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Evaluating LLM Applications is Hard. (sorry) link to slides link to slides

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tl;dr Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. impatient folks can leave after this slide

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Evaluation Matters. Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. it’s a critical differentiator

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🔥 Diagram by Josh Tobin

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No One Does Evals Well. Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. everyone agrees that everyone else is doing it wrong

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“Okay, you guys figure it out then!”

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“Ground Truth” Can’t Save You. Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. and it’s not always possible

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Slide 14 text spring-2023/llmops accuracy F1 perplexity BLEU Rouge cosine sim

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This is how we train models: take gradients of eval metrics. (real predictions from Du sollst keine Maschine nach dem ____ eines menschlichen Geistes machen. Muster Vorbild Willen Geschmack Modell 0.455 0.249 0.057 0.031 0.024 Fill-in-the-Blank 0 1 0 0 0 Muster Vorbild Willen Geschmack Modell model output (μ) target (y)

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It’s also part of some popular benchmarks, like MMLU.

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Slide 17 text But simplicity can be deceiving.

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And ground truth isn’t always true.

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Slide 19 text Learn from experimental psychology and cognitive science!

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🔥 This is not just theoretical!

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Slide 21 text spring-2023/llmops

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Annotators Are Flawed. Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. good help is hard to find

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This is also part of training for most models. Ground truth fine-tuning on top of pretraining, then learning from feedback.

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Humans are lazy and have cognitive biases.

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Fake screenshot, modified from Figure 1 of

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Fake screenshot, modified from Figure 1 of

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Fake screenshot, modified from Figure 1 of

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The more expensive the task we are trying to automate, the more expensive annotation will be.

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LLMs Are Flawed. Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. yo dawg i heard yu like LLMs & eval, so i put eval LLMs in yr LLM eval

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GPT-3.5 is (roughly) a median crowd-worker. So let’s just use models instead of annotators!

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We’re “cramming more cognition into integrated circuits”. This is the most important long-term trend. Plan for it! 3x 2¢ Moore, 1965 Me, rn 100x

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LLMs are lazy and have cognitive biases.

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But wait! How can we use LLMs as verifiers for LLMs?

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We do the same with software 1.0. Tests are simple and trusted.

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Slide 40 text But that’s harder with LLMs than with software 1.0.

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Slide 41 text Model improvements drive model improvements.

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User Behavior: Best of Bad Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Behavior is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. never trust your users

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But your users now are not your users forever.

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Be careful what you optimize for! Imagine A/B testing this form against email signup rates.

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Be careful what you optimize for!

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Slide 47 text Beware the McNamara Fallacy.

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Just Do Your Best Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best. best isn’t good but it’s better

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Get to observability. Adapt existing o11y solutions Embrace “LLMOps” tooling Roll your own with FOSS Use existing MLOps tooling

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Measure actual end goals, like retention and activation. 🔥

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Optimize 1 metric, satisfice N-1. 🔥 Herbert Simon, satisficer

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“Look at the data” is genchi genbutsu for ML.

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Slide 53 text Learn lessons from the factory floor, not just IT.

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tl;dr Evaluation Matters. No One Evaluates LLMs Well. Evaluating with Ground Truth is Hard. Evaluating with Annotators is Hard. Evaluating with LLMs is Hard. Evaluating with User Preferences is Hard. All We Can Do is Our Best.

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Thanks! and good luck, you’re gonna need it @charles_irl on Twitter + Discord (DMs open) HMU if you’re interested in open source approaches to educating engineers about building with AI. link to slides