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Product Hunt Launchpad

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We're launching on Product Hunt. Here's the plan. Product Hunt features new products daily. It gets millions of visits every month. • • • • • Optimize First-Time UX Prepare assets Find a hunter Warm up Engage To launch on Product Hunt would help us raise brand awareness and generate new leads.

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Intro Objectives Best Practices Timeline

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OKRs Best Practices Next Steps Introduction

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Pitch Team-first presentation software. CleanShot X Capture your Mac’s screen like a PRO Product Hunt features new products daily. It gets millions of visits every month. Not only is it a great place to get featured for the day, it's also a search engine, content creator, and newsletter. Spoiler alert: It isn't a one-time action.

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Introduction Best Practices Next Steps OKRs

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Raise brand awareness and generate new leads that increase MRR.

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Product of the Day Upvotes Signups

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Introduction OKRs Next Steps Best Practices

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When to launch It's best to launch on Product Hunt on and .

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When to launch It's best to launch on Product Hunt at .

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Home → Specify Specify Sync your Figma files and GitHub repositories in minutes.

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• 40 characters max. • 60 characters max. • Up to 3 topics. Full list here → Home → Specify Specify Sync your Figma files and GitHub repositories in minutes.

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• • • Recommended size: 240 240px. . . . Max size: 2MB. • • Recommended size: 1270 760px. Upload 3 to 8 images. Home → Specify Specify Sync your Figma files and GitHub repositories in minutes.

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• 260 characters max. • • Starts the discussion. Supports basic .

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Introduction OKRs Best Practices Next Steps

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How we set the launchpad and what the next steps are

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We're live on Product Hunt! Specify Sync your Figma files with GitHub repositories in minutes.