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What’s new in Firebase Daiki Matsudate / @d_date 2018/05/28 FJUG #4

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Daiki Matsudate @d_date

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Google I/O

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Yosemite Bishop

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Part1: What’s new in iOS SDK v5.0.0 Daiki Matsudate / @d_date 2018/05/28 FJUG #4

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v5.0.0 Released!

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v5.0.0 • Support iOS version (iOS7.0 and later -> iOS 8.0 and later) • Performance Monitoring graduated beta • Phone Auth Testing • Firebase Testlab for iOS • MLKit

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Graduated from beta!

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- Automatic Trace Measuring performances about app • Automatic trace • App start • Network • App in foreground / background • • Screen ← NEW!

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- Screen Trace iOS keyWindow಺ʹ͋ΔUIViewControllerͷ ɾStart: viewDidAppear:͕ݺ͹Εͨͱ͖ ɾStop: viewDidDisappear:͕Α͹Εͨͱ͖ɻ ※Container View ControllerͰ͸Ωϟϓνϟ͠ͳ͍

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Android ͢΂ͯͷActivityͷ ɾStart: onActivityStarted()͕ݺ͹Εͨͱ͖ ɾStop: onActivityStopped()͕ݺ͹Εͨͱ͖ - Screen Trace

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Appendix: Performance Monitoring - Custom Trace let trace = Performance.startTrace(name: "request_trace") let contents: String do { contents = try String(contentsOfFile: fileName, encoding: .utf8) } catch { print("Log file doesn't exist yet") contents = "" } let fileLength = contents.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8) trace?.incrementMetric("log_file_size", by: Int64(fileLength))

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let trace = Performance.startTrace(name: "request_trace") let contents: String do { contents = try String(contentsOfFile: fileName, encoding: .utf8) } catch { print("Log file doesn't exist yet") contents = "" } let fileLength = contents.lengthOfBytes(using: .utf8) trace?.incrementMetric("log_file_size", by: Int64(fileLength)) 1. Call startTrace with label name 2. Set your metric with parameter Appendix: Performance Monitoring - Custom Trace

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let target = " googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png" guard let targetUrl = URL(string: target) else { return } guard let metric = HTTPMetric(url: targetUrl, httpMethod: .get) else { return } metric.start() var request = URLRequest(url:targetUrl) request.httpMethod = "GET" let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse { metric.responseCode = httpResponse.statusCode } metric.stop() ɾSpecified network trace Appendix: Performance Monitoring - Custom Trace

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let target = " googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png" guard let targetUrl = URL(string: target) else { return } guard let metric = HTTPMetric(url: targetUrl, httpMethod: .get) else { return } metric.start() var request = URLRequest(url:targetUrl) request.httpMethod = "GET" let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse { metric.responseCode = httpResponse.statusCode } metric.stop() 1. Initialize HTTPMetric with targetUrl 3. Call stop() when finished downloading 2.Call start() ɾSpecified network trace Appendix: Performance Monitoring - Custom Trace

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Phone Auth Testing

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Set phone number and verification code for testing Phone Auth Testing

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Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in self.hideSpinner { guard let email =, error == nil else { self.showMessagePrompt(error!.localizedDescription) return } print("\(email) created") self.navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } } Breaking change

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Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (user, error) in self.hideSpinner { guard let email =, error == nil else { self.showMessagePrompt(error!.localizedDescription) return } print("\(email) created") self.navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } } Breaking change

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Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (authResult, error) in self.hideSpinner { guard let email = authResult?, error == nil else { self.showMessagePrompt(error!.localizedDescription) return } print("\(email) created") self.navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } } Breaking change

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Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: email, password: password) { (authResult, error) in self.hideSpinner { guard let email = authResult?, error == nil else { self.showMessagePrompt(error!.localizedDescription) return } print("\(email) created") self.navigationController!.popViewController(animated: true) } } Breaking change

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authResult: AuthDataResult user: User additionalUserInfo: AdditionalUserInfo profile: [String: NSObject]? isNewUser: Bool username: String? Breaking change

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Goodbye Twitter Kit SDK!

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• Run test in physical and virtual devices • Available in • android • iOS

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• Run Unit test and UI test with XCTest • Firebase Console • gcloud CLI Firebase Test Lab for iOS

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Firebase Test Lab for iOS

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Summary • Automatic screen trace in performance monitoring → NEW! • Phone auth testing with whitelist phone number → NEW! • Test Lab for iOS → NEW! • MLKit → NEW!

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Resources • Session: • What’s new in Firebase v=e-8fiv-vteQ&t=57s • Release note: • iOS: • Android: android

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Part2: Introduction to MLKit Daiki Matsudate / @d_date 2018/05/28 FJUG #4

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ML Kit • iOS / Android SDK • Base API and Custom Model Support • On device / On Cloud • Deeply integrated into Firebase

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ML Kit - iOS / Android SDK

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ML Kit - Custom Model Support • Dynamic model downloads • No need to bundle every custom model in your ipa / apk • A/B testing via Firebase Remote Config • Model conversion and compression (coming soon)

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ML Kit - Custom Local Model guard let localModelFilePath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedModelFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.modelExtension ), let labelsFilePath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedLabelsFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.labelsExtension ) else { resultsTextView.text = "Failed to get the paths to the local model and labels files." return } let localModelSource = LocalModelSource( modelName: Constants.localModelName, path: localModelFilePath ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(localModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(localModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: nil, localModelName: Constants.localModelName) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath)

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ML Kit - Custom Local Model guard let localModelFilePath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedModelFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.modelExtension ), let labelsFilePath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedLabelsFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.labelsExtension ) else { resultsTextView.text = "Failed to get the paths to the local model and labels files." return } let localModelSource = LocalModelSource( modelName: Constants.localModelName, path: localModelFilePath ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(localModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(localModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: nil, localModelName: Constants.localModelName) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath) 1. Get model path from bundle 2. Register to ModelManager 3. Load model

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ML Kit - Custom Cloud Model

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ML Kit - Custom Cloud Model let conditions = ModelDownloadConditions(wiFiRequired: false, idleRequired: false) let cloudModelSource = CloudModelSource( modelName: cloudModelName, enableModelUpdates: true, initialConditions: conditions, updateConditions: conditions ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(cloudModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(cloudModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: cloudModelName, localModelName: nil) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath)

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ML Kit - Custom Cloud Model let conditions = ModelDownloadConditions(wiFiRequired: false, idleRequired: false) let cloudModelSource = CloudModelSource( modelName: cloudModelName, enableModelUpdates: true, initialConditions: conditions, updateConditions: conditions ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(cloudModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(cloudModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: cloudModelName, localModelName: nil) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath) 1.specifiy model registed on Firebase Console 2. Register to ModelManager 3. Load model

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ML Kit with Firebase Remote Config

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ML Kit with Firebase Remote Config let conditions = ModelDownloadConditions(wiFiRequired: false, idleRequired: false) let cloudModelSource = CloudModelSource( modelName: remoteConfig[cloudModelConfigKey].stringValue, enableModelUpdates: true, initialConditions: conditions, updateConditions: conditions ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(cloudModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(cloudModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: cloudModelName, localModelName: nil) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath) Specify cloud model name key in Remote Config

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ML Kit - On device / On Cloud

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ML Kit - On device / On Cloud

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ML Kit - Coming Soon Features • High density face contour • smart reply API • Custom model compression and conversion

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ML Kit - High density face contour • Detect about 100 points in face contour

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ML Kit - Smart Reply API

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ML Kit - Model Compression and Conversion • Convert Tensorflow model to Tensorflow Lite model

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ML Kit - Coming Soon Features

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ML Kit - Resources • Session: • ML Kit: Machine Learning SDK for mobile developers https:// • TensorFlow Lite for mobile developers https:// • Document •

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Summary - MLKit vs CoreML • Can be used Cloud computing resource • CoreML only support on-device model • CoreML supports NLP (smart reply API?)

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Part3: ARCore on ARKit with Firebase Daiki Matsudate / @d_date 2018/05/28 FJUG #4

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- Argumented Images • Respond to 2D images, such as posters or product packaging • Only support android

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- Cloud Anchors • Create AR experience with multiplayer • Support iOS and Android

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- Cloud Anchors • Create AR experience with multiplayer • Support iOS and Android • iOS ARCore needs ARKit

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- Cloud Anchors

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- Cloud Anchors

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- Cloud Anchors Host Cloud Anchor ID

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- Cloud Anchors Resolve with Cloud Anchor ID

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- Cloud Anchors Anchor information

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- Cloud Anchors Cloud Anchor ID

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ua-44417245235b466b84220d681b6da6a2 - Cloud Anchors

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ua-44417245235b466b84220d681b6da6a2 " - Cloud Anchors

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Host ID - Cloud Anchors Host ID Room ID: 1 Room ID: 1

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Host ID - Cloud Anchors Host ID Room ID: 1 Room ID: 1

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Host ID - Cloud Anchors Host ID Room ID: 1 Room ID: 1 Room ID: 1

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- Host Cloud Anchor func addAnchor(transform: matrix_float4x4) { let arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: transform) self.arAnchor = arAnchor sceneView.session.add(anchor: arAnchor) do { garAnchor = try gSession.hostCloudAnchor(arAnchor) enter(state: .hosting) } catch { print(error) } }

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- Host Cloud Anchor func addAnchor(transform: matrix_float4x4) { let arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: transform) self.arAnchor = arAnchor sceneView.session.add(anchor: arAnchor) do { garAnchor = try gSession.hostCloudAnchor(arAnchor) enter(state: .hosting) } catch { print(error) } } Add anchor on AR Space Host to Cloud by ARCore

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func session(_ session: GARSession, didHostAnchor anchor: GARAnchor) { guard state == .hosting, anchor == garAnchor else { return } garAnchor = anchor enter(state: .hostingFinished) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).child("hosted_anchor_id").setValu e(anchor.cloudIdentifier) let timestampInteger = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000 let timestamp = NSNumber(value: timestampInteger) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).child("updated_at_timestamp").set Value(timestamp) } - After host anchor to cloud

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- After host anchor to cloud func session(_ session: GARSession, didHostAnchor anchor: GARAnchor) { guard state == .hosting, anchor == garAnchor else { return } garAnchor = anchor enter(state: .hostingFinished) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).child("hosted_anchor_id").setValu e(anchor.cloudIdentifier) let timestampInteger = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000 let timestamp = NSNumber(value: timestampInteger) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).child("updated_at_timestamp").set Value(timestamp) } Save hosted_anchor_id to Realtime Database Save timestamp

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func resolveAnchor(roomCode: String) { self.roomCode = roomCode enter(state: .resolving) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).observe(.value) { (snapshot) in DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self, strongSelf.state == .resolving, strongSelf.roomCode == roomCode else { return } if let anchorId: String = { if let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] { return value["hosted_anchor_id"] as? String } return nil }() { strongSelf.firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).removeAllObservers() strongSelf.resolveAnchor(identifier: anchorId) } } } } - Get Anchor ID from Realtime Database

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- Get Anchor ID from Realtime Database func resolveAnchor(roomCode: String) { self.roomCode = roomCode enter(state: .resolving) firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).observe(.value) { (snapshot) in DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in guard let strongSelf = self, strongSelf.state == .resolving, strongSelf.roomCode == roomCode else { return } if let anchorId: String = { if let value = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] { return value["hosted_anchor_id"] as? String } return nil }() { strongSelf.firebaseReference.child("hotspot_list").child(roomCode).removeAllObservers() strongSelf.resolveAnchor(identifier: anchorId) } } } } Type room code stored in Realtime Database Get host_anchor_id from Realtime Database Resolve

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func resolveAnchor(identifier: String) { do { garAnchor = try gSession?.resolveCloudAnchor(withIdentifier: identifier) } catch { print(error) } } - Resolve with anchor ID func session(_ session: GARSession, didResolve anchor: GARAnchor) { guard state == .resolving, anchor == garAnchor else { return } self.garAnchor = anchor let arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: anchor.transform) self.arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: anchor.transform) sceneView.session.add(anchor: arAnchor) enter(state: .resolvingFinished) }

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func resolveAnchor(identifier: String) { do { garAnchor = try gSession?.resolveCloudAnchor(withIdentifier: identifier) } catch { print(error) } } - Resolve with anchor ID Resolve with anchor id func session(_ session: GARSession, didResolve anchor: GARAnchor) { guard state == .resolving, anchor == garAnchor else { return } self.garAnchor = anchor let arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: anchor.transform) self.arAnchor = ARAnchor(transform: anchor.transform) sceneView.session.add(anchor: arAnchor) enter(state: .resolvingFinished) } Add anchor to AR Space

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- Cloud Anchors with Firebase • Good use case for Realtime Database / Firestore • Realtime • Store host_id in only active room • Can wait until creating new room by observing • Easy to build database with such features • Scalable

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- Summary • Argumented Image • Only for Android now • Cloud Anchors • Available on both iOS and Android • More useful to use with Firebase Database

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- Resources • Swift Sample • • Session • • Document •

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Summary • Automatic screen trace in performance monitoring → NEW! • Phone auth testing with whitelist phone number → NEW! • Test Lab for iOS → NEW! • MLKit is useful to use cloud model than CoreML • ARCore can be used with ARKit to share anchor

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7/2 ٕज़ಉਓࢽ࠶ൢNight˒

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7/2 ٕज़ಉਓࢽ࠶ൢNight˒ ຊ࣋ͬͯΔਓ͖࣋ͬͯͯʙʂ چόʔδϣϯ࣋ࢀͰɺ৽͍͠΋ͷʹަ׵ʂ

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Thank you!