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A culture of heptagon inc.

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Introduce myself • Kayo Sato • Live in Sendai, Japan • Infrastructure Engineer (cloud) • Linux system administrator • I have a three-year-old son.

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• Company introduction • Our unique employee benefits Today’s topic

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Introduce to heptagon inc. ɾwork from home ɾour team is 4 members ɾTeal Organization Frederic L; Reinventing Organizations ɾwe all gather once a month. ɾrecommend joining communities

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selfhack-time Our unique employee benefit

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It’s a benefit to support us growing as a person.

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What does IT engineer need to continue to create value? Growth as a person not only as engineer

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What should we do to grow as a personʁ

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Try new things What kind of thing can we do? ɾTry a new experience ɾStudy new things ɾPlay hard When can we doʁ ɾDuring the work hours ɾUp to 4 hours a week (half a day a week) ɾOur company pay part of our expenses Started from July, 2018 Launched a new employee benefit

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What had/has been done so far? ɾwent to an English conversation school ɾenjoyed the paintings at a museum ɾstudied quantum mechanics ɾdoing yoga ɾtrading in foreign exchange

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Last time I learned to wear a Kimono last time. This time, what I do is cycling. my activity

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Reaction from people aound us ɾvery good ɾwant to copy If you think it’s good, you can copy our idea!

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Thank you!