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Helping Open Source

Helping Open Source

How to contribute to Open Source. Presenting at Djangothon India at Hacker Earth on 24 Aug 2015

Arun Ravindran

August 23, 2015

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • Am I allowed? • Beyond me? • Will they

    get offended? • My code isn’t good enough • Someone else will fix it They are all wrong… Common Excuses for NOT Contributing
  2. Working in GitHub • Include usual stuff ◦ README ◦

    License ◦ Docs ◦ Tests • Create Issues !! ◦ Check before you submit • Write Pull Requests ◦ Fork into yours ◦ Clone locally ◦ Use common idioms ◦ Create branch ◦ Run tests
  3. Contributing to Django Report bugs in Django’s ticket tracker Share

    ideas at django-developers mailing list Submit patches (low-hanging in easy pickings) Improve docs or tests Review patches