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Comparing Apache Flink and Spark for Modern Stream Data Processing Sharon Xie Eric Xiao

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What are we going to learn? 01. Architecture Design 02. Decodableʼs Evaluation Framework 03. Detailed Comparison Spark Streaming VS Flink Streaming Mode

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Your Presenters Sharon Xie Head of Product ● Founding Engineer @ Decodable ● 7 years of real-time data platform building Eric Xiao Data Platform ● Senior Software Engineer @ Decodable ● Previously on the Streaming Platform teams @ Shopify, Walmart.

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Decodable is powered by Flink and Debezium

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How did Flink and Spark solve the problem? 01. Architecture Design

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Context Typical real-time data platform

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Design - Spark Streaming Source: Micro-Batch: receives live input data streams and divides the data into batches

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Can batch size = 1 for Spark Streaming? No. - Batched via interval - Job scheduling overhead >> data processing Source:

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Design - Flink Source: Stream processing: continuously process the data as it arrives.

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Yes. Some operators (aggregation / join) can enable mini batches. Can batch size > 1 for Flink Source:

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02. Evaluation Framework Whatʼs important to Decodable?

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Benchmark Most of the time

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Benchmark Most of the time

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How did we approach benchmark? ● Context Matters ○ Latency VS Throughput ● Design Reveals Potential ○ Can it scale > static numbers

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How did we choose? The ultimate test

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Expected Value ⚡ Low Latency = Competitive Edge ✨ Streaming > Batch What do we believe?

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Cost Operational Overhead Development Complexity Infrastructure Cost How much does it cost to run the workload?

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Detailed Comparison Eric Xiao

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Example Use Case

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Example Use Case

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Example Use Case

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Development Complexity

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API and Language Support Flink Spark Language Support ● Java ● Python ● Java/Scala ● Python ● R Higher Level APIs ● SQL ● Table API ● SQL ● DataFrames Lower Level APIs ● DataStream ● ProcessFunction N/A

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Stateful) Streaming Transformations Characteristics “Statelessˮ ● Simple transformations: filters, projections, etc. ● Requires no other “contextˮ (other streams, other events). Stateful Temporary) ● Aggregations, “timelyˮ joins, windows. ● Requires “contextˮ but can be dropped after some time. Stateful Indefinite) ● Top N, joining with “staticˮ dataset. ● Requires “contextˮ to be stored forever. More State

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Stateful) Streaming Transformations Flink Spark “Statelessˮ Well/fully supported Stateful Temporary) Stateful Indefinite) Fully supported ● Limited transformational support. ● Limited state support.

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Complexity of Expressing a Stateful Application in Spark

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● Anti-patterns used as workarounds ● More about Spark’s limitations Complexity of Expressing a Stateful Application in Spark

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Development Complexity ● Spark is better at being language agnostic. ● Flink outperforms when more state is involved. ● Able to express more complicated applications better in Flink. More State

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Example Use Case

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Infrastructure Costs

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Infrastructure Costs OR

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Infrastructure Costs ● Flink excels at CDC use cases: ○ Has built-in debezium engine ○ Leads to lower latency

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● Observability/Debuggability. ● Failure handling. ● Performance tuning. Operational Challenges

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Tools Provided to Handle Operational Tasks Flink Spark Observability / Debuggability ● Kubernetes/task specific metrics. ● Parallelism tuning. ● Checkpoint duration/batch-size tuning. Failure Handling ● Restores from latest checkpoint or micro-batch.

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Performance Tuning Flink Spark Backpressure Handling Automatic back pressure handling N/A, manually configured Auto-scaling Operator level auto-scaling TaskManager level auto-scaling Memory Auto-tuning Supported N/A, not supported

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Operational Overhead ● Very similar challenges and tasks. ● Flink has finer grain auto-tuning.

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Wrap Up Categories Flink Development Complexity1 ● More advanced state management capabilities. ● Additional lower level streaming API DataStream / ProcessFunction. Infrastructure Cost ● Native CDC connectors. Operational Overhead ● Advanced auto-control for resource allocation. ● Automatic back pressure handling.

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Additional Information ● Blog Post: Comparing Apache Flink and Spark for Modern Stream Data Processing.

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Thank You Q&A Sharon Xie Eric Xiao

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How to Benchmark? Real world examples, or use your actual workload Source: More: