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Optimising for Google Discover Luci Wood // Blue Array Ltd @INCORGNITO_MODE

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Hi, I’m Luci Wood (and this is Milo >) @incorgnito_mode Allow: /corgis Allow: /archery Disallow: /meat SEO Director @ Blue Array

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“I would congratulate you darling but I’ve no idea what you actually do” - My mum, 2019

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What is Discover? Corgi illustrations by Radio

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Google Discover uses AI to recommend content to users based on their interests and interactions.

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Essentially Google snoops on your activity to deliver you more relevant content @incorgnito_mode

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Where can I find Google Discover? Google homepage on mobile Google Search app

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No content

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Sports scores Entertainment news Events Videos Brand updates Stock prices Weather & traffic info Recipes New products

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I don’t see Discover in my Search Console… WTF?! Corgi illustrations by Radio

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High performing content in the Discover feed ⏱ How frequently your site appears in Discover Comparison of data from Discover to Traditional Search Results Total traffic generated from Discover

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‘The Discover report is shown to websites that have accumulated meaningful visibility in Discover.

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Why should I care about Google Discover? Image by The Pawster

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Quick show of hands... Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode

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Who has bought something on Amazon this month? Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode

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Who’s used Google Discover in the last month? Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode

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197 million visitors

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800 million Discover users

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More than double the US population

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With Discover, you can reach and influence potential customers before they’ve even begun searching @incorgnito_mode

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This is a big, delicious ‘search pie’™ @incorgnito_mode

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How in the hell do we optimise for this? Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode

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“The two best ways to boost the ranking and performance of your Discover content are:

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“1.) To post content that you think users would find interesting…”

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“2.) To use high-quality images in your content.”

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Cool, done. Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode #BrightonSEO

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No, but really. What do we do? Corgi illustrations by Radio @incorgnito_mode #BrightonSEO

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How does Discover rank content? Content is ranked algorithmically according to what Google thinks a user would find most interesting

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A few tips

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Shift your mindset from keywords to people

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Search volume is out. Relevancy is in. Keywords are out (ish). Topics and audiences are in.

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Learn all you can about your audience’s lifestyles and preferences

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YouGov profiler:

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Use Google Analytics Affinity Categories Site Search

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Creating content for Discover

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Create both fresh and evergreen content to maximise reach

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No content

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Understand the different stages of a customer journey to guide your content creation

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Why? Discover can predict your level of expertise on a topic and will offer content based on this.

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Let’s get specific The stronger the match between your article's content and your user's interests, the better your chances of ranking.

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Look at the SERPs Featured snippets PAAs Search intent Auto suggest

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No content

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Useful content tools

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Optimising for click through rate @incorgnito_mode

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Optimising for CTR (the good) ● Concise headline ● Clearly outlines article content ● Eye-catching images

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Optimising for CTR (the good) ● Very closely aligned to the user’s interests and what’s important to them

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Optimising for CTR (the bad) ● Headlines which are too long and wordy (or vice versa!) ● Potentially sensitive or alienating

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Optimising for CTR (the downright illegal-ish) ● Fake news ● Sensationalist or misleading headlines ● Clickbait

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This is not cool people...

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What the fluffing heck hooman?! DON’T THROW CORGIS OUT OF PLANES!

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Oh, iz snow. Thank furk for that! ...OR USE CLICKBAIT!

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Trustworthy, original, authoritative content only. By order of Her Maj #UltimateCorgiLady

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The visual side of things

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Images should be at least 1,200 px wide

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Why? When Discover cards feature large images instead of thumbnail images...

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Large image Thumbnail

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5% increase in click through rate

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5% increase in click through rate ⌛ 3% increase in time spent on page

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5% increase in click through rate ⌛ 3% increase in time spent on page 3% increase in user satisfaction

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Happy meals all round.

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You’ll need to either use AMP or complete an opt-in form to give Google the rights to display your hi-res images.

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Sites with content that users have liked, shared and interacted with before are first in line for visibility on Discover. Engage your users

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Great user experience Valuable content How to build loyalty

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How to build loyalty Rewards & points schemes VIP exclusivity Gamification

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Let’s get (a bit) technical Satellite receivers Chicken drummies Shnack detector

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Mobile friendly site

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Pages are indexed by Google (and meet Google News content policies)

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No need for structured data markup

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AMP is not required (but it definitely helps!)

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AMP Stories Visually-driven, fast-loading, immersive content, designed for mobile (and ideal for Discover!) Example: How to create AMP Stories:

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Final tip: Review your Discovery ads for performance insights.

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tl;dr Let’s recap @incorgnito_mode #BrightonSEO

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800 million Discover users

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Rip up your keyword planner, Discover’s all about audiences and relevancy It was the cat

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Personalisation is at the heart of Google Discover

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Understand your audience and their individual journeys, challenges and values Are we there yet?

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800 million Discover users Write content that’s new, and new for users (trending, seasonal, evergreen) Can dogs eat pumpkin?!

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800 million Discover users Clear, concise headlines, authoritative content and no clickbait

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800 million Discover users Speedy site that offers users a great experience on mobile Fast & Fur-ious

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800 million Discover users Hopefully with these tips, you can go forth and discover! @incorgnito_mode #BrightonSEO

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That’s it from me Read the blog: Tweet: @incorgnito_mode Work with me:

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Thank you! P.S. - You can also follow Milo on Instagram (@the_corgasaur)