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It’s all about the user experience! How we decreased from over 100 clicks to 15? Álvarez de la Campa Marta, Eurapco Bühler Sandra, Belsoft Collaboration AG

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Content • About us • Background • What we did and how? • Demo • User feedback J and pain points L

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 About Belsoft Collaboration AG

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 About Eurapco

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Background: feedback from users Value = perceived benefits – perceived costs 1 = Perceived benefits 2 = Perceived costs -1 = Value! • Not user friendly • Difficult to use • Difficulty to find relevant information • Too many and too complex functionalities • I don’t see the value • I don´t have time! Email is easier and quicker! • Technology problems: browser versions, slow... • One extra password to remember! • Too many email notifications – Hate Newsletter! Myth: The 3-click-rule of web design advice?

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Background: way forward

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 What we did and how? – Customer request! Blog Settings Invite to my network

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 What we did and how? Customizer to the rescue!! • Needs Docker instance, at least “Customizer light”, part of Component Pack • Acts as proxy (injects css and javascript based on url) • No changes on existing Connections css/jsp/javascript/etc files • Only way to customize Connections dynamically – NO RESTART • Controlled changes with enable/disable functionality – user, apps, browser • Easy and fast to achieve: • Hide and change (names, colours, icons) • Not so easy and huge efforts: • Data to display somewhere else • Multilanguage handling • Move elements • Need to know more, we are happy to help

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 From 100 down to 15 100 15

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Demo

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 Pain points L …

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Social Connections 15 Munich, September 16-18 2019 User feedback J

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