Slide 7
Slide 7 text
Ironies of Automation (1983)
1. ࣗಈԽʹΑΓਓؒͷ࡞ۀෛ୲ΛݮͰ͖Δ
2. ͔͠͠ɼࣗಈԽ͢Ε͢Δ΄Ͳਓؒͷೝෛՙ͕ߴ·Δ
3. ೝෛՙʹ͑ΒΕΔΑ͏ʹߴͳ܇࿅͕ඞཁͱͳΔ
• L. Bainbridge, "Ironies of automation,” Analysis, design and evaluation of man–machine systems, pp.129-135 1983.
• G. Baxter, et al. "The ironies of automation: still going strong at 30?,” the 30th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2012.
• B. Strauch, "Ironies of automation: Still unresolved after all these years," IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 419-433 2017.
• J. Paul Reed, “When /bin/sh Attacks: Revisiting "Automate All the Things”,” USENIX LISA19 2019.
• Tanner Lund, “Ironies of Automation: A Comedy in Three Parts,”, USENIX SREcon19 Asia/Pacific 2019.