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Publishing API and Continuous Deployment Júlio Zynger

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Continuous Deployment?

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Google Play Developer API

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Google Play Developer API * ● Subscriptions and In-App Purchases API ○ In-App Products ○ Product entitlements ○ Recurring sales and subscriptions ● Publishing API ○ Create and modify apps’ Listings ○ Upload new APKs ○ APK promotion to distribution tracks (alpha, beta, staged rollout and production) ● Reviews API ○ List and answer reviews * quota: 200k requests/day

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Console configuration

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Google Developer Console Enabling Google Play Android Developer API * * create a project on the console if you haven’t yet * panel Library

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Google Developer Console Getting the service account key * panel Credentials

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Google Developer Console JSON key

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Google Developer Console JSON key

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Google Developer Console secret.pem * * replace character \n with new line

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Google Play Store Console Link the app to the created project to access the API

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Google Play Store Console Grant access to the service account * check out for the address present on the client_email field in the JSON key

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Android Publisher

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Configuring the dependency compile ''

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Configuring the dependency Instantiating GoogleCredential NetHttpTransport http = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JacksonFactory json = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); Set scopes = Collections.singleton(AndroidPublisherScopes.ANDROIDPUBLISHER); File secretFile = new File(Constants.SECRET_FILE_PATH); GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder(). setTransport(http). setJsonFactory(json). setServiceAccountPrivateKeyId(Constants.KEY_ID). setServiceAccountId(Constants.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL). setServiceAccountScopes(scopes). setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromPemFile(secretFile). build();

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Configuring the dependency Instantiating GoogleCredential NetHttpTransport http = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JacksonFactory json = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); Set scopes = Collections.singleton(AndroidPublisherScopes.ANDROIDPUBLISHER); File secretFile = new File(Constants.SECRET_FILE_PATH); GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder(). setTransport(http). setJsonFactory(json). setServiceAccountPrivateKeyId(Constants.KEY_ID). setServiceAccountId(Constants.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL). setServiceAccountScopes(scopes). setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromPemFile(secretFile). build(); setServiceAccountPrivateKeyId(Constants.KEY_ID). setServiceAccountId(Constants.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL). setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromPemFile(secretFile). private_key_id client_email private_key (.pem)

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Configuring the dependency Instantiating AndroidPublisher NetHttpTransport http = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JacksonFactory json = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); GoogleCredential credential = ... AndroidPublisher publisher = new AndroidPublisher.Builder(http, json, credential). setApplicationName(PACKAGE). build();

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AppEdits AndroidPublisher publisher = ... Edits edits = publisher.edits(); // insert, get, delete AppEdit appEdit = edits.insert(PACKAGE, null).execute(); String transactionId = appEdit.getId(); ... ...

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AppEdits validate and commit AndroidPublisher publisher = ... Edits edits = publisher.edits(); // insert, get, delete AppEdit appEdit = edits.insert(PACKAGE, null).execute(); String transactionId = appEdit.getId(); ... ... edits.validate(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute(); edits.commit(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute();

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AppEdits validate and commit AndroidPublisher publisher = ... Edits edits = publisher.edits(); // insert, get, delete AppEdit appEdit = edits.insert(PACKAGE, null).execute(); String transactionId = appEdit.getId(); ... ... edits.validate(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute(); edits.commit(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute(); { "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "androidpublisher", "message" : "The full description for the app is too long for language en-US.", "reason" : "fullDescriptionTooLong" } ], "message" : "The full description for the app is too long for language en-US." }

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AppEdits Listings Edits edits = publisher.edits(); Listings listings = edits.listings(); ListingsListResponse listingsListResponse = listings.list(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute(); // Select the Listing you want to update Listing listing = listingsListResponse.getListings().get(...) listing.setFullDescription(description); listings.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, language, listing).execute(); // ... validate // ... commit

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AppEdits Listings Edits edits = publisher.edits(); Listings listings = edits.listings(); ListingsListResponse listingsListResponse = listings.list(PACKAGE, transactionId).execute(); // Select the Listing you want to update Listing listing = listingsListResponse.getListings().get(...) listing.setFullDescription(description); listings.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, language, listing).execute(); // ... validate // ... commit { "fullDescription" : string, "language" : string // e.g. "en-US", "shortDescription" : string, "title" : string, "video" : string }

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AppEdits Uploading a new APK Apks apks = edits.apks(); FileContent apkContent = new FileContent(APK_MIME_TYPE, apkFile); Apk apk = apks.upload(PACKAGE, transactionId, apkContent).execute(); int version = apk.getVersionCode();

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AppEdits Tracks Apks apks = edits.apks(); FileContent apkContent = new FileContent(APK_MIME_TYPE, apkFile); Apk apk = apks.upload(PACKAGE, transactionId, apkContent).execute(); int version = apk.getVersionCode(); Tracks tracks = edits.tracks(); List versions = Collections.singletonList(version); Track track = new Track().setVersionCodes(versions); tracks.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, trackId, track).execute();

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AppEdits Tracks Apks apks = edits.apks(); FileContent apkContent = new FileContent(APK_MIME_TYPE, apkFile); Apk apk = apks.upload(PACKAGE, transactionId, apkContent).execute(); int version = apk.getVersionCode(); Tracks tracks = edits.tracks(); List versions = Collections.singletonList(version); Track track = new Track().setVersionCodes(versions); tracks.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, trackId, track).execute(); “alpha”, “beta”, “rollout” (with userFraction), “production”

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AppEdits APKListing Apks apks = edits.apks(); FileContent apkContent = new FileContent(APK_MIME_TYPE, apkFile); Apk apk = apks.upload(PACKAGE, transactionId, apkContent).execute(); int version = apk.getVersionCode(); Tracks tracks = edits.tracks(); List versions = Collections.singletonList(version); Track track = new Track().setVersionCodes(versions); tracks.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, trackId, track).execute(); Apklistings apklistings = edits.apklistings(); ApkListing whatsnew = new ApkListing().setRecentChanges(whatsNewDescription); apklistings.update(PACKAGE, transactionId, version, language, whatsnew).execute();

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Reviews AndroidPublisher publisher = ... AndroidPublisher.Reviews reviewsApi =; List reviews = reviewsApi.list(PACKAGE).execute().getReviews(); Review specificReview = reviewsApi.get(PACKAGE, reviewId).execute(); ... ...

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Reviews AndroidPublisher publisher = ... AndroidPublisher.Reviews reviewsApi =; List reviews = reviewsApi.list(PACKAGE).execute().getReviews(); Review specificReview = reviewsApi.get(PACKAGE, reviewId).execute(); ... ... { "reviewId" : string, "authorName" : string, "comments" : [ "userComment" : { "text" : string, "starRating" : int, "device" : string, "androidOsVersion" : integer, ... }, "developerComment" : { ... } ] }

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Reviews AndroidPublisher publisher = ... AndroidPublisher.Reviews reviewsApi =; List reviews = reviewsApi.list(PACKAGE).execute().getReviews(); Review specificReview = reviewsApi.get(PACKAGE, reviewId).execute(); ReviewsReplyRequest replyRequest = new ReviewsReplyRequest().setReplyText(replyText); reviewsApi.reply(PACKAGE, reviewId, replyRequest).execute(); ... ...

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Continuous Delivery From git push to production

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Thanks! julioz juliozynger juliozynger julioz