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From Docker’Fail to Dockerfile Djalal Elbaz @enlamp DevOps Consultant Mohammed Aboullaite @laytoun Backend engineer, Spotify

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Agenda ● coding like on my laptop ● building anything and testing by hand ● ignore cache and download the internet the production-like misunderstanding blindly include secrets and vulnerabilities tags are mutable ● health checks can kill your production… ● multiple processes in same container ● security as a second thought

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Demos! ● Mostly using Docker ● Container orchestrator agnostic ● CI/CD tool agnostic ● Works everywhere!

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Dockerfail #1 Coding like my laptop

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Dockerfail #1: coding like my laptop ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ One COPY to rule them all ( COPY . . ) ◆ Duplicate “COPY” lines ◆ Consecutive “RUN” ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ use a linter that will check syntax: hadolint ◆ Hadolint packs dozens of syntax rules ◆ Bonus: Enable a pre-commit hook in git to protect coworkers from the same branch

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Dockerfail #2 building anything and testing by hand

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Dockerfail #2: building anything and testing by hand ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Installs unwanted packages in final image ◆ Does not have a clue when critical versions change ◆ Oftentimes, the build is successful with incorrect content. ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Write a test suite, using container-test-tool by google ● Assert expected content, ● But also assert unwanted content ◆ Bonus: run as a pre commit git hook

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Dockerfail #3 ignore cache and download the internet

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Dockerfail #3: ignore cache and download the internet [at your own risk] ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Each build downloads hundred of packages ◆ Dependencies are never cached ◆ It takes minutes to rebuild between code patches ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Add content in docker image from most static to most dynamic ◆ Split COPY and RUN instructions by distance source: ● from internet ● from internal servers ● from Code from internal repo Example: OS -> system packages -> maven dependencies -> internal tooling -> code

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Success… Well, Almost!

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Dockerfail #4: the production-like misunderstanding

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Dockerfail #4: the production-like misunderstanding ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ vs in the same repo ◆ Dirty Hacks in a Dockerfile with shell conditions like ● RUN if [$IS_DEV] apt-get install -yq xdebug ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Multi stage builds ◆ Using per env profiles

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Dockerfail #5 blindly include secrets and vulnerabilities

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Dockerfail #5: blindly include secrets and vulnerabilities ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ “Oops moments” when you inadvertently find “sensitive content” in docker images ◆ Like all silent bugs, it’s hard to detect by peer reviews, does not hurt until it’s too late ◆ Deleting from previous layer doesn’t actually delete it from docker image! ➔ Better dockerfile ◆ Using the multi stage build to scan for secrets and fail builds as soon as possible. ◆ Use built in secret management functionality ◆ Stop CI pipeline from pushing such images in docker registry

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Dockerfail #6 tags are mutable, changes occur behind the scene

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Dockerfail #6: tags are mutable, changes get lost ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Using latest, prod or “stable” tag to deploy in production. ◆ not having a 1-1 relation from code to docker images ● (“what git SHA1 is running in production?”) ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Collect docker image content, via docker sbom new CLI command (experimental) ◆ Use a git repository as an auditing space for Software Bill of Materials ◆ Multi tag and label each docker image (git SHA1, build number, timestamp, etc.) ● Bonus: some Docker registries block tag reuse,, enable it if you can!

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But wait… What about production!

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Dockerfail #7 health checks can kill your production

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Dockerfail #7: health checks can kill your production ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Uncalled restarts ◆ Slowness in changes ◆ Orchestrator confusion, moving pods around for no reason ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ take time to design a real-world healthcheck ● Start by a readiness probe (HEALTHCHECK instruction in Dockerfile) ● Add a livenessProbe ● Slow start? Add a startupProbe, with the new K8s v 1.19 ● Use observability data to adjust the many per-probe settings

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Dockerfail #8 multiple processes in same container/pod

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Dockerfail #8: multiple processes in same container/pod ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Installing supervisord / systemd process managers ◆ Installing a SSH server in a Dockerfile ◆ Scaling the world! (tightly coupled components) ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Split the app into scoped services: frontend, api, backend, cache, storage, etc. ◆ Use one Dockerfile per service ◆ Manage them all with the proper abstraction: docker-compose.yml, kustomize specs, Helm chart, etc.

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Dockerfail #9 security as a second thought

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Dockerfail #9: security as a second thought ➔ Signs of Dockerfail ◆ Vulnerabilities (obviously) ◆ DAST and SAST tools on fire! ➔ Better Dockerfile ◆ Scan production images in a container ◆ Drop all kernel capabilities, and enable them one by one as needed ◆ Run containers as non-root users, and in read-only mode, writing only in explicitly declared volumes ◆ Run container runtime (e.g containerd) in user namespace, and not as root daemon

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Dockerfail #10: You probably don’t need a Dockerfile! ➔ How to build an OCI compliant image ◆ Docker build ◆ Buildkit (Docker) ◆ BuildPack ◆ Jib (Google) ◆ kaniko (Google) ◆ orca-build (Aleksa Sarai) ◆ img (Jessie Frazelle) ◆ buildah (RedHat) ◆ umoci (SuSE) ◆ Bazel (Google) ◆ S2I (RedHat) ◆ Package (metaparticle) ◆ Systemd-nspawn ◆ LXC

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@enlamp @laytoun Thanks - Kiitos ● Questions? Resources ➔ Code source ◆ ➔ Links ◆ Awesome-docker ◆ Play-with-docker TL;DR – 10 “Dockerfine” 1. Linting 2. Testing 3. Caching 4. Multi Staging 5. Secrets 6. Deploying 7. Monitoring 8. Scaling 9. Scanning/Signing 10. Adapting