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Git Basics

Awin Abi
February 25, 2015

Git Basics

Awin Abi

February 25, 2015


  1. Setup & Config  Create a public repo in Github

     Install git in local apt-get install git  ssh setup https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-ke ys/  Add global config for git in local git config --global user.name "Awin Abi" git config --global user.email [email protected]
  2. Daily Git  Clone git clone <repo>  Add changes

    git add <file>  Status git status  Commit git commit  Log git log  Push git push origin master  Pull git pull origin master
  3. Branching & Merging  A branch is a movable pointer

    to one of these commits  New Branch git checkout -b <branchname>  Switch Branch git checkout <branchname>  Merge git checkout master git merge <branch>
  4. Pull Request  Create a new branch from master for

    a new ticket '33452/fix-approver-view'  Make changes and commit  Push the new branch to github  Create pull request  Comment / Review  Merge Pull Request https://guides.github.com/introduction/flow/
  5. Git Session II  Simple merge  Merge with conflicts

     Rebase  Meld and Netbeans Git
  6. Notes  Download Git plugin for Netbeans 6.9:: https://code.google.com/p/nbgit/downloads/detail?name=nbgit-0.4- netbeans-6.9.nbm&can=2&q=0.4

     Install meld tool:: sudo apt-get install meld  Configure meld as diff and merge tool:: git config --global diff.external meld git config --global merge.tool meld