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Contentful's Fast Forward 2021 Day 2 Keynote

November 04, 2021

Contentful's Fast Forward 2021 Day 2 Keynote

Join Salma Alam-Naylor and Stefan Judis on a journey through time where they explore how content management and software development has evolved.

The need for flexible content started with native mobile apps ten years ago, but the solution became so much more. Let's find out how Contentful's idea of API-first content unlocked speed, flexibility, developer happiness and most importantly — innovation on the web.


November 04, 2021


  1. © 2021 Contentful Backbone.js Initial commit Sep 30 2010 First

    release Oct 13 2010 AngularJS Initial commit Jan 6 2010 First release Oct 20 2010 2010
  2. © 2021 Contentful ReactJS First public commit May 29 2013

    First public release July 2 2013 2013
  3. © 2021 Contentful [We need to] create mobile apps faster

    and combine the advantage of native mobile applications with the ease of maintenance of websites. — Sascha Konietzke, Co-Founder, CSO On Hacker News, some time in 2011
  4. © 2021 Contentful Since moving to Contentful we've been able

    to create our own stack that's super fast. [...] and all of that has reduced that page load time significantly, which [...] is a key indicator for Google to determine your ranking on pages. — Ty Magnin Director of Content and Web, UI Path
  5. © 2021 Contentful Today we are more connected. We work

    faster. And everything we do can be updated instantly. — Claudia Kim Vice President and Global Brand Director , Shiseido Professional
  6. © 2021 Contentful Contentful allows us to build new pages

    in just hours rather than days. — Candace Green-O’Leary Director of Marketing , Rangle
  7. © 2021 Contentful A platform lets you easily add new

    capabilities We heard from Paolo yesterday…
  8. © 2021 Contentful Server + Database Set up Maintain CMS

    Set up Maintain Locked into front end templates Scale Manually up and down Down time! Things broke Updates Migrations Bad data
  9. © 2021 Contentful JS Client-side JavaScript APIs Services Decoupled from

    monolithic CMS’ Markup Static HTML Served from CDNs PROFIT Move at the speed of light!
  10. © 2021 Contentful This brought a proper software architecture to

    the frontend workflow and empowered frontend developers to iterate much faster. “Modern Web Development on the Jamstack” — O’Reilly and Netlify (2019)
  11. © 2021 Contentful Built-in Modern hosting and frameworks provide Serverless

    functions Fast + cheap Do “back end stuff” without a full hosted application Accessible Low barrier to entry No server maintenance Auto scale Your CDN takes care of it!
  12. © 2021 Contentful “Modern Web Development on the Jamstack” —

    O’Reilly and Netlify (2019) Small frontend teams can take on large projects with little or no operations and backend support.
  13. © 2021 Contentful JavaScript Pre-rendering Serverless functions Software as a

    Service Git integration JSON APIs Markup Automated releases Preview URLs Infrastructure CDNs at the edge JavaScript APIs Markup
  14. © 2021 Contentful SSR HTML Generated at request-time, every time

    SSG Static HTML Generated at build-time ISR Static HTML Revalidated at intervals Regenerated via SSG in the background DPR Static HTML Generated once at request-time Cached at the edge for future requests
  15. © 2021 Contentful Thanks to the innovators [...], the amount

    of work that is possible by a single developer is now astronomical. “Modern Web Development on the Jamstack” — O’Reilly and Netlify (2019)
  16. © 2021 Contentful You really don’t want to build your

    own CMS Don’t reinvent the wheel!
  17. © 2021 Contentful The App Framework is low-code tools for

    developers to build apps for content creation and orchestration
  18. © 2021 Contentful At the core of every business is

    content Don’t reinvent the wheel!