I gave a talk at Sydney Python for September 2016, specifically regarding how money is created in our modern economy, and why so many people misunderstand debt.
The talk was partially live-coded through with a iPython Notebook, simulating a economy. That iPython notebook will be shared soon.
Some of the results have been reincorporated into the slides with some new notations. Some slides have been edited from when the presentation was given (for more clarity). A last slide has been added to round off the presentation, which I felt didn't finish too correctly.
Code: https://github.com/chewxy/economy-sim
View: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/chewxy/economy-sim/blob/master/How%20To%20Make%20Money.ipynb
Play: http://mybinder.org/repo/chewxy/economy-sim
Writeup: http://blog.chewxy.com/2016/09/30/how-to-make-money/