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Dart のこれから
 FlutterKaigi 2022 Day1

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おかやまん / blendthink
 Android・Flutter テックリード

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 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 
   ・Patterns and related features 
   ・Static Metaprogramming 
   ・Views on an object without a wrapper object 
   ・Sound declaration-site variance 
 04 おわりに

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 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 
   ・Patterns and related features 
   ・Static Metaprogramming 
   ・Views on an object without a wrapper object 
   ・Sound declaration-site variance 
 04 おわりに

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bool isEmpty(String s) => s.length == 0; void main() { // Runtime error isEmpty(null); } Dart 2.12 - Null safety
 bool isEmpty(String s) => s.length == 0; void main() { // Compile-time error isEmpty(null); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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bool isEmpty(String s) => s.length == 0; void main() { // Runtime error isEmpty(null); } Dart 2.12 - Null safety
 bool isEmpty(String s) => s.length == 0; void main() { // Compile-time error isEmpty(null); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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class A { int x; A(this.x); A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s); } void main() { final listOfInts = [1, 2, 3]; final listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"]; for(final a in => A(x))) { print(a.x); } for(final a in => A.fromString(x))) { print(a.x); } } Dart 2.15 - Constructor tear-offs
 class A { int x; A(this.x); A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s); } void main() { final listOfInts = [1, 2, 3]; final listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"]; for(final a in { print(a.x); } for(final a in { print(a.x); } }
 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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class A { int x; A(this.x); A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s); } void main() { final listOfInts = [1, 2, 3]; final listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"]; for(final a in => A(x))) { print(a.x); } for(final a in => A.fromString(x))) { print(a.x); } } Dart 2.15 - Constructor tear-offs
 class A { int x; A(this.x); A.fromString(String s) : x = int.parse(s); } void main() { final listOfInts = [1, 2, 3]; final listOfStrings = ["1", "2", "3"]; for(final a in { print(a.x); } for(final a in { print(a.x); } } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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enum Status { success, failure } extension StatusToCode on Status { int get code { switch (this) { case Status.success: return 0; case Status.failure: return 1; } } } Dart 2.17 - Enhanced enums with members
 enum Status { success(0), failure(1); final int code; const Status(this.code); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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enum Status { success, failure } extension StatusToCode on Status { int get code { switch (this) { case Status.success: return 0; case Status.failure: return 1; } } } Dart 2.17 - Enhanced enums with members
 enum Status { success(0), failure(1); final int code; const Status(this.code); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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class CupertinoPage extends Page { const CupertinoPage({ required this.child, this.maintainState = true, this.title, this.fullscreenDialog = false, LocalKey? key, String? name, Object? arguments, String? restorationId, }) : super( key: key, name: name, arguments: arguments, restorationId: restorationId, ); // ... } Dart 2.17 - Super parameters
 class CupertinoPage extends Page { const CupertinoPage({ required this.child, this.maintainState = true, this.title, this.fullscreenDialog = false, super.key,, super.arguments, super.restorationId, }); // ... } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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class CupertinoPage extends Page { const CupertinoPage({ required this.child, this.maintainState = true, this.title, this.fullscreenDialog = false, LocalKey? key, String? name, Object? arguments, String? restorationId, }) : super( key: key, name: name, arguments: arguments, restorationId: restorationId, ); // ... } Dart 2.17 - Super parameters
 class CupertinoPage extends Page { const CupertinoPage({ required this.child, this.maintainState = true, this.title, this.fullscreenDialog = false, super.key,, super.arguments, super.restorationId, }); // ... } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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main() { test('A test description', () { // Very long function body here... }, skip: true); } Dart 2.17 - Named args everywhere
 main() { test(skip: true, 'A test description', () { // Very long function body here... }); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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main() { test('A test description', () { // Very long function body here... }, skip: true); } Dart 2.17 - Named args everywhere
 main() { test(skip: true, 'A test description', () { // Very long function body here... }); } 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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● Dart 2.18
 ○ Enhanced type inference for generic invocations with function literals 
 ● Dart 2.17
 ○ Enhanced enums with members
 ○ Super parameters
 ○ Named args everywhere
 ● Dart 2.15
 ○ Constructor tear-offs
 ○ Generic type literals
 ○ Explicit generic method instantiations
 ○ Generic instantiation of function objects
 ● Dart 2.14
 ○ Unsigned shift operator
 ○ Removed some restrictions on type arguments
 ● Dart 2.13
 ○ Non-function type aliases
 ● Dart 2.12
 ○ Null safety
 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 

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 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 
   ・Patterns and related features 
   ・Static Metaprogramming 
   ・Views on an object without a wrapper object 
   ・Sound declaration-site variance 
 04 おわりに

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Dart の言語チーム
 ※ 2020 年 6 月時点 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 ※ 2022 年 10 月時点 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 02 Dart の進化プロセス 

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 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 
   ・Patterns and related features 
   ・Static Metaprogramming 
   ・Views on an object without a wrapper object 
   ・Sound declaration-site variance 
 04 おわりに

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Patterns and related features
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 

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Patterns and related features
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 

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 ● パターン
 ● パターンマッチング
 ● 網羅性
 ● 分割代入
 ● タプル
 ● 代数的データ型
 ● データクラス
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 

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Record 機能 - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 Future getPersonName() async => 'John'; Future getUnreadCount() async => 10; void main() async { // List final result = await Future.wait([ getPersonName(), getUnreadCount(), ]); final personName = result[0] as String; final unreadCount = result[1] as int; final lowOrHigh = unreadCount < 10 ? 'low' : 'high'; // John's unread count is high. print("$personName’s unread count is $lowOrHigh."); }

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Record 機能 - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 Future getPersonName() async => 'John'; Future getUnreadCount() async => 10; void main() async { // List final result = await Future.wait([ getPersonName(), getUnreadCount(), ]); final personName = result[0] as String; final unreadCount = result[1] as int; final lowOrHigh = unreadCount < 10 ? 'low' : 'high'; // John's unread count is high. print("$personName's unread count is $lowOrHigh."); }

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Record 機能 - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 Future getPersonName() async => 'John'; Future getUnreadCount() async => 10; void main() async { // List final result = await Future.wait([ getPersonName(), getUnreadCount(), ]); final personName = result[0] as String; final unreadCount = result[1] as int; final lowOrHigh = unreadCount < 10 ? 'low' : 'high'; // John's unread count is high. print("$personName's unread count is $lowOrHigh."); }

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Record 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var tuple = ("first", 2, true);
 var record = (number: 123, name: "Main", type: "Street"); var record = ("first", number: 123, 2, name: "Main", true, type: "Street");

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Record 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var record = (1, a: 2, 3, b: 4); print(record.$0); // Prints "1". print(record.a); // Prints "2". print(record.$1); // Prints "3". print(record.b); // Prints "4".

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Record 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var record = (1, a: 2, 3, b: 4); print(record.$0); // Prints "1". print(record.a); // Prints "2". print(record.$1); // Prints "3". print(record.b); // Prints "4".

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Record 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var record = (1, a: 2, 3, b: 4); print(record.$0); // Prints "1". print(record.a); // Prints "2". print(record.$1); // Prints "3". print(record.b); // Prints "4".

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Record 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var record = (1, a: 2, 3, b: 4); print(record.$0); // Prints "1". print(record.a); // Prints "2". print(record.$1); // Prints "3". print(record.b); // Prints "4".

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 (int, String name, bool) triple; ({int n, String s}) pair; (bool, num, {int n, String s}) quad;

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 (int, String name, bool) triple; ({int n, String s}) pair; (bool, num, {int n, String s}) quad;

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 (int, String name, bool) triple; ({int n, String s}) pair; (bool, num, {int n, String s}) quad;

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 (int, String name, bool) triple; ({int n, String s}) pair; (bool, num, {int n, String s}) quad;

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 (int, String name, bool) triple; ({int n, String s}) pair; (bool, num, {int n, String s}) quad;

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 @metadata (a, b) function() {}

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 @metadata (a, b) function() {}

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Record 機能 - 注釈
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 @metadata (a, b) function() {}

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Record 機能 - toString()
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 // デバッグビルド print((1, 2, 3).toString()); // "(1, 2, 3)". print((a: 'str', 'int').toString()); // "(a: str, int)".

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Record 機能 - 等価性
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var a = (x: 1, 2); var b = (2, x: 1); print(a == b); // true.

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Record 機能 - with()
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 void main() { (int, int, {Color color}) x = (0, 1, color:; var x2 = x.with(7); // Just changes x[0]. var x3 = x.with(_, 3); // Just changes x[1]. var x4 = x.with(1: 3); // Also just changes x[1]. var x5 = x.with(color: Color.Blue); // Just changes x.color. }

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Pattern 機能 - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 void main() async { try { await fetchData(); } on SocketException { handleException(); } on TimeoutException { handleException(); } }

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Pattern 機能 - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 void main() async { try { await fetchData(); } on SocketException, TimeoutException { handleException(); } }

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Pattern 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 ● パターンが値と一致するかどうかを判断するために、ある値に対してテストすること ができる
 ● いくつかのパターンは、マッチした場合、マッチした値からデータを取り出すことに よって、マッチした値を再構築する
 ● 変数パターンは、マッチした値または非構造化された値に新しい変数をバインドす る。変数は、パターンがマッチしたときにのみ到達可能なコード領域内にスコープさ れる

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Pattern 機能 - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 種類 例 論理和 subpattern1 | subpattern2 論理積 subpattern1 & subpattern2 関連 == expression, < expression キャスト foo as String null チェック subpattern? null アサート subpattern! 定数 123, null, 'string', math.pi, SomeClass.constant, const Thing(1, 2), const (1 + 2) 変数 foo, var bar, String str, _, int _ 括弧付き (subpattern) List [subpattern1, subpattern2] Map {"key": subpattern1, someConst: subpattern2} Record (subpattern1, subpattern2), (x: subpattern1, y: subpattern2) 抽出 SomeClass(x: subpattern1, y: subpattern2) 

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Pattern 機能 - 論理和パターン
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var isPrimary = switch (color) { case | Color.yellow | => true; default => false; };

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Pattern 機能 - 論理和パターン
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 var isPrimary = switch (color) { case | Color.yellow | => true; default => false; };

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Pattern 機能 - 論理和パターン
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 switch (shape) { case Square(size: var s) | Circle(size: var s) when s > 0: print('Non-empty symmetric shape'); case Square() | Circle(): print('Empty symmetric shape'); default: print('Asymmetric shape'); }

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Pattern 機能 - 論理和パターン
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 switch (shape) { case Square(size: var s) | Circle(size: var s) when s > 0: print('Non-empty symmetric shape'); case Square() | Circle(): print('Empty symmetric shape'); default: print('Asymmetric shape'); }

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Pattern 機能 - 論理和パターン
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 switch (list) { // Matches a two-element list whose first element is 'a' or 'b': case ['a' | 'b', var c]: }

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網羅性チェック - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Patterns and related features 
 ● 網羅性
 ● 到達可能性
 switch (b) { case true: print('yes'); case false: print('no'); }
 switch (b) { case true: print('yes'); case false: print('no'); case bool b: print('unreachable'); }

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Static Metaprogramming
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 

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Static Metaprogramming
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 

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マクロ - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 
 data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

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マクロ - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 
 @immutable class User { const User({ required, required this.age, }); final String name; final int age; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => other is User && other.runtimeType == runtimeType && == name && other.age == age; @override int get hashCode => Object.hash( runtimeType, name, age, ); @override String toString() => 'User(' 'name=$name, ' 'age=$age' ')'; User copy({ String? name, int? age, }) => User( name: name ??, age: age ?? this.age, ); }

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マクロ - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 
 import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; part 'user.freezed.dart'; @freezed class User with _$User { const factory User({ required String name, required int age, }) = _User; }

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マクロ - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 
 macro class DataClass implements ClassDeclarationsMacro, ClassDefinitionMacro { const DataClass(); @override Future buildDeclarationsForClass( ClassDeclaration clazz, ClassMemberDeclarationBuilder context) async { await Future.wait([ const AutoConstructor().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const CopyWith().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const HashCode().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const Equality().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const ToString().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), ]); } @override Future buildDefinitionForClass( ClassDeclaration clazz, ClassDefinitionBuilder builder) async { await Future.wait([ const HashCode().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), const Equality().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), const ToString().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), ]); } }

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マクロ - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 
 macro class DataClass implements ClassDeclarationsMacro, ClassDefinitionMacro { const DataClass(); @override Future buildDeclarationsForClass( ClassDeclaration clazz, ClassMemberDeclarationBuilder context) async { await Future.wait([ const AutoConstructor().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const CopyWith().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const HashCode().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const Equality().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), const ToString().buildDeclarationsForClass(clazz, context), ]); } @override Future buildDefinitionForClass( ClassDeclaration clazz, ClassDefinitionBuilder builder) async { await Future.wait([ const HashCode().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), const Equality().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), const ToString().buildDefinitionForClass(clazz, builder), ]); } }

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マクロ - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 

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マクロ - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Static Metaprogramming 

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Views on an object without a wrapper object
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 

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Views on an object without a wrapper object
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 

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View - 提案の動機
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 ● 拡張メソッドのように、ラッパーオブジェクトなしで、ゼロコストで特定のオブジェクト を拡張したい
 ● ラッピングすることで、不適切な操作を禁止したり、回帰的な処理をより便利かつ安 全に実装したりしたい

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View - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 view class IdNumber(int i) { operator <(IdNumber other) => i < other.i; bool verify(Some parameters) => ...; }

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View - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 view class IdNumber(int i) { operator <(IdNumber other) => i < other.i; bool verify(Some parameters) => ...; }

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View - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 view class IdNumber(int i) { operator <(IdNumber other) => i < other.i; bool verify(Some parameters) => ...; }

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View - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 view class IdNumber(int i) { operator <(IdNumber other) => i < other.i; bool verify(Some parameters) => ...; } void main() { int myUnsafeId = 42424242; var safeId = IdNumber(42424242); safeId + 10; // Compile-time error 10 + safeId; // Compile-time error myUnsafeId = safeId; // Compile-time error }

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View - 概要
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Views on an object without a wrapper object 
 view class IdNumber(int i) { operator <(IdNumber other) => i < other.i; bool verify(Some parameters) => ...; } void main() { int myUnsafeId = 42424242; var safeId = IdNumber(42424242); safeId + 10; // Compile-time error 10 + safeId; // Compile-time error myUnsafeId = safeId; // Compile-time error }

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Sound declaration-site variance
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 

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Sound declaration-site variance
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 

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 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 
 class Writer { void write(T x) => print(x); } void main() { Writer objectWriter = Writer(); // Runtime error objectWriter.write("I'm a string!"); }

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 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 
 class Writer { void write(T x) => print(x); } void main() { Writer objectWriter = Writer(); // Runtime error objectWriter.write("I'm a string!"); }

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 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 
 class Writer { void write(T x) => print(x); } void main() { // Compile-time error Writer objectWriter = Writer(); objectWriter.write("I'm a string!"); }

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 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 
 class Writer { void write(T x) => print(x); } void main() { // Compile-time error Writer objectWriter = Writer(); objectWriter.write("I'm a string!"); }

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 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 - Sound declaration-site variance 

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 01 近年、どのような進化を遂げてきたか 
 02 Dart の進化プロセス 
 03 仕様化を進めている新機能 
   ・Patterns and related features 
   ・Static Metaprogramming 
   ・Views on an object without a wrapper object 
   ・Sound declaration-site variance 
 04 おわりに

Slide 90

Slide 90 text

Dart の進化を支えている

Slide 91

Slide 91 text
