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à le gouvernement Audrey Tang @ Paris, 2015-09-09

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@AUDREYT “Open Source! Civic Hacker”

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“The third sector” Full-time g0ver since 2013 Consulting and contributing to…

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Hacking � since 1989 � � Dad was @ Tiananmen that June: Grew up among � activists

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1994: Quit � to weave the � Facilitate a safe space to learn from each other and iterate toward � actionable ideas �

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“Behind every technologist,� there is and should be much more than mere technology. Behind every technology, there is a set of values informing its pursuit. — Lu Chia Hua

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FORK THE Government #Crowdsource

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Will Facebook � be a catalyst for civic participation? No, it just makes citizens feel as if they have participated… “…I have yet to come up with something practical that allows lazy people ) engage in real action.” Šுେय़

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“Tofu”: Bite-sized tasks

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“Tofu”: Bite-sized tasks

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Here Comes Everybody

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Here Comes Everybody

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Here Comes Everybody

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Ⱇ字 Ⱇ字

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April 2015: Nepal Earthquake 72 hours, 2,222 mappers� = 74,045 roads + 152,795 buildings mapped

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� Open Source � Hands On Public Spirited Social Activism Civic Media Free Software

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Contribute Participate Pitch + — Hack ' — Present , All-Day Hackathon

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- 7 million visits per month 500,000 . users Popular / words: w ߳ࢁډ࢜ w ेҰᄚ w ༮࿏ 162k Mandarin 86k Cross-Strait 44k Mandarin-Holo 20k Holo-Mandarin 15k Hakka-Mandarin 5k Amis-Mandarin- English ��

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Permalink Т虻碘

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Permalink Т虻碘

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Share У

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Share У

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Share У

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Collaborate Ф

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Amis-Mandarin-English 82,180 words digitized in 53 hours Ministry of Education Dictionary 5,602 errata reported in 18 days

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“What we demand is not merely open, deliberative technology. What we demand is to shine a light on the closed-door decision-making by the privileged powers behind the government.”

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SUNFLOWER Digital Camp #CongressOccupied

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Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy 9/26

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Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy 9/26

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Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized 9/26

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Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy ~200k Protestors Self-organized Actocracy Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized Hong Kong ~200k Protestors Self-organized 9/26

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� � �

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� � �

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� � �

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� � �

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� � �

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Cable, Power, Radio Live Broadcasting 3/8

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3/19 Hack foldr Live Video → Transcripts

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“Only a neutral ‘Net can connect people inside and outside of the wall. Communication reduces conflicts & misunderstanding � That was my only intention.” 0 #NetNeutrality

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3/24 EtherCalc Offline Offline

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3/26 #CivicJournalism

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3/29 Informed Review Are you affected by CSSTA? Enter company name to find out… 㟬ඃ෰๵ྃ䆩ʁ

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#Loomio “Real democracy needs to include everyone.” Civil · Constitutional · Convention

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“What we demand is that policy-making must have a deliberative democratic spirit and attitude.”

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Slide 57 text ໢࿏๏نௐద e-Rulemaking InfoSecurity Telework Telemedicine e-Retail Privacy & De-identification Internet Tax MOOCs Data Levy &� Open Data Definition Equity-based Crowdfunding� Closely-held LLC

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Rulemaking 2.0: Understanding and Getting Better Public Participation Using Social Media in Rulemaking: Possibilities and Barriers — Michael Herz — Cynthia R. Farina & Mary J. Newhart

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1. Lack of Stakeholder Awareness 2. Low Participation Literacy 3. Information Overload

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2014/12/09: Telework meeting 12/20: Hackath11n “We can’t find teleworker representatives…� Would you like to form an union?” 2014/12/09: Telework meeting 12/20: Hackath11n Taiwanese startups � can we not register at Cayman Islands? ՄҎෆཁڈ։ჭઃެ࢘䆩ʁ — Jaclyn Tsai, Minister without Portfolio Minister Jaclyn Tsai:

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Case Study: Closely-held LLCs � 2/1 — Initial discussion (132 total ) � 3/12 — Public consultation � 3/17 — Working Group formed � 5/1 — Draft act sent to Legislature � 6/1 — Bipartisan committee approved!

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Working Group Meetings

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SayIt SayIt SayIt

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Design Principles � Informative slides & Keyword lexicons � Neutral, non-stakeholder facilitators � Aiding (not replacing) public hearings � Safe Space — Civilized discussions only

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Proposal Requirements � Main stakeholders must be netizens � Directly related to laws & regulations � Open-ended, without preset solutions � 30-day minimum for initial discussions

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� 1 million website requests per month � 10,000 Subscribers � 1,000Commenters � 45 Working Group members Engagement Metrics Net Promoter Score®: 85%

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Tools � Civilized Construction Kit � � � � Focused� Conversation Method Civilized Construction Kit Focused Conversation

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� � Ministries with @usernames 7-day guaranteed official replies � � Participants form Working Groups � Shared online-offline collaboration

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Slide 69 text ↔ Government-run ↔ Volunteer-run Whole Lifecycle ↔ Early Consultation Opinion Polling ↔ Rough Consensus General Public ↔ Online Stakeholders (not yet) Open Source ↔ Open Source

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Forks welcome!

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Next steps Next steps “My feeling is…” Next steps Specific Issue Crowd-sourced References Open Data for Analysis Deliberation Guaranteed

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� Group 1 (45%) � Group 2 (54%) Since the MOTC has already rejected Uber's administrative appeal, I think Taipei city government should cancel the company registration of "Taiwan Uber Inc.” When I am not in a hurry, I prefer to call Uber even if there are plenty of taxis in the street.

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� Group 1 (43%) � Group 2 (56%) Since the MOTC has already rejected Uber's administrative appeal, I think Taipei city government should cancel the company registration of "Taiwan Uber Inc.” When I am not in a hurry, I prefer to call Uber even if there are plenty of taxis in the street. Since the MOTC has already rejected Uber's administrative appeal, I think Taipei city government should cancel the company registration of "Taiwan Uber I think it is the responsibility of the MOTC to actively outlaw unlicensed passenger vehicles. Currently, the only way for traditional taxis to survive is to join a taxi fleet. This is not due to a government policy, and UberX has subverted this unwritten rule. I think it is quite awesome!

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� Reflections I think that we live in an technological era. Infrastructures & regulations shall progress along with the modern development. Drivers should be reviewed to protect and ensure the interests of both riders and drivers. Safety is the number one priority.

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� Expectations The government should leverage this opportunity to challenge the taxi industry to improve their management & quality control system, so that drivers & riders would enjoy the same quality service as Uber. I think every effort should be made to shut down UberX’s unlawful activity. There is no need to ask the people to express an opinion.

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1. I think the government should set up a fair regulatory regime on transportation instead of protecting certain groups with vested interests.� 2. On the issue of paying taxes in Taiwan, Uber has the responsibility to put forward a responsive mechanism to adequately convince Taiwan's community.� 3. I think UberX should follow the practices of taxis and requires their vehicles to display the registration certificate, license and complete driver’s information at a visible place in the vehicle. � Suggestions

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� Suggestions 4. I think transportation is similar to food and medicine in that it should be subject to more stringent definitions and checks than for other general service platforms.� 5. I think private passenger vehicles should be registered. They should be limited to two shifts per day in order to achieve the carpooling effect. An additional passenger protection insurance cover should also be purchased.� 6. I think it should be permissible for a for-hire driver to join multiple fleets and platforms.

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8/27 Public Deliberation

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Thanks to… @don-democracy� ETBlue ipa tkalu tkirby ddio darbychang dylandy simonpai jimyhuang walkingice a-tsioh muan johnlinp hcchien thewayiam chiahao CYLI �� Helena titus001 dychien cttang isism peggy.lo pofeng kiang a0kman charlene stephanie sharon stella angelwong jasminelai jimhuang CLKao Jaclyn T.L.Lin ChiaHua Whiski T.H.Schee TonyQ Operators Moderators

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“Whatever happens, we shall confront this challenge as individuals and as a group — through practical action,� one step at a time.”

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Clicktivism Hacktivism

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Like / Unlike

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Link sharing Like / Unlike

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Link sharing Like / Unlike Link sharing Q & A

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Link sharing Like / Unlike Link sharing Q & A Q & A Discussion

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Link sharing Like / Unlike Link sharing Q & A Q & A Discussion Discussion Deliberation

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Clicktivism Hacktivism Link sharing Like / Unlike Link sharing Q & A Q & A Discussion Discussion Deliberation Agenda Setting