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❤ A Kotlin Journey @dankim

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❤ My Kotlin Journey

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It's always worth reflecting

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To start conversations

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Stages of learning

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) Life stages

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) Four life stages of a Kotlin journey

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Stage 1: Toddler

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Seems cool, but...

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- Jump off the fence!

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You'll be a happier (and better) programmer!

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Would you truly be happy working in this environment eight hours a day? This is especially important for choosing a programming language. Happiness has a cascading effect. Happy programmers do the right thing. They write simple, readable code. They take clean, expressive, readable, elegant approaches. They have fun. In summary, your team needs to work with tools they love. Choose the fuse that gets people excited. You’ll generate excitement and motivation and a better product as a result. — DHH

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Capable language ➡ fulfilling work ➡ happiness ➡ better choices ➡ better habits ➡ better programmer!

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⏰ Tremendous time savings (compared to Java)

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⌫ Less code, plain and simple

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Everything is easier and faster

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Fewer bugs (hopefully?)

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Kotlin has a bright future

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5 The philosophy behind Kotlin

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Readability Reuse Interoperability Safety and tooling

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Slow and steady

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Stage 2: Hey kiddo!

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You got a lotta questions

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I have (some) answers!

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Start with small conversions

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=✅ Do something real (aka, not tests)

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Getting excited is important!

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Models, utilities, adapters

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A Forget about being perfect

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Serious rabbit holes

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Focus on a few key concepts that click for you

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Stage 3: The teenage years

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This is a pretty fun stage!

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Falling in love

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You're gonna make a bunch of mistakes

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It's OK!

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Take a breath and slow down

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♻ Revisit and go deep

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Dig deep into the stdlib

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Phase 4: Adult (mostly)

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Things are comfortable

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A period of calm productivity

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A real appreciation for Kotlin

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What's next?

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✨ Focus on code clarity

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P Embrace your curiosity

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Breadth or depth?

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R Don't follow the crowd

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S ➡ ➡ Stages 5, 6, 7...?

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This is just one possible journey

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Stay connected to the community

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Good luck! @dankim