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YJIT Makes Rails 1.7x Faster @k0kubun

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YJIT Makes Rails 1.7x Faster @k0kubun 1.8x

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Ruby Infra team paracycle tenderlove eileencodes eightbitraptor peterzhu2118 kddnewton maximecb XrXr k0kubun nirvdrum rwstauner

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Ruby Infra team GC Prism YJIT Lead

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan

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✦ Production-ready JIT for CRuby ✦ JIT: Just-In-Time Compiler ✦ Speeds up methods that are called 30+ times YJIT

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Shopify StoreFront
 Ruby 3.3 YJIT vs Interpreter

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✦ --yjit ✦ RUBY_YJIT_ENABLE=1 ✦ RubyVM::YJIT.enable (Ruby 3.3+) ✦ Rails 7.2 will call this in a default initializer Enabling YJIT

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✦ --yjit-exec-mem-size ✦ Default: 48MiB (since Ruby 3.3.1) ✦ tip: Try 32MiB, 24MiB, or 16MiB ✦ YJIT uses 3-4x of --yjit-exec-mem-size ✦ 2-3x is used for metadata Minimizing YJIT's memory usage

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Ruby 3.3 (and 3.4)
 YJIT optimizations

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✦ What is the most impactful Ruby 3.3 YJIT optimization? ✦ The PR made Railsbench 7% faster Ruby 3.3 YJIT optimizations

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Method Call Fallbacks

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(a) end Ruby Code

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code jit_putself jit_getlocal :a jit_send :bar jit_dup jit_setivar @foo jit_leave

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code JIT: 100% jit_putself jit_getlocal :a jit_send :bar jit_dup jit_setivar @foo jit_leave

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(**a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar, ** dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(**a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar, ** dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code jit_putself jit_getlocal :a side_exit

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(**a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar, ** dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code jit_putself jit_getlocal :a side_exit JIT: 33% Interpreter: 67%

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(**a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar, ** dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code jit_putself jit_getlocal :a vm_send :bar

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def foo(a) @foo = bar(**a) end Ruby Code putself getlocal :a send :bar, ** dup setivar @foo leave Ruby VM Instructions JIT Code JIT: 100% jit_putself jit_getlocal :a vm_send :bar jit_dup jit_setivar @foo jit_leave

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✦ Ruby 3.3: Use the interpreter’s C function (like MJIT) for: ✦ Unsupported calls ✦ Megamorphic calls ✦ Fallbacks allow the subsequent code to be compiled Method Call Fallbacks

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✦ Ruby 3.3: Use the interpreter’s C function (like MJIT) for: ✦ Unsupported calls ✦ Megamorphic calls ← What’s this? ✦ Fallbacks allow the subsequent code to be compiled Method Call Fallbacks

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class X def call @x = x end end class A < X def x = :a end :a if self.class == A Ruby Code Ruby 3.2 YJIT

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class X def call @x = x end end class A < X def x = :a end class B < X def x = :b end :a if self.class == A Ruby Code Ruby 3.2 YJIT :b if self.class == B

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class X def call @x = x end end class A < X def x = :a end class B < X def x = :b end class C < X def x = :c end :a if self.class == A Ruby Code Ruby 3.2 YJIT :b if self.class == B :c if self.class == C

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class X def call @x = x end end class A < X def x = :a end class B < X def x = :b end class C < X def x = :c end class D < X def x = :d end :a if self.class == A Ruby Code Ruby 3.2 YJIT :b if self.class == B :c if self.class == C side exit

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class X def call @x = x end end class A < X def x = :a end class B < X def x = :b end class C < X def x = :c end class D < X def x = :d end :a if self.class == A Ruby Code Ruby 3.2 YJIT :b if self.class == B :c if self.class == C side exit :a if self.class == A :b if self.class == B :c if self.class == C vm_send :x Ruby 3.3 YJIT setivar @x

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Exception Handlers

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✦ In CRuby, exception handlers are executed differently from regular methods ✦ Ruby 3.3 YJIT added support for them in CRuby JITs for the first time ✦ "Exceptions" are not necessarily Ruby exceptions, e.g. break/return in blocks Exception Handlers

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end Ruby 3.2

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Ruby 3.2 Call Stack

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Call Stack Ruby 3.2 foo

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Call Stack Ruby 3.2 foo Array#each

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Call Stack Ruby 3.2 foo Array#each block in foo

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Call Stack Ruby 3.2 foo Array#each block in foo

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Call Stack Ruby 3.2 foo

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Ruby 3.2 JIT: 60% Interpreter: 40%

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def foo(arr) @foo = arr.each do |a| break a if a.odd? end end getlocal arr send :each, block dup setivar @foo leave getlocal a send :odd? branchunless L0 getlocal a throw TAG_BREAK leave L0: putnil leave Ruby 3.3 JIT: 100%

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Register Allocator for Stack Values

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✦ Ruby 3.2 YJIT writes VM stack values onto memory ✦ Ruby 3.3 YJIT allocates registers for them Register Allocator for Stack Values

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def three 1 + 2 end Ruby 3.2

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.2 Memory Register A Register B

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.2 Memory Register A Register B 1

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.2 Memory Register A Register B 1 2

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.2 Memory Register A Register B 3

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.2 Memory Register A Register B

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.3 Memory Register A Register B

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.3 Memory Register A Register B 1

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.3 Memory Register A Register B 1 2

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.3 Memory Register A Register B 3

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def three 1 + 2 end putobject 1 putobject 2 opt_plus leave Ruby 3.3 Memory Register A Register B

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✦ Ruby 3.4 YJIT: Optimize local variables like stack values, speculating Kernel#binding is not called ✦ Ruby 3.4 will hopefully allocate registers for them too (under development) Register Allocator for Local Variables

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Method Inlining for Ruby

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✦ YJIT 3.3+ inlines single-line methods that return: ✦ Ruby 3.3: 1, 2, 3, …, true, false, nil, :symbol ✦ Ruby 3.4: self, local variables Method Inlining for Ruby

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Sorbet Helper Patches

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May 15th - 17th, 2024 NAHA CULTURAL ARTS THEATER NAHArt, Okinawa, Japan Method Inlining for C

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✦ Ruby 3.3 YJIT specializes many C methods, which leads to a high C method inlining ratio ✦ Ruby 3.4 YJIT pushes "lazy frames" Method Inlining for C

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✦ Enable YJIT in production now! ✦ YJIT speeds up production apps by 10-20% ✦ Upgrade Ruby to 3.3 ✦ JIT more code, allocate registers, and inline method calls Conclusion