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PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Christian Liebel @christianliebel Consultant

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Hello, it’s me. PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Christian Liebel Follow me: @christianliebel Blog: Email: christian.liebel Cross-Platform & Serverless

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PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps - Das PWA-Anwendungsmodell - Web App Manifest - Service Worker und Cache API - Workbox: Toolkit für PWAs - Angular-Unterstützung für PWAs - Natives Look & Feel - Migrieren & veröffentlichen - Payment Request API & Apple Pay

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PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Cross-Platform UI

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Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA-Update Responsive Linkable Discoverable Installable App-like Connectivity Independent Fresh Safe Re-engageable Progressive

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Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA-Update Blazor

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The Power of the Modern Web Web Share API Gamepad API Payment Request API Generic Sensor API Web Bluetooth API Push API Web Notifications WebVR WebRTC WebGL Speech Synthesis Web Cryptography API IndexedDB Geolocation Canvas Media Capture and Streams Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA-Update

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Epic Zen Garden PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps The Power of the Modern Web • WebGL • WebAssembly DEMO

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Chrome 73+ PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA Installation on macOS & Linux

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Chrome 76+ PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA Install Button

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Demo PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA Installation DEMO

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Motivation PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Share API - Share text, URLs, images, … to another person/app - Native system UI (share dialog) - Previous approximations/fallbacks: mailto:

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API try { await navigator.share({ url: '', title: 'My cool title', text: 'My cool text' }); console.log(''); } catch (ex) { console.log(''); } PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Share API

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Browser Support PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Share API Under Consideration 12.2 ? 69 (Android)

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Progressive Enhancement if ('share' in navigator) { navigatior.share({ title: 'My cool title' }); } else {'mailto:?subject=My cool title'); } PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Share API

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Demo PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA Installation DEMO

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- Sibling API - Chrome 71+ - PWAs can register as a sharing target PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Share Target API

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PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Capabilities/Project Fugu Shape Detection API Wake Lock API Badging API Writable Files API 9

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chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Experimental Web Platform Features Flag

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Motivation - Communicate updates without distracting the user (in constrast to push notifications) - Typically displays a badge on the home screen, task bar or dock - Appearance varies from platform to platform PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Badging API

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API Set the badge Badge.set(5); Clear the badge Badge.clear(); PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Badging API

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Demo • Install (link: (Windows / macOS, not Android). • Paste this code in the @ChromeDevTools console: ``` let c = 0; const h = document.querySelector('.horn'); h.addEventListener('click', _ => { ExperimentalBadge.set(++c); }); ``` • Honk. • T̶h̶a̶n̶k̶ Hate me. PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Badging API 9 DEMO

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Use Cases - Instant messengers - Social media apps - E-Mail clients - To-do apps - Accounting PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Badging API

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Motivation - Devices can go to sleep in order to reduce energy consumption - Different types of sleep: - Turn off the display (screen sleep) - Turn off the CPU (system sleep) - However, this can get bothersome in some situations (e.g. while watching a movie etc.) - The Wake Lock API prevents the device from going to sleep for a given period of time PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Wake Lock API

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API let wakeLockObj; if ('getWakeLock' in navigator) { try { wakeLockObj = await navigator.getWakeLock('screen'); console.log('', 'getWakeLock', wakeLockObj); } catch (ex) { console.error('', 'getWakeLock', err); } } PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Wake Lock API

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API let wakeLockRequest; function toggleWakeLock() { if (wakeLockRequest) { wakeLockRequest.cancel(); wakeLockRequest = null; } wakeLockRequest = wakeLockObj.createRequest(); } PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Wake Lock API

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Use Cases - Kiosk-style apps - Multimedia apps - Presentation apps PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Wake Lock API

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Motivation - Currently, websites only have very limited access to the file system - Some applications heavily rely on working with files (e.g. Visual Studio Code) - Wouldn’t it be great if your web application could open files or folders from the native file system? PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Writable Files API

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API (may change!) const fileRef = await self.chooseFileSystemEntries({ type: 'openFile', multiple: false, readOnly: false, accepts: [{description: 'Images', extensions: ['jpg', 'gif', 'png']}], suggestedStartLocation: 'pictures-library' }); PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Writable Files API

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Use Cases - IDEs - Office-style apps - Multimedia apps PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Writable Files API

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Motivation PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Shape Detection API

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Face Detection API if ('FaceDetector' in window) { const img = document.querySelector('img'); const faceDetector = new FaceDetector(); faceDetector.detect(img) .then(faces => faces.forEach(face => { console.log('Face found!', face.boundingBox); })); } PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Shape Detection API

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Demo PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Shape Detection API DEMO

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Use Cases - Crop images to faces - QR code readers - Translate text on images - … PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Shape Detection API

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Backlog PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Web Capabilities/Project Fugu

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navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(async (swReg) => { const bgFetch = await swReg.backgroundFetch.fetch('my-fetch', ['/ep-5.mp3', 'ep-5-artwork.jpg'], { title: 'Episode 5: Interesting things.', icons: [{ sizes: '300x300', src: '/ep-5-icon.png', type: 'image/png', }], downloadTotal: 60 * 1024 * 1024, }); }); PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Background Fetch API

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await videoElement.requestPictureInPicture(); PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Picture in Picture API

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Demo PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Picture in Picture API DEMO

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PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Google Play Store accepts PWAs

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Workflow 1. Create explainer 2. Create initial draft of specification 3. Gather feedback & iterate on design 4. Origin trial 5. Launch Result: Interoperable, standardized web API Project Fugu Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps PWA-Update

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- The web is already powerful - Project Fugu will bring even more native functionality to the web (…or at least to Chrome) - PWA is a great platform-independent application model - Use web APIs and let the browser do the platform-related stuff for you - Write once, run anywhere with the modern web & PWA PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps Summary

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Q&A PWA-Update Neue Webschnittstellen für noch bessere Progressive Web Apps

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Thank you for your kind attention! Christian Liebel @christianliebel [email protected]