Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedModelFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.modelExtension ), let labelsFilePath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: Constants.quantizedLabelsFilename, ofType: DetectorConstants.labelsExtension ) else { resultsTextView.text = "Failed to get the paths to the local model and labels files." return } let localModelSource = LocalModelSource( modelName: Constants.localModelName, path: localModelFilePath ) let modelManager = ModelManager.modelManager() if !modelManager.register(localModelSource) { print("Model source was already registered with name: \(localModelSource.modelName).") } let options = ModelOptions(cloudModelName: nil, localModelName: Constants.localModelName) detectorService.loadModel(options: options, labelsPath: labelsFilePath) 1. Get model path from bundle 2. Register to ModelManager 3. Load model