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Continuous Delivery with GitHub Actions DeliveryConf 2020 - Sean Sullivan

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About me

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Agenda CI/CD GitHub Actions Core concepts Security

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“The most important practice for continuous integration to work properly is frequent check-ins to trunk”

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“Continuous integration was first written about in Kent Beck’s book Extreme Programming Explained”

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“GitHub Actions help you automate your software development workflows” source:

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“You can write individual tasks, called actions, and combine them to create a custom workflow” source:

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Getting started

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Actions tab

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Actions tab Starter Workflow

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Workflow editor

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Workflow editor

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Workflow editor

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Workflow editor checkout@v2

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Workflow editor setup-java@v1

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Workflow editor run: sbt test

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Workflow editor click

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Workflow editor click

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Actions tab

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Actions tab

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Actions tab

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Ruby On Rails uses GitHub Actions

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Ruby on Rails

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Ruby on Rails

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Ruby on Rails

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Ruby on Rails

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Core concepts

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Events Actions Workflows

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create deployment deployment_status issue created pull_request push schedule label created (and many more) Events trigger workflows

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Workflows are custom automated processes that you can set up in your repository to build, test, package, release, or deploy source:

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GitHub webhooks GitHub Actions workflows

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Actions are individual tasks that you can combine to create jobs source:

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You can create custom Actions or use Actions provided by the GitHub community source:

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action.yml declares the inputs and outputs for an action source:

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Types of Actions: JavaScript Docker source:

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“GitHub Actions is available with GitHub Free, GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, and GitHub Enterprise Cloud” source:

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What if I already have an existing CI tool enabled?

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Keep your existing CI tool and enable GitHub Actions

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Evaluate both CI tools running side-by-side

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Actions runtime Runners Virtual Environments

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Runners GitHub-hosted Self-hosted

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Hosted Runners “GitHub hosts Linux and Windows runners on Standard_DS2_v2 virtual machines in Microsoft Azure with the GitHub Actions runner application installed” source:

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Self-Hosted Runners “Self-hosted runners can be physical, virtual, container, on-premises, or in a cloud” source:

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Self-Hosted Runners

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Self-Hosted Runners C Sharp

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Virtual Environments

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Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Linux support

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Third party actions

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AWS Actions Azure Actions Google Cloud Actions

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Pulumi Actions Terraform Actions Twilio SMS Action

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AWS: action.yml

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Secrets access protected keys using the secrets context object source:

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Secrets source:

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Secrets source:

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Secrets source:

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Secrets source:

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Self-Hosted Runners “do not use self- hosted runners with public repositories” source:

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Self-Hosted Runners “Forks of your public repository can potentially run dangerous code on your self-hosted runner machine” source:

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Final thoughts

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“CI ensures that the code that we create, as a team, works by providing us with rapid feedback on any problems”

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“However, CI is not enough”

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“end-to-end automation of our build, deploy, test, release processes”

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GitHub Actions End-to-end pipeline Deploy with confidence Conclusion

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Thank you

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Bonus slides

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No content

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