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Adam Onishi LDN WebPerf @onishiweb Help! My client is a #WebPerf meetup!

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@onishiweb Tickets please!

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No content

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1. Testing & Metrics 2. Design 3. Images (1) 4. Styles & Scripts 5. Fonts

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6. Hosting 7. CDN 8. Images (2) 9. Next steps 10. Review

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@onishiweb Buy Now!

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Testing & Metrics

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https:/ /

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Metrics @onishiweb

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Speed Index Start Render PageSpeed Insights Cost

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” “How much of the above- the-fold content is visually complete over time until it is 100% complete Daniel Imms

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https:/ /

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3G in London Testing the homepage @onishiweb

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Benchmarks @onishiweb

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http:/ /

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6752 2822 5.489s 2.686s 58/100 42/100 $$$$$ http:/ /

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http:/ /

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2280 658 1.883s 0.387s 88/100 72/100 $$ http:/ /

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What about a Perf Budget? @onishiweb

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One more… @onishiweb

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No content

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Client happiness

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Performance starts at design

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” “The decisions made by designers are what typically drive the rest of how a website is built Lara Hogan

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Specifics… @onishiweb

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Banner images… @onishiweb

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Designers banner images @onishiweb

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http:/ /

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High-res banner images! @onishiweb

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What if… @onishiweb

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https:/ /

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CSS Blend Modes @onishiweb

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Reduce image quality without losing the effect @onishiweb

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Fonts @onishiweb

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Designers custom fonts @onishiweb

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Limit weights and styles @onishiweb

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Custom font for headings, system font for body @onishiweb

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Designers should know how the web works.

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@onishiweb Good designers make this stuff easy @onishiweb

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Images (1)

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Content images @onishiweb

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https:/ /

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The responsive web https:/ /

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What about when there’s a new sponsor? @onishiweb

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You can’t expect the client to do all the optimising @onishiweb

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Even if they are a #WebPerf expert! @onishiweb

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https:/ /

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2552 1400 2.296s 1.393s $

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Styles & Scripts

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Build steps… @onishiweb

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Critical path CSS @onishiweb

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” “It goes against everything we’ve been taught as front-end developers Patrick Hamann

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” “…if done correctly can be used to deliver a “one roundtrip” critical path length where only the HTML is a blocking resource. Addy Osmani

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@onishiweb • Critical • Penthouse • LoadCSS

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” “Ideally, the [above the fold] content should fit under 14KB PageSpeed Insights

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Stylestats @onishiweb

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├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ Style Sheets │ 1 ├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ Size │ 28.6KB ├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤ │ Gzipped Size │ 5.7KB ├─────────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤

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function lwp_inline_styles() { if (file_exists( get_template_directory() . '/css/ main.min.css')) { $css = file_get_contents(get_template_directory_uri() . '/ css/main.min.css'); if (false !== $css) { echo '' . $css . ''; return; } } echo ''; } add_action( 'wp_head', 'lwp_inline_styles', 50);

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Async scripts @onishiweb

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function lwp_async_defer_script($tag, $handle) { $src_async = ' async="async" defer="defer" src'; if ('webperf-scripts' === $handle) { return str_replace(' src', $src_async, $tag ); } return $tag; } add_action('script_loader_tag', 'lwp_async_defer_script');

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2548 1540 2.488s 1.381s $

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Google Fonts @onishiweb

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https:/ /

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Render blocking CSS @onishiweb

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Self-hosting Google Fonts @onishiweb

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https:/ /

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https:/ /

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2037 1334 1.592s 1.193s 84/100 85/100 $

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This could all change with PHP7 @onishiweb

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http:/ /

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http:/ /

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https:/ /

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” “At WP Engine, there’s no confusing caching plugins WPEngine blog

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Nothing enabled on staging @onishiweb

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912 800 0.891s 0.788s 99/100 99/100 $

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London, UK Chrome - ? @onishiweb

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London, UK Chrome - Cable @onishiweb

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2052 1700 1.689s 1.686s 99/100 99/100 $

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” “Quick WPT reveals a bit of image optimisation and CDN use as the main issues on home page. Perry

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” “Akamai are setting up a CDN account for us. Perry Dyball

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https:/ /

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” “ Sorry we can’t help with third-party CDNs WP Engine support

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Images (2)

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” “ a bit of image optimisation Quick WPT reveals CDN use as the main issues on home page. Perry

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https:/ /

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You can’t expect the client to do all the optimising @onishiweb

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Dimensions: 2044 × 1150 @onishiweb

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Before: 2044 × 1150 (103Kb) After: 400 × 212 (11Kb) @onishiweb

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add_image_size( 'speaker-thumb', 55, 55, true ); add_image_size( 'event-image', 400, 212, true );

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2144 1356 1.783s 1.286s 99/100 99/100 $

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Next Steps…

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@onishiweb 1. Investigate TTFB 2. Reduce first render 3. Investigate browser cache 4. Service Worker (PWA)

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Design with performance in mind @onishiweb

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Do the work so your content editors don’t have to @onishiweb

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Always be open to better tools @onishiweb

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Keep testing consistent @onishiweb

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Benchmarks @onishiweb

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6752 5.489s 58/100 $$$$$ Meetup 2280 1.883s 88/100 $$ FEL 2144 1.783s 99/100 $ WebPerf

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26 14 WebPerf FEL 172 KB 552 KB

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Make sure you’re adjusting for the right metric

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https:/ /

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Adam Onishi LDN WebPerf @onishiweb Thanks!

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Reading list / Thanks Pro WordPress Theme Development by Adam Onishi http:/ / Designing for Performance by Lara Hogan http:/ / Designers Guide to Web Performance by Jon Yablonski: http:/ / Emoji’s from Emoji One http:/ / Doorman icon by Dan Hetteix - The Noun Project https:/ / Slides and Paisley Shirt icon by Margarida Sousa