Creating relevant decks is hard. Sharing them shouldn’t be.

Upgrade to Speaker Deck Pro to get our most-requested updates and enhancements–from priority and unlimited uploading to increased control of your decks.

Check out the upgrades
Yearly Save 17%
Yearly Save 17%
  • Password protection
  • Private URLs
  • Disabled downloads
  • Slide captions
  • Delayed publishing
  • Ad-free

Sign up or Sign in to subscribe to Speaker Deck Pro

Trusted by individuals and teams across the world

  • SugarCRM
  • Mercari
  • Plaid
  • Line Dev Community
Speaker Deck

Join the community of top developers, educators, illustrators, speakers, recruiters, & marketers

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Radio button showing privacy options

Add Privacy

Sleep well knowing your decks are in the right hands. Add a password to your presentation so that only your clients or people you specify have access.

Sign up or Sign in to subscribe to Speaker Deck Pro

Add slide notes

A picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes you need to add additional context to your presentations. Add custom text to each slide to give viewers more insights and clarity.

Sign up or Sign in to subscribe to Speaker Deck Pro

Mocked interface showing adding a note to a slide

Pro Features

Password protection

Take control of your privacy through password-protected access.

Faster uploads

Speaker Deck Pro subscribers get priority processing speeds for faster presentation uploads.

Delayed publishing

Automatically publish your presentation at the pre-scheduled date and time of your choosing.

Customize URLs

Make presentation updates without changing the URL. For added security, you can use a private URL.

PRO Pro badge
Add a layer of legitimacy to your digital presence with our exclusive Pro badge.

Disabled downloads

Keep your presentation from falling into the wrong hands by disabling downloads.

Limitless uploads

Upload as many presentations as you would like (up to 150MB each).

Custom captions

Add notes to your presentations for additional context using our caption feature.

Brand and Ad-Free

Use Speaker Deck without ads and showcase your presentations without our branding.

Custom Notes

Add notes to each of your slides to give viewers more insights and clarity.


Organize your decks for easier navigation inside your account.

What our PRO members are saying…

“As a regular speaker, I need a convincing and easy way to share the slides from my talks. For many years I used Slideshare, but recent changes to that platform make it basically unusable. With the new 'import from Slideshare' feature in Speakerdeck Pro, I was able to import all my existing slides decks AND bring across the viewing and favourite metrics. It took me about 15 mins to import over 30 slide decks - so easy! I love the look and feel of Speakerdeck and the ad-free viewer experience is respectful of people viewing the slides. I highly recommend Speakerdeck Pro to anyone who needs to share slides online!”

Matthew Skelton
Founder at Conflux and co-author of Team Topologies

Compare Plans

Daily upload limit10Unlimited
Upload file size limit150MB250MB
Lifetime upload limit100Unlimited
Priority slide processing 
Upload a profile photo
Add a personal introduction
Feature presentations on your profile 
Social sharing
Disable Social sharing buttons 
Embed on your website (including Wix, WordPress, Weebly, or any other website)
Scheduled publishing 
Password protect decks 
Create private URLs 
Disallow downloads 
Restrict embedding to specific domains 
Share uploads with the world
Customize URLs 
Remove SD branding 
Add slide notes 
Remove ads 
Create collections 
Customize progress bar color on embedded decks 

Join the Pros

See how Speaker Deck Pro can make sharing your decks faster, more flexible, and informative.
Sign up or Sign in to subscribe to Speaker Deck Pro

Common questions

What are the advantages of Speaker Deck Pro? Speaker Deck Pro goes beyond our free plan with enhanced privacy, faster uploads, helpful captions, and so much more. All the while, you’ll be first in line for the many new features we are in the process of creating. That’s unlike SlideShare, which has had the same features for years.
How many presentations can I upload? As many as you’d like! Speaker Deck Pro unlocks truly unlimited uploads for presentations up to 150MB each. Our free account is limited to 10 per day and 100 over the lifetime of the account.
Am I locked into a contract after paying? Absolutely not! You may cancel anytime before the next renewal payment to avoid future charges, whether that’s monthly or annually. Even if you cancel, you can still access your decks on your downgraded free account.
My question wasn’t answered… For additional questions, feature ideas, and more, we invite you to reach out to us at