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Migrating shopify’s core rails monolith to trilogy Adrianna Chang - RailsConf 2023

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Hi, i’m adrianna! Senior Software Engineer Based in Ottawa, ON 󰎟 Working with Rails since 2016 ❤ Rails Triage Team Passionate about OSS and making Rails more diverse! 🏻 ♀ ☀

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Trilogy db client 1 An overview of Trilogy, and why you might want to use it. Building a feature in trilogy 2 Adding a new feature to Trilogy that we needed for our application. Migrating to trilogy 3 Changes we made to our app code to get CI passing with Trilogy. Deploying trilogy 4 How we deployed a large change like this to production, and what the results were. On the agenda today

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Running Trilogy in production

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Part 1: the trilogy db client

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Trilogy db client ● Custom implementation of MySQL protocol ● Supports most frequently used parts of the protocol ○ Authentication handshake ○ Ping, query, and quit commands ● Designed for flexibility, performance and ease of embedding Check out Matthew Draper’s article on GitHub’s engineering blog: ● MySQL database client with Ruby bindings ● Open sourced by GitHub in 2022

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Why switch? ● Minimal dependencies required for compilation ○ No dependency on libmysqlclient / libmariadb, which means: ■ Simpler installation ■ Can eliminate client / server version mismatch issues ■ Minimizes times data must be copied when handling packets ● Designed to perform efficiently in context of Ruby VM ○ Conscious use of dynamic memory allocation ○ API designed to use non-blocking operations and IO callbacks where possible

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CAVEATS ● A few incompatibilities with MySQL 8.0 ● Not as feature-complete as Mysql2 / libmysqlclient ● Newly open-sourced library ○ Looking for an open source project to contribute to? Consider helping us out! 🫶

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Trilogy + ● Repo: github/activerecord-trilogy-adapter ● Database config pointing to trilogy ● Gems: Trilogy DB client, Active Record adapter

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Why shopify made the switch ● Better developer experience ● Speedups in query performance ● Strong maintainership ● Upstream Trilogy to rails/rails ● Make Trilogy a community standard

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Part 2: adding a feature to the trilogy client

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Mysql client / server protocol Client Server Connects Handshake packet Authentication packet OK or ERR ● Server listens for connections on TCP/IP port or local socket ● When a client connects, the client and server go through an authentication phase 1) Server checks whether host is allowed to connect 2) If allowed, server sends handshake packet 3) Client sends back authentication packet 4) Server verifies information, responds with OK (success) or ERR

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Mysql client / server protocol Command packet Result Client Server ● If the authentication phase is successful, the client can enter query phase and issue commands ● Many type of commands: ○ COM_PING ○ COM_QUERY ○ COM_QUIT Examples of other types of commands available in the query phase: ● Server responds with result: ○ OK, EOF, ERR or result set

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Protocol capabilities ● During the authentication phase, the client and server exchange info about what they’re able to do via a bitmask of protocol capabilities Client Server Connects Handshake packet Authentication packet OK or ERR Interested in learning more? Check out the MySQL docs on capabilities flags: ● Examples: ○ CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB ○ CLIENT_SSL ○ CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENT

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”MySQL supports the execution of a string containing multiple statements separated by semicolon (;) characters. This capability is enabled by special options specified either when you connect to the server [...] or after connecting by calling set_server_option().“ MySQL docs on multi-statement execution support: Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support ”MySQL supports the execution of a string containing multiple statements separated by semicolon (;) characters. This capability is enabled by special options specified either when you connect to the server [...] or after connecting by calling set_server_option().“ Multi-statement support

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Protocol Capabilities ”During the authentication phase, the client and server exchange info about what they’re able to do.“ Client Server Connects Handshake packet Authentication packet OK or ERR Flag: CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS Hex Value: 0x10000 When set, indicates that the client can send more than one statement in one query. Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support ● Fixture insertion! ○ Reducing queries required to insert fixtures ● Multi-statement queries can be more performant ○ Shopify: ~1000 fixture sets, some with 100s of fixtures Multi-statement support Why does this matter for Rails?

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● #multi_statements_enabled? ○ Are multi-statements enabled? A look at the Mysql2 adapter in Rails… ● #with_multi_statements ○ Runs block in multi-statement context Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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● #execute_batch ○ Combines statements into smaller number of SQL strings ● #abandon_results! ○ Get connection back to usable state A look at the Mysql2 adapter in Rails… ○ Adds SQL chunks up up to @@max_allowed_packet Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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MySQL docs on multi-statement execution support: ”MySQL supports the execution of a string containing multiple statements separated by semicolon (;) characters. This capability is enabled by special options specified either when you connect to the server [...] or after connecting by calling set_server_option().“ Multi-statement support

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Requirement #1: Initialize new clients with MULTI_STATEMENTS option set. @paarthmadan Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support Requirement #1: Initialize new clients with MULTI_STATEMENTS option set.

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Requirement #2: Allow MULTI_STATEMENTS flag to be set after connecting. Multi-statement support

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Reminder: C Extension Ruby Trilogy C API ● Commands in C API split into send_ and recv_ functions ● trilogy_set_option_send: builds set option packet and writes to socket Multi-statement support

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C Extension Ruby Trilogy C API Builds a COM_SET_OPTION packet with the server option to set COM_SET_OPTION packet Result Client Server Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support C Extension Ruby Trilogy C API

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Multi-statement support ● Commands in C API split into send_ and recv_ functions ● trilogy_set_option_recv: reads response packet from server C Extension Ruby Trilogy C API

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Calls #trilogy_set_option_send with the specified option ● Expose #set_server_option in Ruby Waits for response from server via #trilogy_set_option_recv Returns true on success, handles timeouts / errors Multi-statement support C Extension Ruby Trilogy C API ● In our C extension…

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Requirement #2: Allow MULTI_STATEMENTS flag to be set after connecting. Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support ● #multi_statements_enabled? ○ Are multi-statements enabled? Now with the Trilogy adapter… ● #with_multi_statements ○ Runs block in multi-statement context

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Multi-statement support

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Multi-statement support

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Original PR for multi-statement support in Trilogy: Support for setting server options in Trilogy: Adding multi-statement capabilities to Trilogy Active Record adapter: Multi-statement support

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Part 3: migrating to trilogy

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Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy Step 1: Set application up to use Trilogy

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Step 2: Address small API changes in client Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy Mysql2::Result Trilogy::Result

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Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy Step 2: Address small API changes in client

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Step 3: Handle error class changes Mysql2::Timeout Error Trilogy::Timeout Error Mysql2::Connection Error Trilogy::Connection Error Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy

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Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy Step 3: Handle error class changes

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Step 3: Handle error class changes Goal: have a green ci build with trilogy

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Part 4: summit? Deploying trilogy to production

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● Core Rails application is a modular monolith Shopify Core ● BFCM 2022: 14 million queries per second at peak ● Database infrastructure ○ Database is horizontally partitioned ○ MySQL instances run on Google Cloud Platform VMs managed by Chef ○ ProxySQL ■ ~100 000 client connections to ~2000 backend connections

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Step 1: Attempt to run Trilogy DB client on 1% of production ● Export ENV var on 1% of production pods ● Switch out adapter in config/database.yml based on ENV var

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Step 1: Attempt to run Trilogy DB client on 1% of production ● Export ENV var on 1% of production pods ● Switch out adapter in config/database.yml based on ENV var ● Ensure application code supported both Mysql2 and Trilogy

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Step 1: Attempt to run Trilogy DB client on 1% of production ● Separate CI pipeline for Trilogy ○ Too expensive! ● Remove Mysql2 test coverage ○ Not ideal, 99% of prod using Mysql2 ● Half of CI on Trilogy, half with Mysql2 ○ Difficult to spot bugs Decided to keep test coverage on Mysql2, and run CI against Trilogy daily How to run tests?

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Step 2: Try running Trilogy on 50% of production

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Step 2: Try running Trilogy on 50% of production What happened?! ● If client capabilities are different, ProxySQL needs to perform COM_CHANGE_USER ● ProxySQL keeps pool of backend connections Shopify Core Mysql2 Trilogy COM_CHANGE_USER ● Using clients with different protocol options overwhelmed DB with change user commands

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Step 2: Try running Trilogy on half of production ● Queried a ProxySQL pod’s connection list ● Mysql2 was setting CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS, but Trilogy was not! Flag: CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS Hex Value: 0x20000 When set, tells the server it's capable of handling multiple result sets from a query.

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Step 3: Attempt to run Trilogy subset of production… again ● Targeted 100% of single cluster instead of 50% of production ● Confirmed that the connection options matched between Trilogy and Mysql2 ● Collected some metrics Request time: ● Mysql2: Avg 3.46 ms ● Trilogy: Avg 2.70ms ~22% faster

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MySQL query time: ● Mysql2: Avg 1.49ms ● Trilogy: Avg 1.24 ms ~ 17% faster Step 3: Attempt to run Trilogy subset of production… again ● Targeted 100% of single cluster instead of 50% of production ● Confirmed that the connection options matched between Trilogy and Mysql2 ● Collected some metrics

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Step 4: Run Trilogy on 100% of production ● No issues running Trilogy at 100% on one of our European clusters ● Took the plunge and migrated fully to Trilogy ● Changed tests to run against Trilogy instead of Mysql2 ● Success! 🎉

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surprise announcement… The Trilogy adapter will be available in Rails 7.1!

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What’s next? ● Give Trilogy a try in a new application! ● Try migrating an existing application from Mysql2 to Trilogy. ● Consider contributing to the Trilogy client, or the adapter (now in Rails!) ● Flex your new MySQL knowledge on all your coworkers 😂

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Thanks! ❤ adriannakchang Presentation template by Slidesgo, icons by Flaticon. @paarthmadan @eileencodes @casperisfine @matthewd @composerinteralia @jhawthorn @HParker @brianmario @tenderlove