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#love_swift ©2024 RAKUS Co., Ltd. Translating text within your app 集まれSwift好き!Swift愛好会スピンオフ WWDC24セッション要約会 @ DeNA 2024/06/26 @akkiee76

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#love_swift ● Akihiko Sato ● DeNA Co., Ltd. ● 𝕏 : @akkiee76 ● Speaker Deck : @akkie76 Profile 2

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#love_swift WWDC24 🎉 3

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#love_swift Theme Ovierview “Meet the Translation API” 🚀 4

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#love_swift Overview ● Adopt “.translationPresentation()” to quickly add translation to your app. ● User TranslateSession for your deeper integration with your app’s UI. ● Best Practices 5

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#love_swift Translate Framework You can offer in-app translations from one language to another. To display simple system translations in your app. 🚀 6

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#love_swift Translate Framework ● Simple overlay ● Flexible translation 7

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#love_swift Simple translation overlay ● .translationPresentation API ○ Presents a translation popover when a given condition is true. 8 var body: some View { VStack { Text(verbatim: originalText) Button("Translate") { showTranslation.toggle() } } // Offer a system UI translation. .translationPresentation(isPresented: $showTranslation, text: originalText) SwiftUI | iOS 17.4+ | iPadOS 17.4+ | macOS 14.4+

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#love_swift Simple translation overlay ● .translationPresentation API 9

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#love_swift Flexible translation API ● TranslationSession 10 OS 18.0+ Beta | iPadOS 18.0+ Beta | macOS 15.0+ Beta VStack { TextField("Enter text to translate", text: $sourceText) } // Pass the configuration to the task. .translationTask { session in do { // Use the session the task provides to translate the text. let response = try await session.translate(sourceText) // Update the view with the translated result. targetText = response.targetText } catch { // Handle any errors. } }

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#love_swift Flexible translation API 11 @State private var configuration: TranslationSession.Configuration? var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter text to translate", text: $sourceText) Button("Translate") { configuration = .init() } Text(verbatim: targetText) } // Pass the configuration to the task. .translationTask(configuration) { session in do { // Use the session the task provides to translate the text. let response = try await session.translate(sourceText) // Update the view with the translated result. targetText = response.targetText } catch { }

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#love_swift Flexible translation API 12 @State private var configuration: TranslationSession.Configuration? var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Enter text to translate", text: $sourceText) Button("Translate") { triggerTranslation() } Text(verbatim: targetText) } // Pass the configuration to the task. .translationTask(configuration) { session in do { // Use the session the task provides to translate the text. let response = try await session.translate(sourceText) // Update the view with the translated result. targetText = response.targetText } catch { } func triggerTranslation() { guard configuration == nil else { configuration?.invalidate() return } // Let the framework automatically determine the language pairing. configuration = .init() }

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#love_swift On-device translation ● On-device ML models ● Shared with all apps, including Translate ● API take care of : ○ Download permission ○ Download progress ○ Continuing in background 13

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#love_swift Translating multiple languages ● Badge translation API ○ Translates multiple strings of text of the same language, returning the results all at once when complete. 14 public func translate(batch: [TranslationSession.Request]) -> TranslationSession.BatchResponse iOS 18.0+ | iPadOS 18.0+ | macOS 15.0+ public func translations(from batch: [TranslationSession.Request]) async throws -> [TranslationSession.Response]

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#love_swift Translating multiple languages 15 var foodItems = ["Salat 🥗", "Fritten 🍟", "Suppe 🍜"] func translateAllAtOnce(using session: TranslationSession) async { Task { @MainActor in let requests: [TranslationSession.Request] = { // Map each item into a request. TranslationSession.Request(sourceText: $0) } do { let responses = try await session.translations(from: requests) foodItems = { // Update each item with the translated result. $0.targetText } } catch { // Handle any errors. } } }

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#love_swift Translating multiple languages 16 func translate(using session: TranslationSession) async { do { var requesets: [TranslationSession.Request] = [] requesets.append(contentsOf: self.germanRequests) equesets.append(contentsOf: self.spanishRequests) for try await response in session.translate(batch: requesets) { handle(response: response) } } catch { // Handle any errors. } } Do not merge sessions of different languages

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#love_swift Translating multiple languages 17 func translate(using session: TranslationSession) async { do { for try await response in session.translate(batch: self.germanRequests) { handle(response: response) } for try await response in session.translate(batch: self.spanishRequests) { handle(response: response) } } catch { // Handle any errors. } } ✅

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#love_swift Others ● Language Support ○ Hindi ● Best Practice ○ Not Simulator ○ SF Symbols translate 18

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#love_swift Preferences ● Meet the Translation API ○ ● Translating text within your app ○ ating-text-within-your-app 19

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#love_swift Thank you 🙏 20