and seminar/webinar lecturers for HR SaaS and other services for corporations and sole proprietors. After that, he joined Salesforce Japan as an IS and team leader. Currently, as a team leader of ISC at Sales Marker, he is in charge of member management and promotion of company- wide cross-departmental projects. Intent Sales Consultant Leader Kenta Shirakawa 白川 健太 Kenta joined F&M Corporation as a new graduate. He was engaged in launching FS, CS, IS, and seminar/webinar lecturers for HR SaaS and other services for corporations and sole proprietors. After that, he joined Salesforce Japan as an IS and team leader. Currently, as a team leader of ISC at Sales Marker, he is in charge of member management and promotion of company- wide cross-departmental projects. Consulting Team T h e IS C H ea dq ua r te r s su pp o r ts c ustome r s wh o h a v e si g ne d c ont r a c ts w it h S ales Ma rk e r in a ch ie v in g t h ei r g oals. W e g o b e y on d j ust b ein g a S aa S tool v en d o r; w e a c ti v el y c onsult on st r ate gy d e v elo p ment , im p lementation , an d e ff e c ti v eness v e r i fic ation to a ddr ess c ustome r s ' sales ch allen g es an d h el p t h em a ch ie v e t h ei r i d eal out c omes. - M e m b e r s I n t r o d u c t i o n -