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External node classification, the CFEngine way The classification problem: challenges and solutions Marco Marongiu (@brontolinux)

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Acknowledgements All the images and logos used in this presentation are shown for didactic purposes only, in the belief that it constitutes a fair use of these resources. I don't claim any right on the images and products shown in this presentation. If you are the owner of any material used in this presentation and you believe that I am abusing it, please let me know and I'll promptly remove it from all my sources.

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Agenda ➔ Why classification is critical ➔ Why classification is difficult ➔ How we can make it sane ➔ Final take-aways

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Part 1: the problem

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!!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!

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Configuration management «Configuration Management is the process of identifying and defining the items in the system, controlling the change of these items throughout their life-cycle, recording and reporting the status of items and change requests, and verifying the completeness and correctness of items» -- IEEE Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (Standard 729-1983)

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Configuration management «Configuration Management is the process of identifying and defining the items in the system, controlling the change of these items throughout their life-cycle, recording and reporting the status of items and change requests, and verifying the completeness and correctness of items» -- IEEE Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (Standard 729-1983)

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In configuration management you don't apply a configuration to a system, you rather apply it to classes of systems!

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Part 2: challenges

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Exceptions are the rule

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Generic settings, the same for all systems Amsterdam DNS server NTP server Syslog server SSH configs Oslo Other random exceptions Seattle Iceland

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Internal classification doesn't scale definitions explosion difficult reporting «The business should define what systems belong in which classes. The Cfengine administrator should build policy. Once the Cfengine administrator is left to manually defining classes within policy, you become a bottleneck» -- M.Svoboda, LinkedIn human bottleneck

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Definitions explosion class1 exception1 exception2

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Definitions explosion class1 exception1 exception3 exception2 c1&!(ex1|ex2|ex3) ex1&!(ex2|ex3) ex2&!(ex1|ex3) ex3&!(ex1|ex2) (ex1&ex2)&!ex3 (ex2&ex3)&!ex1 ex1&ex2&ex3 (ex1&ex3)&!ex2

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Reporting ✔ take an infrastructure of 30000 nodes (LinkedIn-size!) ✔ try to report on something using SSH in a loop ✔ if no problem happens, and it takes ~3s per server on average, it takes 90000 seconds (>24h) ✔ if you do it with 10 parallel proceses, it's still 2.5h ✗ ...and you haven't started analysing the data yet ✗ ...and you haven't made it available to management yet ✗ ...and you need an up-to-date inventory of all nodes to provide accurate results ✗ ...and since not everybody has SSH access to the nodes or to the inventory, you are the only one (and the bottleneck) who can make that report! ✗ ...and it's an ideal case!

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Your task is building policies, not defining classes

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What if you had the ability to write a policy and use a class within that policy -- but the business could control which machines were associated with that class external to Cfengine? [...] The business can deploy an application to a machine, and Cfengine automatically responds in its policy because new classes have been set on the client automatically. Other business units can create classes of machines, and file a ticket for you to implement XYZ against the class they created. You are allowing your business to work the way it wants to. -- M.Svoboda, LinkedIn

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Part 3: Solutions

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Infrastructure complexity low complexity high complexity Technical skills well versed non technical Basic interface & basic backend Basic interface & sophisticated backend Sophisticated interface & sophisticated backend Sophisticated interface & basic backend

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Puppet and ENC An external node classifier is an arbitrary script or application which can tell Puppet which classes a node should have [...] that can be called by puppet master; it doesn’t have to be written in Ruby. Its only argument is the name of the node to be classified, and it returns a YAML document describing the node. [...] To tell puppet master to use an ENC, you need to set two configuration options: node_terminus has to be set to “exec”, and external_nodes should have the path to the executable.

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modules! ENC in CFEngine means...

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The LinkedIn solution M.Svoboda - LinkedIn "Leveraging In-Memory Key Value Stores for Large-Scale Operations"

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our implementation: hENC power & simplicity config info in plain text files module protocol a simple Perl script

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CFEngine's module protocol +activated_class -cancelled_class =my_var=my value =@my_list={ 'list','of','4','values'} =my_array[element]=value @my_array[list]={ 'list','of','4','values'}

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#!/bin/sh /bin/egrep -h ^[=@+-] $* 2> /dev/null

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#!/usr/bin/perl use strict ; use warnings ; my %class ; # classes container my %variable ; # variables container # Silence errors (e.g.: missing files) close STDERR ; while (my $line = <>) { chomp $line ; my ($setting,$id) = ( $line =~ m{^\s*([=\@+-])(.+)\s*$} ) ; # line didn't match the module protocol next if not defined $setting ; # add a class if ($setting eq '+') { # $id is a class name, or should be. $class{$id} = 1 ; } # undefine a class if ($setting eq '-') { # $id is a class name, or should be. $class{$id} = -1 ; } # define a variable/list if ($setting eq '=' or $setting eq '@') { # $id is "variable = something", or should be my ($varname) = ( $id =~ m{^(.+?)=} ) ; $variable{$varname} = $line ; } # discard the rest } # print out classes foreach my $classname (keys %class) { print "+$classname\n" if $class{$classname} > 0 ; print "-$classname\n" if $class{$classname} < 0 ; } # print variable/list assignments, the last one wins foreach my $assignment (values %variable) { print "$assignment\n" ; }

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read general defaults read location defaults read environment defaults read node settings

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oslo_public:: "enc_subdir" policy => "overridable", string => "$(enc_basedir)/pub" ; on_private_net_only:: "enc_subdir" policy => "overridable", string => "$(enc_basedir)/priv" ; oslo:: "henclist" policy => "overridable", slist => { "$(enc_basedir)/_default_", "$(enc_basedir)/_oslo_", "$(enc_subdir)/_oslo_", "$(enc_subdir)/$(sys.domain)/$(sys.fqhost)", } ; }environment- dependent settings } general defaults } location defaults } environ. defaults

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methods: "ENC" comment => "External node classification", usebundle => henc("site.henclist") ; vars: "motd_file" string => "$(henc.motd_file)", policy => "overridable" ;

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bundle agent henc(enclist_name) { vars: henc_has_list:: "enclist" slist => { "@($(enclist_name))" } ; "enc_fullpath" slist => maplist("$(site.inputs)/$(this)","enclist") ; "encargs" string => join(" ","enc_fullpath") ; classes: "henc_has_list" expression => isvariable("enclist_name") ; "henc_has_args" expression => isvariable("encargs") ; "henc_can_classify" and => { "henc_has_list","henc_has_args" } ; files: "$(site.lmodules)/henc" comment => "Copy/update hierarchical merger", copy_from => digest_cp("$(site.modules)/henc"), perms => mog("0755","root","root") ; henc_has_list:: "$(site.inputs)/$(enclist)" comment => "Cache henc files locally", copy_from => digest_cp("$(site.masterfiles)/$(enclist)") ; commands: henc_can_classify.!henc_classes_activated:: "$(site.lmodules)/henc" comment => "Hierarchical classification for $(sys.fqhost)", args => "$(encargs)", classes => always("henc_classes_activated"), module => "true" ; }

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final take-aways smart classification is crucial... ...but doesn't need to be complicated... ...unless your infrastructure is. sometimes, even plain text is good enough!

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comments? @brontolinux [email protected]

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