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Common questions

How do I report a bug, ask for help, or give you a high-five?

Send an email to [email protected].

How do I sign up for Speaker Deck?

Head over to our sign up page. Then, enter a username, your email address, password, and password confirmation.

The username will be part of your url on Speaker Deck (example: http://speakerdeck.com/jnunemaker). Finally click the Sign Up button below the form.

A few minutes after clicking Sign Up you should receive an email to confirm your account. If you do not receive that email you can contact us directly at [email protected]. Send us the email address and username you signed up with and we will get in touch to activate your account.

How do I upload a deck?

Sign into your Speaker Deck account and click Upload a deck at the top of the page. You will be presented with a form to upload a PDF.

Click the browse and select link and a file browser will open. Select the PDF you want to upload and then click Ok.

When the PDF has finished uploading you will see a Save this deck button. Optionally enter a name and description and select a category for the deck and then click Save this deck

How do I share a deck?

Whether you are viewing a deck on speakerdeck.com or embedded on someone site you can click in the bottom right hand corner of the deck to get several options for sharing.

  • Link: share the link to the deck or a specific slide in the deck
  • Embed: place the script tag on your website to embed the deck or the deck at a specific slide
  • Twitter & Facebook: Use the Tweet or Like button to share a deck or slide with your followers on Twitter or Facebook

To keep your decks private on Speaker Deck, but embeddable on your website, you'll need to become a Pro and select who can see the deck as Only those with the private URL or Only those with the password.

Note: Decks set to Only myself are not shareable.

How do I disallow downloads of my decks?

Disallowing downloads is supported for Pro accounts. If you are a Pro:

  • Go to My Account
  • Check the Disallow Downloads box under Settings.
  • Click the Update Profile button.

How do I hide Speaker Deck branding?

Hiding branding when embedding your deck on an external website is supported for Pro accounts. If you are a Pro:

  • Go to My Account
  • Check the Hide Branding box under Settings.
  • Click the Update Profile button.

How many decks can I upload?

We have upload limits primarily to prevent abuse. We currently allow 10 uploads per day up to a total of 100 all time. Upload limits do not apply to those with pro accounts.

How large of a deck can I upload?

The PDF that you upload cannot be larger than 150 MB.

Why does my deck look low quality?

We recommend decks that are at least 1024px wide. If they are not as wide as that, sometimes the quality can suffer.

If your deck is at least that wide and you are still having quality issues, please email [email protected] and we'll take a look.

How do I use oEmbed to display a deck on my site?

Every deck on Speaker Deck has the oEmbed endpoint as a link tag in the header so it can be automatically detected by sites like Embed.ly.

For more documentation on oEmbed please see oembed.com. Our oEmbed endpoint is: https://speakerdeck.com/oembed.json so requesting an oEmbed would look like this: https://speakerdeck.com/oembed.json?url=URL_OF_THE_DECK

Here is a fully functioning example: https://speakerdeck.com/oembed.json?url=https://speakerdeck.com/jnunemaker/atom

What happens if I follow another user?

Following is a great way to keep up to date with friends or other Speaker Deck users who post decks you are interested in. If you view any profile on Speaker Deck (e.g. @jnunemaker or @orderedlist), you will see an option to Follow the user. If you click the follow button, we will send you an email whenever the user you follow publishes a new deck.

What file types do you support?

Speaker Deck only supports PDF. Most modern deck software will let you export your deck to PDF.

There is a deck that violates the Terms of Service, what should I do?

Please send us a link to the offending deck to [email protected].

Someone is using my copyrighted material without permission, what should I do?

Speaker Deck LLC supports the protection of intellectual property and asks the users of the website speakerdeck.com to do the same. It is the policy of Speaker Deck LLC to respond to all notices of alleged copyright infringement. Use our DMCA form to submit a takedown notice.