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How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition

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➖ = Body has Inputs (food)

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➖ = and outputs (water and waste)

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➖ = the difference between the two

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➖ = dictates your weight loss or gain

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There are no miracles

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The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat

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The trend line

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A n e x p o n e n t i a l l y s m o o t h e d m o v i n g average of your weight

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used to compute your average daily calorie balance

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Negative reinforcement

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Track your weight consistently

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don't ever look at day- to-day weight

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weigh first thing in the morning, naked.

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“Exponentially smoothed weighted moving average”

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Calorie Counting

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Measure and plan everything you eat

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Eat anything - just manage calories.

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I did this for a bit

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Figured out what the deficit I was going for felt like, and am able to stick with that without counting

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Activity Calories/hour Walking 300 Bicycling 300 Aerobics 400 Swimming 400 Tennis 500 Basketball 500 Jogging 700

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Tasty Treat Calories Peanut butter sandwich 275 Pizza (3 slices) 500 Big Mac 560

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Exercise to live longer and feel better

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He provides a workout plan

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I run and go to the bouldering gym

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