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User Journey Map Workshop UX in LUX 19/06/2019

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Welcome to the workshop! We are UX designers and we propose UX workshops in Luxembourg !

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Share your knowledge with the community! Contact us if you want to present a workshop or share a UX method!

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Thanks :) Thanks to Maltem for sponsoring today’s workshop.

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MALTEM IN SHORT Established Coming soon

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What’s the plan? 1. Discover the user journey map 2. Try it yourself ! 3. Why use Journey maps ? 4. Links, then drinks Schedule

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What are User Journey Maps? 01

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A journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. Definition

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What it “really” looks like

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● Actor (user, persona..) ● Scenario and expectations (ex: find bakery & eat delicious bread) ● Journey phases (high level / ex : discover, try, buy, use, seek support) ● Actions, Mindsets, and Emotions ● Opportunities ● Internal ownership Key items

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Practise time 02

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How did you ended up here ? Guerrilla user journey map 1. In groups of 4-5, choose an actor (one of you) 2. Define all the user journey map of this actor (draw it !)

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1. Interview your user 5’

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2. Define goals and scenarios 5’

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3. List and describe the different phases of the journey Don’t forget about what happens before and after users interact with your products and services. 5’

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4. Identify the actions for each phase 10’

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5. What does you user think and feel for each phase? 10’

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6. Pain points and opportunities 5’

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What do you think about the method? 03

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Why use Journey Maps ? ● Share a visual understanding of user’s steps with the whole team ● Easily identify issues and opportunities in the process ● Easy to share with all stakeholders ● Good basis to take decisions

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● Méthodes UX chapitre 12 by Carine Lallemand ● Journey mapping 101 https:/ / mapping-101/ Learn more

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Thank you :) Contact us if you want to present a workshop or share a UX method! @ux_lux on twitter - [email protected]

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● Less specific : a generic human undergoing a general human experience ● Used for understanding a general human behavior VS Experience map ?

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● Visualize the relationships between different service components (such as people or processes) at various touchpoints in a specific customer journey VS Service blueprint ?

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● Visual version of a user story. (As a ____ I want to _____ ) ● For planning and implementation (think little picture) VS User Story Map ?