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Android KTX A dash of Kotlin makes all the difference! @dankim

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Android KTX A dash of Kotlin makes all the difference! @dankim

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What is KTX? (besides just a cool name)

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Kotlin extensions designed specifically for Android

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So why should I care?

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Makes Android development more concise, pleasant, and idiomatic®

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Writing clean, readable code is a lot easier and a lot more fun

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Android has a long, colorful history Android has a long, colorful history

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view.addOnLayoutChangeListener(object : View.OnLayoutChangeListener { override fun onLayoutChange( view: View?, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, oldLeft: Int, oldTop: Int, oldRight: Int, oldBottom: Int ) { doSomething() } })

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view.addOnLayoutChangeListener(object : View.OnLayoutChangeListener { override fun onLayoutChange( view: View?, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, oldLeft: Int, oldTop: Int, oldRight: Int, oldBottom: Int ) { doSomething() } })

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// Original view.addOnLayoutChangeListener(object : View.OnLayoutChangeListener { override fun onLayoutChange( view: View?, left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int, oldLeft: Int, oldTop: Int, oldRight: Int, oldBottom: Int ) { ... } }) // KTX view.doOnNextLayout { doSomething() }

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You can learn a lot

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Are we adding any new functionality?

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Are we leveraging Kotlin-specific language features?

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Will the extension be useful in the long-term?

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Does the extension provide a meaningful upgrade?

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Is the intent of the extension clear?

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Enough talk, more code!

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repositories { google() } dependencies { implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.0.0' }

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androidx.core:core-ktx androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx androidx.palette:palette-ktx androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx androidx.collection:collection-ktx androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-reactivestreams-ktx android.arch.navigation:navigation-common-ktx android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx android.arch.navigation:navigation-runtime-ktx android.arch.navigation:navigation-testing-ktx android.arch.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx

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androidx.core.animation androidx.core.content androidx.core.os androidx.core.preference androidx.core.text androidx.core.transition androidx.core.util androidx.core.view androidx.core.widget

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A note about examples

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Named parameters & default values

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drawable.setBounds(drawable.bounds.left,, drawable.bounds.right, 100)

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// Original drawable.setBounds(drawable.bounds.left,, drawable.bounds.right, 100) // KTX drawable.updateBounds(bottom = 100)

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// Implementation fun Drawable.updateBounds(@Px left: Int = bounds.left, @Px top: Int =, @Px right: Int = bounds.right, @Px bottom: Int = bounds.bottom) {xx setBounds(left, top, right, bottom) }xx

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// Original animator.addListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener { override fun onAnimationEnd(a: Animator?) { ... } override fun onAnimationStart(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationCancel(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationRepeat(a: Animator?) { } })x

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// Original animator.addListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener { override fun onAnimationEnd(a: Animator?) { ... } override fun onAnimationStart(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationCancel(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationRepeat(a: Animator?) { } })x // KTX animator.addListener(onEnd = { ... })

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// Original animator.addListener(object : Animator.AnimatorListener { override fun onAnimationEnd(a: Animator?) { ... } override fun onAnimationStart(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationCancel(a: Animator?) { } override fun onAnimationRepeat(a: Animator?) { } }) // KTX animator.addListener(onEnd = { ... }) animator.doOnEnd { ... }

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// Implementation fun Animator.doOnEnd(crossinline action: (a: Animator) -> Unit) = addListener(onEnd = action)

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// Implementation fun Animator.doOnEnd(crossinline action: (a: Animator) -> Unit) = addListener(onEnd = action)

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// Implementation inline fun Animator.addListener( crossinline onEnd: (a: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onStart: (a: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onCancel: (a: Animator) -> Unit = {}, crossinline onRepeat: (a: Animator) -> Unit = {} ): Animator.AnimatorListener {x ... }x

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animator.doOnEnd { } animator.doOnCancel { } animator.doOnPause { } animator.doOnRepeat { } animator.doOnResume { } animator.doOnStart { }

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transition.addListener(object : Transition.TransitionListener { override fun onTransitionEnd(t: Transition?) { ... } override fun onTransitionStart(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionCancel(t: Transition) { } override fun onTransitionResume(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionPause(t: Transition?) { } })x

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// Original transition.addListener(object : Transition.TransitionListener { override fun onTransitionEnd(t: Transition?) { ... } override fun onTransitionStart(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionCancel(t: Transition) { } override fun onTransitionResume(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionPause(t: Transition?) { } })x // KTX transition.addListener(onEnd = { ... })

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// Original transition.addListener(object : Transition.TransitionListener { override fun onTransitionEnd(t: Transition?) { ... } override fun onTransitionStart(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionCancel(t: Transition) { } override fun onTransitionResume(t: Transition?) { } override fun onTransitionPause(t: Transition?) { } }) // KTX transition.addListener(onEnd = { ... }) transition.doOnEnd { ... }

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Operator Overloading

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a++ a-- a + b a += b a * b a / b a % b a..b a in b a[i] a[i] = b ...

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bitmap.getPixel(100, 100)

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// Original bitmap.getPixel(100, 100) // KTX bitmap[100, 100]

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// Implementation inline operator fun Bitmap.get(x: Int, y: Int) = getPixel(x, y)

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// Implementation inline operator fun Bitmap.get(x: Int, y: Int) = ...

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bitmap.setPixel(100, 100, colorInt)

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// Original bitmap.setPixel(100, 100, colorInt) // KTX bitmap[100, 100] = colorInt

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// Implementation inline operator fun Bitmap.set( x: Int, y: Int, @ColorInt color: Int) = setPixel(x, y, color)

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// Implementation inline operator fun Bitmap.set( x: Int, y: Int, @ColorInt color: Int) = setPixel(x, y, color)

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// Original rect.union(rect2) // KTX rect + rect2

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// Implementation inline operator fun Rect): Rect { return Rect(this).apply { union(r) }xx }xx

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// Implementation inline operator fun Rect): Rect { return Rect(this).apply { union(r) }x }x

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// Original menu.removeItem(menuItem.itemId) // KTX menu -= menuItem

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// Implementation inline operator fun Menu.minusAssign(item: MenuItem) = removeItem(item.itemId)

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// Implementation inline operator fun Menu. minusAssign(item: MenuItem) = removeItem(item.itemId)

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val lat = location.latitude val long = location.longitude

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// Original val lat = location.latitude val long = location.longitude // KTX val (lat, long) = location

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// Implementation inline operator fun Location.component1() = this.latitude inline operator fun Location.component2() = this.longitude

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// Implementation inline operator fun Location.component1() = this.latitude inline operator fun Location.component2() = this.longitude

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val left = rect.left val top = val right = rect.right val bottom = rect.bottom

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// Original val left = rect.left val top = val right = rect.right val bottom = rect.bottom // KTX val (left, top, right, bottom) = rect

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inline operator fun Rect.component1() = this.left inline operator fun Rect.component2() = inline operator fun Rect.component3() = this.right inline operator fun Rect.component4() = this.bottom

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inline operator fun Rect.component1() = this.left inline operator fun Rect.component2() = inline operator fun Rect.component3() = this.right inline operator fun Rect.component4() = this.bottom

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val red = val green = val blue = val alpha = colorInt.alpha

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// Original val red = val green = val blue = val alpha = colorInt.alpha // KTX val (red, green, blue, alpha) = colorInt

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// Implementation fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component1() = (this shr 24) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component2() = (this shr 16) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component3() = (this shr 8) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component4() = this and 0xffx

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// Implementation fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component1() = (this shr 24) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component2() = (this shr 16) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component3() = (this shr 8) and 0xff fun @receiver:ColorInt Int.component4() = this and 0xffx

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Pseudo Collections

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viewGroup.childCount != 0

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// Original viewGroup.childCount != 0 // KTX viewGroup.isEmpty() viewGroup.isNotEmpty()

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// Implementation inline fun ViewGroup.isEmpty() = childCount == 0 inline fun ViewGroup.isNotEmpty() = childCount != 0

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for (index in 0 until viewGroup.childCount) { doSomething(viewGroup.getChildAt(index)) } x

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// Original for (index in 0 until viewGroup.childCount) { doSomething(viewGroup.getChildAt(index)) } x // KTX viewGroup.forEach { doSomething() }

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// Implementation inline fun ViewGroup.forEach(action: (view: View) -> Unit) { for (index in 0 until childCount) { action(getChildAt(index)) } x } x

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// Implementation inline fun ViewGroup.forEach(action: (view: View) -> Unit) { for (index in 0 until childCount) { action(getChildAt(index)) } x } x

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viewGroup.indexOfChild(view) != -1

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// Original viewGroup.indexOfChild(view) != -1 // KTX viewGroup.contains(view)

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// Implementation inline operator fun ViewGroup.contains(view: View) = indexOfChild(view) != -1

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// Implementation inline operator fun ViewGroup.contains(view: View) = indexOfChild(view) != -1

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viewGroup.contains(view.textView) viewGroup.forEach { ... } viewGroup.forEachIndexed { index, view -> ... } viewGroup.size viewGroup.isEmpty() viewGroup.isNotEmpty() val view = viewGroup[0]

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for (index in 0 until menu.size()) { if (menu.getItem(index) == menuItem) { return true } x } x return false

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// Original for (index in 0 until menu.size()) { if (menu.getItem(index) == menuItem) { return true } x } x return false // KTX menu.contains(menuItem)

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// Implementation operator fun Menu.contains(item: MenuItem): Boolean { for (index in 0 until size()) { if (getItem(index) == item) { return true } x } x return false } x

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// Implementation operator fun Menu.contains(item: MenuItem): Boolean { for (index in 0 until size()) { if (getItem(index) == item) { return true } x } x return false } x

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menu.contains(menuItem) menu.size menu.isEmpty() menu.isNotEmpty() menu.forEach { ... } menu.forEachIndexed { i, item -> ... }

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Making Life Easier / Discoverability

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Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true, ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB))

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// Original Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true, ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB)) // KTX createBitmap(100, 100)

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// Implementation inline fun createBitmap( width: Int, height: Int, config: Bitmap.Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, hasAlpha: Boolean = true, colorSpace: ColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB) ): Bitmap { return Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config, hasAlpha, colorSpace) }x

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// Implementation inline fun createBitmap( width: Int, height: Int, config: Bitmap.Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, hasAlpha: Boolean = true, colorSpace: ColorSpace = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB) ): Bitmap { return Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, config, hasAlpha, colorSpace) }x

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val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) val canvas = Canvas(bitmap) canvas.translate(-view.scrollX.toFloat(), -view.scrollY.toFloat()) view.draw(canvas)

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// Original val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(100, 100, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) val canvas = Canvas(bitmap) canvas.translate(-view.scrollX.toFloat(), -view.scrollY.toFloat()) view.draw(canvas) // KTX view.drawToBitmap()

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sharedPrefs.edit() .putBoolean(key, value) .apply()

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// Original sharedPrefs.edit() .putBoolean( key, value x ) .apply() // KTX sharedPrefs.edit { putBoolean(key, value) }

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val builder = SpannableStringBuilder() val start = builder.length builder.append("Hello") builder.setSpan( StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, builder.length, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE )x

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// Original val builder = SpannableStringBuilder() val start = builder.length builder.append("Hello") builder.setSpan( StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, builder.length, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE )x // KTX builder.bold { append("Hello") }

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// Original val builder = SpannableStringBuilder() val start = builder.length builder.append("Hello") builder.setSpan( StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), start, builder.length, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE )x // KTX builder.bold { append("Hello") } builder.bold { italic { underline { append("Hello") } } }

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bundle.putString("Hello", “KotlinConf") bundle.putInt((“Kotlin"), 100) bundle.putBoolean("Java", false)x

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// Original bundle.putString("Hello", "KotlinConf") bundle.putInt(("Kotlin"), 100) bundle.putBoolean("Java", false)x // KTX bundleOf("Hello" to "KotlinConf", "Kotlin" to 100, "Java" to true)

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// Implementation fun bundleOf(vararg pairs: Pair) = Bundle(pairs.size).apply { for ((key, value) in pairs) { when (value) { null -> putString(key, null) // Any nullable type will suffice. // Scalars is Boolean -> putBoolean(key, value) is Byte -> putByte(key, value) is Char -> putChar(key, value) is Double -> putDouble(key, value) is Float -> putFloat(key, value) is Int -> putInt(key, value) is Long -> putLong(key, value) is Short -> putShort(key, value) // References is Bundle -> putBundle(key, value) is CharSequence -> putCharSequence(key, value) is Parcelable -> putParcelable(key, value) // Scalar arrays is BooleanArray -> putBooleanArray(key, value) is ByteArray -> putByteArray(key, value) is CharArray -> putCharArray(key, value) is DoubleArray -> putDoubleArray(key, value) is FloatArray -> putFloatArray(key, value) is IntArray -> putIntArray(key, value) is LongArray -> putLongArray(key, value) is ShortArray -> putShortArray(key, value) // Reference arrays is Array<*> -> { val componentType = @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") // Checked by reflection. when { -> { putParcelableArray(key, value as Array) } -> { putStringArray(key, value as Array) } -> { putCharSequenceArray(key, value as Array)

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db.beginTransaction() try { ...x db.setTransactionSuccessful() } finally { db.endTransaction() }x

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// Original db.beginTransaction() try { ...x db.setTransactionSuccessful() } finally { db.endTransaction() }x // KTX db.transaction { ... }

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// Original ContextCompat.getSystemService(this, // KTX getSystemService()

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view.postDelayed({ ... }, 200)

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// Original view.postDelayed({ ... }, 200) // KTX view.postDelayed(200) { ... }

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Things to keep in mind

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Conflicts with your own extensions?

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What’s good for core-ktx is not a value judgement on all extensions

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Should I still use Anko & Kotlin Android Extensions?

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Contributing to KTX

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They're "just" extensions

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Low barrier to entry

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Don't be discouraged by "no"

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Start with discussion

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AOSP: Issue tracker: 396204%20status:open

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Thank you! @dankim